Resting Loon  

                                                    e-Newsletter Vol. 31
In This Issue
Event Spotlight: Lake Sunapee Loon Cruise
Birdathon/Bloomathon Results

Upcoming Events

6/9-8/29; 3 pm

6/29; 11 am - 2 pm

7/10-8/21; 7:30 pm

7/11; 8 am - 12 pm

7/19; 8 - 9 am

7/19; 10 am - 2 pm
Did You Know?
  Male and female loons both help with nest building.

Photos courtesy of 
Kittie Wilson
What's that call?
Have you ever wondered what the different loon vocalizations mean?
Contact Us 
P.O. Box 604
Lee's Mill Road
Moultonborough, NH 03254
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I am very excited to report that we exceeded our goal during the May membership drive! Thank you to the 40 new members who joined LPC during the month of May. And congratulations to Gary & Linda Douville, the winners of the beautiful loon photo taken by Brian Reilly.  
As of June 1, more than 40 loon nests have been initiated and there are active nests in all of our monitoring regions. In fact, we might even see our first loon chicks this week!
Our annual benefit raffle just got underway last week. Raffle items include a patchwork and applique loon quilt, framed loon in flight quill art and an Old Town Heron Kayak. Thanks to June Pease, Sandra White and Irwin Marine for generously donating these items, respectively. Raffle tickets can be purchased in person at The Loon Center or by calling LPC at 603-476-5666. Click here for more information. 

If you are visiting the Lakes Region this summer, make sure to stop by The Loon Center to say hello. Our front porch is adorned with beautiful hanging baskets donated by Moulton Farm. Each year we float a nesting raft that can be seen from a vantage point on the Markus Wildlife Sanctuary trail overlooking Lake Winnipesaukee. Although the pair is not nesting yet, they are often seen in the bay, so bring your binoculars and enjoy the trail!


In the last issue I mentioned that the nest cameras will help us learn more about predation and nest attentiveness, but I forgot to say they might also give us more information about human disturbance and nest failures as well.  Was a loon flushed off the nest by a boater prior to the eggs being taken by a raccoon (thanks Tiffany for the example)?  Often times, we find tracks nearby so we assume the cause of nest failure, but there might actually be more to the story.  These are the types of questions we hope to answer with these cameras.

Lastly, I want to remind you that LPC biologists are available to give a presentation to your group on the natural history of loons, threats facing loons and ways we can protect loons in NH. For more information or to schedule a talk, please email me at [email protected].

All the best,

Lake Sunapee Loon Cruise
Come aboard the M/V Mount Sunapee II for a lovely evening dinner cruise as well as an informative talk on New Hampshire's loons.

WHEN: Wednesday, June 25th, 6:00 pm boarding time

WHERE: Tour departs from the town dock in Sunapee Harbor

WHAT: A buffet dinner cruise on Lake Sunapee including a short talk by Harry Vogel, Executive Director of the Loon Preservation Committee, on loons, challenges facing loons and LPC's work to safeguard New Hampshire's threatened loon population.

COST: $49 per person (includes dinner and cruise); cash bar.

Guests enjoying dinner and conversation with LPC Executive Director Harry Vogel aboard the M/V Sunapee last summer.

Purchase tickets by calling Lake Sunapee Protective Association (LSPA) at 603-763-2210. 
Space is limited so reserve your seat soon!

All proceeds benefit New Hampshire's loons and the lake!

Exclusive Sunapee Cruise Raffle!
Guests can purchase tickets on board the boat for an exclusive cruise raffle! Items include a "Loon Reflections" photo book and a stunning loon photograph printed as a gallery wrap on canvas courtesy of John and Kittie Wilson, as well as a Lake Sunapee Fish Poster and a Loon Island Light Serigraph donated by LSPA.
2014 Birdathon/Bloomathon Results
The 2014 Birdathon took place on May 16 and although they did not break any records this year, they ended the day with a very respectable total of 120 species.  
Here's a short re-cap from one of the participants, Ned Beecher:
"At 4:15, I was on Cleveland Hill Road in central Tamworth to see if I could hear a Whip-poor-will recently heard there.  Nothing.  And that would be the first of several species we've had in recent years that would not be included on the 2014 list.  But a Barred Owl called (one of a few heard by the team that day), and, visiting White Lake, I heard my first-of-year Wood Pewee.  I visited the reliable Great Blue Heron rookery south of Route 25 in Ossipee, where there was also a Northern Mockingbird and a Veery at Constitution Park.  The Fish Crow was checking the dumpsters in West Ossipee, as usual.
Meanwhile, Bob was scouting in his neighborhood by Thompson Preserve, getting the Wilson's Snipe, American Bittern, Virginia Rail, Marsh Wren, Lincoln's Sparrow, Tennessee and Mourning Warblers, and a Yellow-throated Vireo.  At the large Ambrose gravel pit, kestrels are nesting again in boxes he erected a couple of years back, and the Vesper Sparrow is in residence too.  There was a Brown Thrasher, but there were none of the shorebirds that sometimes stop by.  The potential for approaching last year's B/B record of 127 species was slipping away.
Ken, new to the team this year, was all over Sandwich picking up a loon, Ruffed Grouse and turkey, Great-Crested Flycatcher, Double-crested Cormorant, and, at Mead Base, a Savannah Sparrow and Bobolink.  He and Tony saw a Peregrine Falcon near Tony's house, as well as a Hooded Merganser and an Olive-sided Flycatcher (at Chick's Corner).  Tony had the Wood Duck , the Red-bellied Woodpecker, a Purple Finch, and a Warbling Vireo.  Jane, who had to work at the Moultonborough Library, saw a now-rare House Finch there (and she had a bittern and other overlapping species too).
It was now 9:00 am, and Bob was driving Tony, Ken, and myself to hear the Prairie Warbler and towhee in the pine barrens on the east edge of Tamworth.  We then went north, past Chocorua Lake, to the Paugus Brook - James Pond area.  The forest is of mixed age, with some recent cuts.  Not far in was a flock of warblers the likes of which we have not had on B/B day in many years:  16 species in 10 minutes!  When Tony had a Blackpoll later on, the day's warbler total reached 23.
In the afternoon, I hiked up into the clouds on the Brook Trail on Chocorua, getting a Northern Harrier (on the road in), Gold-crowned Kinglet, junco, and Boreal Chickadee (but no montane thrushes).  And Tiffany was on Squam Lake, as usual, seeing the resident Bald Eagle, an Osprey, Herring Gull, and White-winged Scoters."
On the bloom side of things on May 17:
"The blooms were behind this year, especially after the long winter and cool spring.  Early-blooming species such as Trailing Arbutus and Columbine were easier to find.  John had Nodding Trillium, Dwarf Raspberry, Leatherleaf, and Bog Rosemary. Tony confirmed the Early Saxifrage near his house.  But, once again, Chris saw most of the day's total of 69, just as B/B founder Betty Steele used to do, single-handedly, in years past."
Thanks to the entire B/B team: Tony Vazzano, Bob Ridgely, Ken Klapper, Ned Beecher, Jane Rice, Tiffany Grade, John Cooley, Juno Lamb and Chris Clyne, for their efforts to raise money for loon conservation in NH.  Click here for the full list of birds and here for the complete list of blooms.
The Loon Preservation Committee is dedicated to restoring and maintaining a healthy population of loons throughout New Hampshire; monitoring the health and productivity of loon populations as sentinels of environmental quality; and promoting a greater understanding of loons and the natural world.

Susie Burbidge
Outreach/Volunteer Coordinator
Loon Preservation Committee