Upcoming Events
March 20; 7 pm at
The Loon Center
Spring Migration Gathering
April 12
Annual Luncheon & Benefit Auction
June 29
Lunchtime in Nova Scotia!
Photos by Reigh Higgins |
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Have you sent in your Annual Appeal donation yet? It's not too late!
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P.O. Box 604
Lee's Mill Road
Moultonborough, NH 03254
March is here which means we are getting ready for the Northeast Loon Study Working Group (NELSWG) meeting at LPC in just a few weeks. This 2-day annual meeting gives us a chance to meet with other loon researchers from non-profit organizations, state and federal agencies and universities to share ideas and develop cooperative research projects focusing on loons in the Northeast. In addition to hosting the meeting, LPC staff will be giving presentations on milfoil, herbicides, and loons; an update on the Squam Lake Loon Initiative; an update on our lead-free tackle outreach efforts; and community-based social marketing to promote lead free fishing.
We are also getting ready for our 3rd annual Spring Migration Event on April 12 at Magic Foods Catering on Route 25 in Moultonborough. More details are coming soon! The 2014 Summer Nature Talks Series schedule is shaping up. Topics include everything from loons to owls and bears to coyotes! Make sure to check our website this spring for the full line-up. The first talk is on July 10 and they continue every Thursday through August 21.
In the last e-newsletter, I introduced you to the Pacific Loon. This month we focus on a bird that was considered the same species until recently, the Arctic Loon (Gavia arctica). It breeds only in the far western part of Alaska in very isolated locations. Click here or scroll down for more information about this interesting bird.
Given the extreme cold weather we've had this winter I am guessing we are going to have a late ice-out this year. What do you think? For those of you who enjoy birding along the coast at this time of the year, we'd love to hear if you are seeing any loons out there and whether they are starting to molt into their breeding plumage. Feel free to post your comments on LPC's Facebook page.
All the best,
Species Profile: Arctic Loon (Gavia arctica)
The Arctic Loon, also known as the Black-throated Diver, has similar plumage characteristics to the Pacific Loon (see e-News Vol. 25), but in breeding plumage the nape is a darker gray and the foreneck has more conspicuous white lines. The Arctic Loon is bigger than the Pacific Loon (although there is some overlap) and has a larger bill that is often held upwards at a slight angle.
It is most easily distinguished from other loon species by the white patch along the flanks, which is most visible when the bird is floating on top of the water. Before diving, Arctic Loons stretch their neck out completely and jump up slightly before going underwater. This behavior is quite different from our Common Loon, who is very stealthy and can submerge without a sound.
Unfortunately I could not find much more information about the Arctic Loon in North America. It would be a fascinating species to study, but I think the field conditions would be quite rough! It would also be interesting to look more into their contaminant load, considering much of the (Siberian) population winters along the Asian coast.
Stay tuned for the next e-newsletter to learn more about the Yellow-billed Loon.
*Information for this article was summarized from the Birds of North America Online Species Account. |
The Song That Loon Is Singing
Where lakes are clear,
Waters quiet,
Stars so close above.
Where trees abound Wildlife florish, And all around is love.
Come dance with Loon, Come sing his song, Come share his joy of living.
Believe in all things magical, And the song that Loon is singing.
Photo courtesy of Kittie Wilson
* Special thanks to an anonymous author for sending in this great poem. Do you have one you would like to share? Please send it to: volunteers@loon.org.
The Loon Preservation Committee is dedicated to restoring and maintaining a healthy population of loons throughout New Hampshire; monitoring the health and productivity of loon populations as sentinels of environmental quality; and promoting a greater understanding of loons and the natural world.
Susie Burbidge Outreach/Volunteer Coordinator Loon Preservation Committee |