Species Profile: Red-throated Loon
The Red-throated Loon (Gavia stellata) is the smallest of the loon species, weighing between 2-5 pounds. During the breeding season, they are easily identified by the gray head and neck and deep red throat patch. Unlike other loon species, Red-throated Loons have primarily dark backs while breeding, with white spots more visible in the winter (see photo below). Their bills are thinner than other loon species and often tilted upward.
Photo of Red-throated Loon in winter plumage by Reigh Higgins
Unlike Common Loons who need a long runway to take flight, Red-throated Loons can take off directly from land. They breed in the Arctic, usually on remote ponds, but travel to foraging grounds away from the breeding territory. After feeding themselves, they carry single fish back to their chicks. This is a behavior only rarely documented in Common Loons, but it has been witnessed by John Rockwood right here in New Hampshire on Millen Pond in the town of Washington.
Females usually lay two eggs and both the male and female take turns incubating the eggs. However, they do not carry their chicks on their backs. The Arctic Fox is the main predator of eggs, but other predators of eggs and chicks include several avian species such as the Parasitic Jaeger, Herring Gull and Glaucous Gull, to name a few. Fledglings and adults travel to the ocean together, but then disperse usually within a week of their arrival.
Red-throated Loons have a total of nine calls, but unlike the other loon species males do not yodel. Instead, both the male & female join each other in a territorial duet, which is similar to the yodel of the male Common Loon in terms of structure and meaning.
Populations have declined in recent years, but the cause is still unknown. Red-throated loons are susceptible to oil spills and habitat loss, but unfortunately many band recoveries have come from mortalities due to entanglement in fishing nets.
Stay tuned for the next e-newsletter to learn more about Pacific Loons!
* Information for this article was summarized from the Birds of North America Online Species Account.