Upcoming Events
October 17; 7 pm
at The Loon Center
November 30; 10 - 2
at The Loon Center
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The Loon Center is open 7 days/week from 9 am - 5 pm until Columbus Day.
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Just in time for Fall!
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P.O. Box 604
Lee's Mill Road
Moultonborough, NH 03254
Happy Fall! You may notice adult loons are starting to turn grey just behind the base of the bill as they begin to molt into their winter or basic plumage. These feathers are the first ones to be replaced.
Photo by Kittie Wilson
It's not uncommon to see groups of loons together in late summer and fall. They often spend time socializing before heading to their ocean wintering grounds. The adults are less territorial because their chicks (now juveniles) are able to fend for themselves. There is also a decrease in hormones at this time of the season so they don't feel the need to defend their territory like they did in the spring.
Photo by Kittie Wilson
As you already know, Governor Maggie Hassan signed Senate Bill 89 into law in a ceremonial signing at The Loon Center on August 27, 2013. Nearly 100 members, volunteers and supporters came to witness this monumental event.
Pictured from left to right: Tom O'Brien, NH Lakes Association President; Harry Vogel, LPC Senior Biologist and Executive Director; Sheridan Brown, LPC Legislative Coordinator; Sen. Forrester; Gov. Hassan; Rep. Ben Lefebvre (Grantham); Kittie and John Wilson of New London (longtime LPC and NH Lakes volunteers). Not pictured, unfortunately, are Sen. Odell and Rep. Dave Kidder, who also represent Upper Valley towns. Photo courtesy of Debbie Brown.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of our volunteers who helped during the field season and beyond. Without their help, we would not be able to accomplish our mission of protecting loons and their habitats in New Hampshire.
All the best,
2013 Census Results
This year 596 volunteers came out to participate in our annual loon census on Saturday, July 20 from 8-9 am. This was a 15% increase in participation from last year. A total of 138 lakes were covered, which is the highest number in the last seven years! Participants counted a total of 520 adults, 69 chicks and 6 immature loons. The number of chicks counted during the census was down from previous years which corresponds to our season-long monitoring data that also shows a decrease in chick survival this season.
For more details on the 2013 breeding season, including highlights from each monitoring region, number of rafts floated and loon rescues, among others, stay tuned for the upcoming fall newsletter.
LPC volunteers Naomi Levesque & Leslie Bergum get ready to do the census on Streeter Pond in Sugar Hill. It was just a coincidence that they were wearing the same t-shirt! An adult is observed doing a foot waggle (aka "Streeter Pond High Five") during the census. Thanks to Leslie & Naomi for the pictures.
Another Successful Swim
For the seventh time, Wendy Van de Poll and her team of swimmers swam seven miles across Squam Lake from the Squam Channel in Holderness to the Sandwich Town Beach. The 2013 Swim team included Wendy, Lisa Davy, Rose de Mars, John Eisner, Jen Marts, Mark Longley, Rick Van de Poll, and Carol Zink. They were accompanied by spotters Gloria Hoag, Elspeth Hotchkiss, Lauren Longley and Jeff Marts. Special thanks to Rockywold-Deephaven Camps for donating their pontoon boat and to Captain Ralph Kirshner (LPC Trustee) for ensuring a safe trip across the lake.
The swimmers enjoyed a breakfast potluck before the start of the event. Lisa Davy, John Eisner and Mark Longley enjoy a ride on the pontoon boat. Thanks to Wendy Van de Poll for sharing the pictures.
As of mid-September, the 2013 Swim has raised over $11,000 to benefit the Squam Lake Loon Initiative, an ongoing effort to increase monitoring, research, management and outreach to help Squam's loons. Many thanks to everyone who has supported this important initiative.
The Loon Preservation Committee is dedicated to restoring and maintaining a healthy population of loons throughout New Hampshire; monitoring the health and productivity of loon populations as sentinels of environmental quality; and promoting a greater understanding of loons and the natural world.
Susie Burbidge
Outreach/Volunteer Coordinator Loon Preservation Committee