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                                                      e-Newsletter Vol. 21
In This Issue
Summer Luncheon & Benefit Auction
May Loon Rescue
Birdathon/Bloomathon Summary

Upcoming Events

Mon & Fri, 6/10-8/30; 3 pm
June 30; 11 am - 2 pm
Church Landing, Meredith
July 12; 8 am registration
July 20; 8-9 am
Did You Know?
  Loons have solid bones (unlike many other bird species) which reduces buoyancy and makes it easier for them to dive.
What's that call?
Have you ever wondered what the different loon vocalizations mean?
Contact Us 
P.O. Box 604
Lee's Mill Road
Moultonborough, NH 03254
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The first nest of the 2013 season was recorded on May 11 on Pleasant Lake in New London, NH.  It has since hatched 2 chicks, but in other parts of the state loon pairs are just starting to incubate their eggs. 

Loon on raft  
Loon feeding chick
Photos by Kittie Wilson
Each year we float a nesting raft that can be seen from the hiking trail on the Markus Wildlife Sanctuary (home to The Loon Center) and the loons are using it again this year!  This would be a great time to come over for a visit, but do it in the next few weeks because the chicks are due to hatch towards the end of June!
Our field crew started a few weeks ago so make sure to say hello if you see them out on the lakes.  As always, if you have stories or photos to share from your time on the water please pass them along anytime.   
The 2013 raffle is well underway.  Enter for a chance to win one of the following prizes: Patchwork and Applique Loon Quilt, Life-size Loon Decoy or an Old Town "Vapor 10" Kayak.  Click here for more information.  The drawing will be held at our Holiday Open House on Saturday, November 30 but you don't have to be present to win.
Our friends at NH Lakes Association are hosting the Lakes Congress on Friday, June 21 from 8 am - 3 pm at Colby Sawyer College in New London, NH.  Come learn more about the "Let's Get the Lead Out, NH!" campaign and how to get involved.  LPC Executive Director Harry Vogel will also be giving a presentation about lead and loons.  For more information or to register visit or call (603) 226-0299.
Keep your fingers crossed for a little sunshine this weekend!
All the best,
2013 Summer Luncheon and Benefit Auction


Sunday, June 30th, 2013

11:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.

*$50 per person


Auction items to include:

Overnight at a Cape Cod B&B

Bella Beads bracelet

Restaurant Certificates

Greens Fees

Winni & Squam Cruises

Framed Prints

Hand-painted Flexible Flyer

...and many more!


Volunteer Auctioneer Jaime Laurent will conduct the live auction.


*Advance Reservations Required


For more information or to purchase seats please call

(603) 476-LOON (5666)

A May Loon Rescue


We got a call in mid-May about a loon that had potentially crash landed on a road near the village of Nelson.  LPC board member and volunteer Brian Reilly went to look for the loon but did not see it along the road.  The following day we received another call from folks on Center Pond in Nelson, not too far from the original sighting, about loon distress calls heard on the pond.  Brian traveled over to Center Pond to investigate further.  Soon after he launched his kayak, he quickly spotted a beached loon up an embankment about 10 feet from shore. 

May 2013 Loon Rescue
While Brian was waiting for Maria to arrive he captured this photo of the resident loon (and member of the territorial pair) checking out the injured bird on shore.  Neither loon made a sound during this interaction.


With help from Maria Colby of Wings of Dawn Rehabilitation Center, the loon was safely captured and transported to the Weare Animal Hospital for radiographs.  The x-rays showed some bruising but no other major injuries.  After recuperating for several days at Wings of Dawn, the loon was released on an unoccupied pond south of Henniker.  Follow-up surveys confirmed that it has apparently made its way off the pond.


Special thanks to Brian Reilly, Maria Colby and to the staff at Weare Animal Hospital for assisting with the rescue and release of this loon.     

204 Species Counted During the 2013 Birdathon/Bloomathon!

By Ned Beecher

This has been a delightful spring, and it may have peaked on Birdathon/Bloomathon day, Saturday, May 18th: clear blue skies and bright sun, with just a few afternoon clouds to temper it, few bugs, with temps starting in the low 40s and climbing close to 70. To that day, we brought a remarkable team of experienced birders (brought together thanks to Tony Vazzano) and Chris Clyne's persistent efficiency in scouting blooms.


The result? A tie with last year's B/B record total: 204 species, including 77 blooms and a record number of birds: 127. Setting a new bird record - even without some shorebirds we've had in past years - is only an indication of increasing organization of birders, not as an indication of more birds (although a few species have moved in, like Red-bellied Woodpecker). The fact is, species and birds have declined since B/B began decades ago.


This year, it starts, as usual, with a Barred Owl in Sandwich and a Whip-poor-will in Tamworth, just after 4. Then the notes fill in as dawn progresses: robin, catbird, vireos, Song Sparrow, House Wren, waterthrushes, nuthatches, a bevy of warblers - and then the rising of the Wood Thrush and White-throated Sparrow singing spring.


Tony scouts his neighborhood in Sandwich, getting the early woodcock, then listens to warblers as he works for an hour. Bob watches his feeders and out over the Thompson Preserve, getting the Lincoln's Sparrow, Wilson's Warbler, Marsh Wren, and Virginia Rail, then visits the expansive, open Ambrose excavation site, where there's a Vesper Sparrow, and a pair of American Kestrels are nesting in a box he put up for them two years back. Ned checks water bodies of central Tamworth, catching a glimpse of Common Merganser and a song of Scarlet Tanager at misty Great Hill Pond. And then they meet in Tamworth Village, seeing the Orchard Oriole and Cliff Swallows before getting a snack with the Fish Crows at West Ossipee, siting a Northern Mockingbird near the Madison mill, and scouting the West Branch pine barrens for myriad Prairie Warblers, a Towhee or two, and a chance flock of six White-winged Crossbills. Back at Ambrose, a pair of Osprey perches together, seemingly pondering nesting. At the marsh west of Jackman Pond, two bitterns show their necks.


And Chris is out early, checking the usual spots for usual - spectacular - blooms: Fringed Polygala near Meader Road, Foamflower and Hooked Crowfoot at Durgin Bridge, cherries and shadbush, Marsh Violet at the Alt's conservation land, Mertensia in Tamworth Village, Striped Maple and Trailing Arbutus near Fowler's Mill Road, Trout Lily (just barely still blooming), and variously-colored violets strewn widely. By noon, she has sixty+ species, and she is noticing more poison ivy impinging on some of the best bloom sites. Others are looking too: John spots Pale Laurel and Bog Rosemary, Jane has columbine, and, in the afternoon, Ned joins Chris to see Blue-eyed Grass and daisy just showing color by the Rte. 25 W. Ossipee bridge. Along Depot Road, there's still Bastard Toadflax (and they can still hear Betty Steele saying it).


Meanwhile, Jennifer scouts the mixed habitat of Tamworth's western hills, confirming Purple Finch, Rose-breasted Grosbeak, and one of many White-crowned Sparrows seen that day. Jane visits the Castle in the Clouds, picking up Indigo Bunting, junco, Ruffed Grouse, and Red-Tailed Hawk as the day warms. Tiffany checks the lakes, seeing a cormorant and a Bald Eagle, even though the nest at Squam has apparently failed this year. Near the Castle, she finds the Blue-winged Warbler, bringing the wood warbler total to 22 species, even though there seemed to be few migrant flocks around. (We remember a B/B - was it 15 years ago? - when just one migrant flock at Thompson yielded 18 or 19 warbler species!) Lynne finds one of them as she climbs Sandwich Dome: the elevation enthralled Blackpoll, along with the Boreal Chickadee, Brown Creeper, and a Peregrine Falcon.


To see a full list of bird species click here; for a complete list of spring wildflowers click here.

The Loon Preservation Committee is dedicated to restoring and maintaining a healthy population of loons throughout New Hampshire; monitoring the health and productivity of loon populations as sentinels of environmental quality; and promoting a greater understanding of loons and the natural world.

Susie Burbidge

Outreach/Volunteer Coordinator
Loon Preservation Committee