Contact LPC
P.O. Box 604
Lee's Mill Road
Moultonborough, NH 03254
Photo by Kittie Wilson
Thanks to your outstanding efforts to date, Senate Bill 89 (SB 89) is on its way to the House floor for a vote! On Wednesday, May 1, the Fish and Game and Marine Resources Committee of the New Hampshire House of Representatives recommended SB 89 for passage by the full House. Your calls, emails, and tremendous showing of support at the House Committee's recent hearing were all crucial to this important victory. Now all representatives will have a vote on passage of this important legislation.
We still need your help to pass SB 89! As you hopefully have heard by now, this bill would protect loons by restricting the use and sale of toxic lead (Pb) fishing sinkers and jigs weighing one ounce or less. This fishing tackle is by far the largest source of documented NH adult loon mortality and has had a significant negative impact upon our state's small loon population.
It is important for you to stay involved! We are more than halfway to the Governor's desk, and lead tackle manufacturers who want to protect their profit margins instead of loons will stand in our way unless your voice is heard. Without your efforts so far, we would not have been able to secure the House Committee's recommendation or the Senate's unanimous support for SB 89.
Please call or write your members of the New Hampshire House of Representatives today to ask for their support of Senate Bill 89.
The full House of Representatives is likely to vote on this legislation within the next two weeks, so it is important to begin contacting your representatives now! You can send them an email message, or find their phone numbers to make calls, using LPC's "Contact your Legislators" page by clicking here.
If you have any questions about our legislative efforts, please contact LPC's legislative coordinator, Sheridan Brown, at 603-230-2473 or email by clicking here.
Thank you again! Thank you also to SB 89's prime sponsor, Senator Jeanie Forrester, SB 89's long list of bipartisan cosponsors, and all the other senators and House Committee members that have voted to move this important legislation forward.
Together, we can protect our loons from toxic lead fishing tackle. Thank you for your past and continued support!
Harry Vogel
LPC Executive Director
The Loon Preservation Committee is dedicated to restoring and maintaining a healthy population of loons throughout New Hampshire; monitoring the health and productivity of loon populations as sentinels of environmental quality; and promoting a greater understanding of loons and the natural world.