We need your help today and on Thursday,
April 25, 2013 to protect NH's loons!
The Loon Preservation Committee (LPC), NH Lakes Association (NH LAKES), and NH Audubon are working together in support of Senate Bill 89 (SB 89). This bill would protect our state's threatened loon population by expanding current restrictions on the sale and freshwater use of toxic lead fishing sinkers and jigs. The revised ban would include lead sinker and jig sizes up to one ounce--still the largest known cause of New Hampshire adult loon mortality.
Thank you to everyone who came to the Senate hearing or contacted their senators in support of SB 89! With the strong support of LPC members and volunteers, SB 89 passed the New Hampshire Senate by a unanimous vote. However, SB 89's future in the House of Representatives may still be in jeopardy. The House Fish and Game and Marine Resources Committee is now considering SB 89, and we need your help to ensure the bill's passage.
Please show your support for this important bill in the following two ways:
1. Contact the members of the House Fish and Game and Marine Resources Committee today and ask them to support SB 89. You may send an email to each of the Committee members or find their phone numbers to make calls by clicking here; and,
2. Join us on Thursday, April 25, 2013, at the House Fish and Game and Marine Resources Committee hearing on SB 89. The allotted time for the hearing on the bill is limited - your phone calls and written comments beforehand will ensure that your voice is heard by committee members even if you don't speak at the hearing.
We need to fill the hearing room to make sure our support for SB 89 is visible to committee members.
As you may recall, similar legislation was defeated in the House Fish and Game and Marine Resources Committee last year by well-organized anglers who travelled to Concord to make sure they could keep using their toxic lead jigs. We also had a tremendous showing of support from our members and volunteers last year for the legislation, and we thank everyone who came to Concord or contacted their legislators. We need to do even better this year.
HEARING TIME: April 25, 2013, 12:30 p.m. Please try to arrive by 11:30 a.m. (or as early as possible) to get a seat and sign your name in support of the bill. You don't need to speak unless you want to.
HEARING LOCATION: Room 307, Legislative Office Building, 33 North State Street, Concord, NH 03301.