Upcoming Events
April 18; 7:30 pm
Raft Building Workshop
April 20; 10 am - 2 pm
May 18
Annual Summer Luncheon & Auction
June 30; 11 am - 2 pm
Church Landing Meredith
Photo by Reigh Higgins |
Contact Us |
P.O. Box 604
Lee's Mill Road
Moultonborough, NH 03254
The first report of a returning loon came from Massabesic Lake in Auburn, NH on March 31. This male loon, who has a piece missing from his upper mandible, was banded on Massabesic as an adult in 1999. He is at least 17 years old but more likely closer to 20, based on at least 3 years to adulthood and, on average, 6-7 years at first breeding! I imagine more reports will be coming in over the next few weeks as the ice continues to melt.
In other news, a loon was rescued on Squam Lake in early January and released on the coast. For more information and the full winter update see below.
The 24th meeting of the Northeast Loon Study Working Group (NELSWG) was held at LPC on March 11-12 and had the highest attendance of loon researchers in recent years! This group was created because of widespread concerns about the health of loons in the northeast and consists of professionals from federal and state agencies, universities, and non-profit organizations from New England states and eastern Canadian provinces. Topics this year included nest camera research, father and son yodels, movements of Red-throated Loons, mercury in NY loons, body mass vs. migration distance in loons, among others. The annual meeting also allows us to place our findings into a larger regional context and facilitates discussions about priorities for new research and collaborations among states and organizations.
We are entering "mud season" here in New Hampshire, but that means summer is not too far away!
All the best,

Winter Update from LPC
Photo by Lee Spiller
In early January a loon was stranded on the ice on Squam Lake. It was successfully captured and transported to Interlakes Animal Hospital in Meredith for an exam and radiographs. The 11-pound loon was given a clean bill of health and was released on the coast by Liz Jackson (2011-2012 Winnipesaukee field biologist) and her dad! Many thanks to Randall Rice & Lee Spiller for rescuing the loon, to Dr. Jaques at Interlakes Animal Hospital for examining the loon and to the Jacksons for making the trek to the beach.
In mid-January, we got a band return from Long Island Sound on an adult loon that was banded as a juvenile on White Oak Pond in Holderness in the early 1990s! Again, this illustrates the importance of our banding efforts and allows us to learn more about their life history.
Every winter we usually receive a few calls from Florida about injured loons. One loon was spotted on a beach near St. Petersburg by a summertime Moultonborough resident, and another was discovered on a Jacksonville beach and was taken to a local rehabilitator. Bette Ruyffelaert, who works at The Loon Center during the summer and volunteers during the winter at the Peace River Wildlife Center on Florida's Gulf Coast, helped get a loon to Tufts University for examination after it died at the Center. Reports like these highlight how little we know about loons on their wintering grounds, whether the New England or Florida coastline.
Spring Migration Gathering
The 3rd annual Spring Migration Gathering was held on Saturday, March 2 at Lavinia's in Center Harbor. The board and staff of LPC were joined by sixty-two friends, including long-time supporters and new friends as well. After welcoming the group, Chairman Bill Crangle announced the nomination of Jordan Prouty, long-time board member and supporter of LPC, as Honorary Trustee for life.
Congratulations, Jordan!
LPC Director, Harry Vogel spoke briefly about loon migration and Senate Bill 89 and introduced Sheridan Brown, our lobbyist, who is working hard to get this legislation passed.
Special thanks to Liz Gabel, Renee Speltz and members of the Events Committee for organizing this event.
Raft Building Workshop
Join Senior Biologist John Cooley for a raft building workshop on Saturday, April 20 from 10 am - 2 pm. Please call LPC at 603-476-5666 for more information.
 | Photo by Nancy McDonald
The Loon Preservation Committee is dedicated to restoring and maintaining a healthy population of loons throughout New Hampshire; monitoring the health and productivity of loon populations as sentinels of environmental quality; and promoting a greater understanding of loons and the natural world.
Susie Burbidge
Outreach/Volunteer Coordinator Loon Preservation Committee |