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                   The Loons Need Your Help!                    
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We need your help on Wednesday, February 20th, to protect NH's loons!


The Loon Preservation Committee (LPC) and NH Lakes Association (NH LAKES) are working together in support of Senate Bill 89, which would protect our state's loon population by increasing restrictions on the use and sale of toxic lead fishing sinkers and jigs weighing one ounce or less--still the largest known cause of New Hampshire adult loon mortality. A downloadable summary of why this legislation is needed to protect loons is available from this link. More information is available at (click on the link at the top left of the page).


Please join us in Concord to show your support for this important bill!


The Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee will hold its hearing on SB 89 on February 20, 2013, at 9:15 a.m. 


We need to fill the hearing room to make sure our support for SB 89 is clear to committee members. Please arrive by 8:00 a.m. or as early as possible to get a seat and sign your name in support of the bill. You don't need to speak unless you want to. 


As you may recall, similar legislation was defeated last year by well-organized anglers who travelled to Concord to make sure they could keep using their toxic lead jigs. We had a tremendous show of support from our members and volunteers last year for the legislation, and we thank everyone who came or contacted legislators for their support. However, we need to do even better this year. 


HEARING LOCATION:  Room 101, Legislative Office Building, 33 North State Street, Concord, NH 03301


If You Can't Make it to the Hearing...and Even if you Can


Please contact the members of the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee before the hearing and ask them to pass SB 89.  The allotted time for the hearing on the bill is short; your phone calls and written comments will ensure that your voice is heard by committee members even if you don't speak on Wednesday.


Committee Members:


Sen. Russell Prescott (r), Chair, 271-2609, [email protected];


Sen. Bob Odell (r), Vice-Chair, 271-2111,

[email protected];


Sen. Jeb Bradley (r), 271-2111, [email protected];


Sen. Martha Fuller Clark (d), 271-3076, [email protected]; and,


Sen. Jeff Woodburn (d), 271-3067, [email protected].



Loons do not reproduce until their sixth year of life or later, and loon pairs have an average of only one surviving chick every two years in New Hampshire. Therefore, survival of adult loons is the most important factor in assuring the continued viability of our state's loon population. Unfortunately, New Hampshire lost 124 adult loons to ingested lead sinkers and jigs between 1989 and 2011.  These deaths have had a large negative impact on our state's small loon population.


Please help us pass SB 89 and its critical protections for our state's loons! If you have any questions, or would like to let us know you'll be joining us on Wednesday, February 20, please contact LPC's legislative coordinator, Sheridan Brown, at 603-230-2473 or email by clicking here.


Together, we can protect our loons from toxic lead fishing tackle. Thank you for your past and continued support!




Harry's signature 

Harry Vogel

LPC Executive Director


The Loon Preservation Committee is dedicated to restoring and maintaining a healthy population of loons throughout New Hampshire; monitoring the health and productivity of loon populations as sentinels of environmental quality; and promoting a greater understanding of loons and the natural world.