Another Successful Mission Behind Us
How many people does it take to make a successful Mission?

Well, for starters, the more than 100 people you see here, gathered together for the "Crossover Dinner" when Team One had finished their week, and Team Two had just arrived to start theirs. Key Ecuadorian hospital and hotel staff and key logistics people joined us for the celebration evening. 

Add to that all the people who help to get these teams to Ecuador each year: our donors and supporters at home and in Ecuador; volunteers who work hard throughout the year, but don't travel with the team; Un Canto de la Vida Hospital personnel who work beside us for the two weeks and continue to support the patients after we leave; bus drivers, travel agents at home and in Quito, restauranteurs... We'll be telling you more about some of these generous people if future newsletters.

The Radisson Royal Quito Hotel
Carlos Cano, Banquet Captain, Gerard Jumbo, Sales Representative and Sra. Ver�nica Cadena, Sales Representative with treats for CAMTA patients and volunteers

Each of the CAMTA Teams arrived in Quito in the early hours of a Saturday morning. Most of us had been traveling for close to 24 hours. When we arrived at the Radisson Hotel, Gerard Jumbo and his staff greeted our busload of volunteers with big smiles, quick check-ins, AND a buffet of fresh fruit, juices and cookies! A second, smaller contingent of CAMTA men had continued on to the hospital directly from the airport to ensure that the CAMTA hockey bags were delivered and stored properly. When they showed up at the Radisson at 3:30AM, Gerard and his staff were STILL there to welcome them, feed them and show them to their rooms!

Volunteers raved about the Radisson - from the sumptuous buffet breakfast in the morning to the chocolate on our pillows at bedtime, we are treated "Royally". 

Again this year, Gerard and two of his staff members visited the hospital to see firsthand what CAMTA does. Like all thoughtful guests, they brought treats - sandwiches and cookies for patients and CAMTA volunteers!

It's wonderful to stay at a hotel that takes such an interest in the work CAMTA does, and that provides excellent service to our volunteers while we are in Quito.

We urgently need a few more volunteers for our upcoming casino on April 1st and 2nd at The Palace Casino at West Edmonton Mall. If you (or you and some friends!) can help, please email Wendy Read at:

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