Rock the Cause Inc
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Top Reasons To Give To Rock the Cause!
Music and Causes Night #3
All Eyes
Rock Star Supply Co.

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Community Support
Our work in the community is made possible by the generous support of our community partners.
B Agency  
cities 97 sq  
SGF Lofo  
MMO Logo  
The Current  Business Journal 
To learn how to become a supporting partner click here.

The Top Reasons To Support Rock the Cause!

GiveMn 11.15
November 15, 2012 is "The Great Minnesota Give Together." We at Rock the Cause depend on your year end  support! 
Below are the top reasons why your support will make an impact for generations to come!   

Over the past 5 years Rock the Cause has built a name for itself as one of the nations most innovative and in demand non profits! We ask you to support our work November 15, 2012 by making a tax deductible donation to Rock the Cause 501(c)3.   

If you love building the spirit of volunteerism and discovering music we are a 2 for one.
Here is how your donations will go to work!
Volunteer Drives
Over the past 5 years Rock the Cause has enrolled nearly 5000 new members for for over 100 different nonprofit organizations. Many of the nonprofits report a 30% conversion rate on the volunteers we connect them with. People who discover causes through Rock the Cause get involved in their communities. 
You will find us at festivals, concert events and campuses across the region helping young people of all ages discover a cause to give their time to. 
volunteer drives   
Rock the Cause Campus
Through our partnerships with Junior Achievement of the Upper Midwest. and educators across the region Rock the Cause has mentored nearly 2000 students on how they can make an impact in their communities.
We conduct in the classroom training on how to create a volunteer drive, concert event, or awareness for causes that are important to students. We help young people to become aware of how volunteerism can lead to college, a great job, and stronger communities.
The level of engagement my students had with Rock the Cause was amazing! I have never seen an organization reach young people like Rock the Cause. My students were excited and empowered to make a difference in their community. The life lessons they learned are priceless. Thank you Rock the Cause - Sayra Loftus High School of Recording Arts Saint Paul       
Social Media and Community Engagement
Almost daily Rock the Cause is contacted by non-profits seeking help with getting their message out into the community. They recognize that Rock the Cause has the attention of a vibrant and engaged community of volunteer minded people.
Our Social Media team works with the nonprofits to get their message out there. We list their events and volunteer needs on our website. We broadcast the needs of the nonprofit seeking help across our ever expanding social network. With the help of our media partners we can reach thousands of people in a matter of moments.
Our Social Media team is comprised of student interns from across the region seeking a fun way to learn about marketing, and communication while making a difference. Giving them the job skills they need to bring value to the community and the work place.  

mcnally sxsw
 McNally Smith College of Music students working With Rock the Cause to learn about the power of music, media and community. 
Music Can Change the World
Nothing brings people together like the power of music. Over the past five years Rock the Cause produced over 3 dozen concert events, of varying size, that supported the nonprofits and artists we work with.


We have created a platform for emerging artists to get their music heard while making a difference. Our recent charitable compilation release Minnesota Remembers Vic Chesnutt has received hundreds of downloads, streamed on Spotify over 7000 times, showcased at SXSW and is currently being considered for and Independent Music Award. 


Whether it is a concert event, music download, or record release musicians get their music heard by working with Rock the Cause. 


When the artists are not playing music many can also be found volunteering in our community. 
Click on the icon below to give to 
Rock the Cause today!
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Rock the Cause & Cities 97 Present
Minnesota Music and Causes Night at The Crooked Pint Ale House!   

We had such a great time at the State Fair showcasing music, and causes with our friends from Cities 97, we decided to keep a good thing going!  

Every 3rd Friday of the month at the Crooked Pint Ale House, Rock the Cause and Cities 97 will feature up and coming artists paired with fantastic causes you can give your time to!

Hosted by Cities 97 afternoon DJ Paul Fletcher and Rock the Cause CEO Scott Herold these shows will have a fun community vibe.

Cover is only $5! Our friends at Schell's have made it possible for us to offer a $20 Schells special! You get 5 pints of Premium Nordeast with 50% of the proceeds benefiting the causes!

causes night 1116

cities 97 sq
Nordeast pint



Rock the Cause Featured Artist - All Eyes 
  all eyes

All Eyes is a true super group made up of members of Halloween Alaska, Rogue Valley, White Light Riot and a dozen other incredible bands. With All Eyes they may have found the illusive magic they have been looking for.

Every member of All Eyes has played multiple Rock the Cause events and have been great advocates to our mission. 

Guitarist Joe Christenson has given hundreds of volunteer hours to Rock the Cause and our community.

Featured Community Events 
mgo round 
Through out the months of November, and December 2012. Rock the Cause and Music Go Round Stores in Roseville, MN and Burnsville, MN will conduct multiple in store community drives.   
Musicians will be able to donate instruments, canned goods, socks, and other needed items and receive free guitar strings, drum sticks, and good vibes. 
In store seminars on band promotion, songwriting, and recording will also take place.
Follow the Rock the Cause & Music Go Round web page for details. 
People Serving People Sounds Like Home Concert Event. Help make a difference in the life of a homeless child while enjoying the best in Minnesota Music, Food, and Causes! Click below to learn more! 
psp sounds