In This Issue

The Rhode Island Library Association

is a professional association of Librarians, Library Staff, Trustees, and library supporters whose purpose is to promote the profession of librarianship and to improve the visibility, accessibility, responsiveness and effectiveness of library and information
services throughout  
Rhode Island.
Contact us at:
PO Box 6765
Providence, RI 02940
401-203-READ (7323)

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After a long, cold winter, it seems like Spring is finally here! And just in time too--RILA Annual Conference 2015 is just around the corner. With session topics that include getting children ready for kindergarten, outreach at farmer's markets, digital privacy rights, information literacy, and serving diverse patron groups, the conference will have something for everyone. We're also thrilled to be hosting our keynote speakers, Scott Bonner from the Ferguson Public Library and author Julia Quinn. It's gearing up to be a great conference, we hope everyone will be able to join us this year at Salve Regina in beautiful Newport. Registration is filling up quickly and will close by May 20, so don't delay - register today!  View the full conference information here! 


Also in this issue of the Bulletin, we're happy to introduce the new slate of RILA Executive Board candidates for the 2015-2017 term. Please take a moment to review their impressive credentials and find out why they want to serve RILA and the library community.  RILA members in attendance at the Annual Business Meeting at this year's conference will be asked to cast a vote for this slate of officers. We also want to draw your attention to a proposed bylaws change that will make the voting process easier and more inclusive in the future.  Read on for more info and be ready to vote on Wed, May 27th!  


Finally, you may have noticed a new column appearing in the Bulletin--Better Know a Librarian. With such a variety of librarians across the state, we wanted to call some attention to the diversity of our members. If you know a RILA member who you think deserves a profile, feel free to nominate them via [email protected]


Thanks for reading,


Andria Tieman & Brandi Fong

RILA Communications Committee Co-Chairs

Meet the Candidates
Julie Decesare
We are pleased to present the slate of officers for the 2015-2017 RILA Executive Board. The slate will be voted on by members in attendance at the RILA Conference Annual Business Meeting on May 27.   


Vice President/President Elect

Julie DeCesare, Providence College

After graduating with a BA in comparative literature and a concentration in film studies from the University of Massachusetts - Amherst, I worked at Brown University Media Services as their technical coordinator. During my time at Brown, I completed my Master's in Library and Information Studies at Simmons College. In 2005, I became Digital Media/Film Studies Reference Librarian at Boston College. Since 2008, I've taught the course
Digital Research Technologies
at the Marlboro College Graduate Center in Brattleboro, VT.              

In 2010, I became Assistant Professor and Commons Librarian, Head of Education & Research at Providence College's Phillips Memorial Library, where I currently coordinate instructional and educational opportunities between the library, campus community, and beyond. As a Member at Large for RILA, I've been a co-coordinator Money Smart Week - RI for the past four years.  I also have a four year old, who loves the Cranston Public Library, the Maury Loontjens Public Library, and Biomes (she would 'check out' the marine life if she could).  For more information about me and my publications, visit 

As VP and President Elect of RILA, I hope to build on the good work the board has set forth the past four years.  I am committed to Information and Financial Literacy initiatives, as well as, positive outreach and awareness of library services on a statewide level.   



Brigitte Hopkins, Westerly Public Library and Wilcox Park
Libraries have been part of my life as far back as I can remember. And while I have always possessed a love of reading, I did not begin thinking about a career in libraries until my last year in college while finishing up my undergraduate degree in Historic Preservation, doing work study in the Architecture Library at RWU. After graduation I worked various part-time jobs including a Library Clerk position for the Providence Public Library. It was at this amazing downtown library where I found my calling. From there I worked as a clerk at the Mount Pleasant Branch and earned my MLIS at URI. I am currently Executive Director of Westerly Library and Wilcox Park. It is here I am able to pursue my two passions, libraries and preservation. I clearly see the possibilities for libraries, special collections, historic properties, and outdoor spaces. I am able to see the potential for synergy amongst the fields and their impact on not only my community but for all of Rhode Island. For these reasons I serve as Vice-Chair of COLA, a member of the OSL Steering Committee, and have agreed to become Treasurer of RILA. Here, I hope to explore new business development opportunities as well as ways to expand RILA services. I look forward to working with the RILA Board as well as members to maximize RILAs reach in the State of Rhode Island and beyond.  




Kieran Ayton, 

Rhode Island College

I am the Emerging Technologies Librarian and Interim Head of Digital Initiatives at the Rhode Island College Library.  I currently serve on the RILA Board as the Membership Chair.  In this role, I manage our membership database using the Wild Apricot program.  I also serve on the RILA Communications Board where I am a regular contributor to the RILA Bulletin.  Working in these positions has helped me professionally in many ways, providing networking and development opportunities that I would not otherwise have had.  These experiences have provided me with a solid foundation to serve on the RILA Executive Board as Secretary.  I believe the Rhode Island Library Association plays a vital role in connecting public, academic and state libraries throughout the state and I would like to continue to serve this wonderful organization!"

Beth Ulluci, 
Jessie M. Smith Memorial Library

I have worked in public libraries in New England for 22 years, and prior to that worked for 5 � years in college libraries' archives and special collections departments.   I am currently the Director of the Jesse M. Smith Memorial Library in Harrisville, Rhode Island.  I have an undergraduate degree from Stonehill College in history and labor studies, and obtained my Master of Library and Information Studies from the University of Rhode Island.  I previously served on RILA's Conference Committee for many years until starting a family. I am the mother of a wonderful teenage daughter who is passionate about books and hopes to be a writer one day.

I look forward to serving the Rhode Island library community as a Member at Large for RILA, and hope to advocate for libraries throughout Rhode Island.


Andrew Creamer, Brown University

I am currently the Science Research Data Management Librarian at Brown University. In this role I help faculty and student researchers write data management and sharing plans for sponsored research, and I help them to manage, describe and publish their research data, and/or publicly archive their data in data-sharing repositories. I currently offer data management services to researchers across Rhode Island through multi-institutional grants, such as EPSCoR and by serving on the Broader Impacts Committee at Brown, which looks to build STEM partnerships with a variety of educational institutions in Rhode Island. As a candidate for Member at Large for RILA, I hope to bring new energy to coordinating existing and emerging initiatives as well as advocate for the library communities in Rhode Island.


Before coming to Brown in 2014, I worked as the research data management education coordinator at the Lamar Soutter Library at the University of Massachusetts Medical School and National Network of Libraries of Medicine, New England Region (NN/LM NER) from 2012-2014, and as an e-Science librarian intern for the NN/LM NER from 2009-2012. Since 2013 I have been a co-instructor of the Scientific Data Management Librarianship class at Simmons College. I graduated with my MSLIS from Simmons College in 2011. I have a BS in Biology from Capital University in Columbus, Ohio and a MAEd from Virginia Tech in Blacksburg, Virginia, and before becoming a science librarian I taught high school biology for five years.  
Proposed RILA Bylaws Change
RILA logo

The RILA Board has been looking into amending the RILA Constitution to be more inclusive with the process for electing officers and constitutional changes.  Right now, only attendees of the first day of the RILA Conference, which is the when the annual business meeting occurs, have an opportunity to participate in the election process each year.  We are asking the membership to consider and vote on these changes at this year's annual business meeting on May 27.


Article V. is the section of the RILA Constitutions dealing with this.  Below, you will find the current language in the constitution followed by the new proposed language that would allow the board to move elections online and be adaptable enough so that process can stay current with the technology to do so.



Section 2. Election Procedures


A.      The Nominating Committee shall submit the names of the Executive Board nominees to the Association membership 30 days prior to the annual business meeting.

B.      Officers are elected by a simple majority vote at the annual business meeting.

C.      Newly elected officers shall take office at the conclusion of the annual business meeting.



Section 2. Election Procedures


A.      The Nominating Committee shall submit the names of the Executive Board nominees to the Association membership 30 days prior to the annual business meeting.


B.      Officers are elected by a simple majority vote at the annual business meeting.  --deleted 


C.      The Chair of the Nominating Committee shall deliver a copy of the ballot, using procedures approved by the Executive Board, to each voting member. Ballots shall be returned to the Chair of the Nominating Committee at least two weeks prior to the beginning of the Annual Conference.  --added 


D.     The current RILA President shall certify the results of the election, which shall be determined by the tally of the Chair of the Nominating Committee, and shall notify each candidate and each member of the current Executive Committee of such results.  --added 


E.       Newly elected officers shall take office at the conclusion of the annual business meeting.
Westerly Library RI's First Literary Landmark
By Stephanie Barta
Teen Librarian, Westerly Public Library

On Saturday, May 2 the Westerly Library and Wilcox Park became the state of Rhode Island's first Literary Landmark.  The Literary Landmark honors children's book author Margaret Wise Brown, known for the classic children's books The Runaway Bunny (1942) and Goodnight Moon (1947).  "We are honored by this designation and are amongst many other distinguished Landmarks across the country" says Executive Director Brigitte Hopkins. "This event enables us to publicize and share one of our most prized collections with the community."


The Rhode Island Center for the Book at the Rhode Island Council for the Humanities dedicated the library as a Literary Landmark.  The ceremony was followed by talk about Brown from historian and critic Leonard Marcus.

Brigitte Hopkins, Westerly Library Director;  Kate Lentz, Director at RI Center for the Book; Nellie Gorbea, RI Secretary of State.


The Westerly Library is home to a vast collection of Margaret Wise Brown materials.  The collection includes original storyboards, journals, personal correspondence, academic work, notes and story ideas as well as first editions.  Brown lived in New York, but frequently visited her friend Jessica Gamble Dunham in Stonington, CT.  After Brown's death in 1952, her sister Roberta Rausch and Dunham donated the nearly complete set of Brown's materials to the Westerly Library.

Infographic Tools
By Megan Black
Library Assistant, Brandeis University

Writing for the web is difficult. Web 2.0 writing guidelines, various studies, and anecdotal information all tell us that people are only skimming text online, and reading comprehension rate of online content is much lower than its print version. This can be frustrating for information professionals. Our libraries and institutions have access to tons of fantastic information we want to share with our patrons. 140 characters or a hierarchy of information can only communicate so much.


Infographics, or information graphics, is a great solution to cutting back on blocks of text while still being able to fully communicate the information. You don't need to have a graphic designer or a big budget either to create these. There are quite a few free or inexpensive tools available to create meaningful infographics.


Below is a list of options which is not an exhaustive list. The Adobe Color Wheel is included in the list because choosing colors that work well together can be one of the tricky parts of creating meaningful infographics. The four other tools all have a free option, and most have a subscription-based options, which have additional features.


Adobe Color Wheel:

This color wheel is an excellent place to pick out colors for infographic. The general rule of thumb is no more than three colors per graphic. It creates a pallet by different color schemes, and provides the HEX codes for each color.



Figuring out how to map out an infographic can be tricky, especially when starting from scratch (instead of using a pre-made template). Gliffy is a great tool for creating wireframes and maps of the graphic layout. It also has settings to create flow charts, swimlanes, and entity relationship diagrams for creating and communicating tables within a database.



Piktochart's free version offers a handful of template themes, and the option of creating infographics from scratch. The editing feature allows for embedding video, uploading photos, customizing colors, charts, and a library of graphics. It connects with SurveyMonkey to import statistics for data visualization. Infographics can be embedded, switched to presentation mode, or downloaded..



Easelly offers a lot of templates in its free version, and a blank option. The customizing tools are a simple drag and drop. There are many fonts, simple graphics, and colors in order to create a custom infographic. The charts tool allows you to drop in the type of chart desired and customize the information in a spreadsheet, similar to Excel. Embedding, shareable links, and group share options are available.



Venngage offers a lot of templates in its free version, as well as a blank option.The editing tools include maps, customizable charts, a library of graphics, and text styles. Venngage easily connects to, YouTube, and customizable polls for data visualization. The completed infographic can be downloaded, or shared on Pinterest, Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.


As with creating anything for the web, it's important to ensure that it is print disabled accessible. There are tools available for checking color schemes against varying levels of color blindness, and additional things you can do to a webpage to ensure screen-reader capabilities. I will discuss these tools in the next RILA Newsletter.

Summer Reading Preview
By Emily Grace LeMay
Children's Librarian, Mount Pleasant Library
Summer Reading is right around the corner and it's time for librarians to reveal their truly awesome identities and show off their many super skills! With taglines like "Every Hero Has a Story" for the younger set and "Unmasked!" for teens, this year's Summer Reading theme will be one of adventure, self-discovery, and the amazing acts of everyday heroes and superheroes alike. The general idea is to highlight the heroic acts of community figures that kids encounter in their every day lives as well as the characters they may read about in comic books or see in blockbuster films. Likewise, librarians should be encouraging teens to look within the lives of others (and within themselves) to discover the complexities of life and uncommon strength often belied by one's exterior appearance. Both concepts should inspire great conversations and chances to learn and grow!

Across the state, each library has developed methods of tracking their summer reading program. Some libraries count minutes, hours, or books read. Some use game cards with different library and reading related activities. Here at Providence Community Library, patrons will have to read a cumulative total of eight hours throughout the summer. This is in line with the research indicating that to avoid the learning loss which often occurs during the summer, students should be reading (or be read to by others!) for at least twenty minutes a day roughly six days a week. However, there is always the opportunity to go above and beyond and read for more hours or more weeks to further combat the dreaded Summer Reading Slide as well as increase the odds of winning one of the many fabulous prizes.

PCL has also reworked their activity cards to include even more engaging alternatives for kids, teens, and parents to choose from in case they are finding the reading requirements too easy or too difficult. While it is, of course, very important for children and teens to be reading regularly throughout the summer, it is also important to provide other options that can relate what they read to what they will be experiencing in the new school year and in the real world with activities that encourage writing, research, and family. Equally important is ensuring that children who may struggle with reading will be able to have fun and remain engaged through activities relating more to arts and crafts, or adventuring outdoors. Many of the activities listed also suggest that the children share what they learn and how they feel with their librarian, which should be a very valuable experience for everyone.

This year's performers also did a stellar job of highlighting their talents at the SRP Showcase earlier in the year, and are not to be missed. There is a wonderfully wide array of individuals and styles, from an improvisational superhero comic illustrator for kids (Eric Fulford) to an interactive rhythmic workshop for teens (Rick Morin's Rhythm Room), "Wild Heroes" with Animal World Experience, and a Jiu-Jutsu lesson with Dean Watts, and so many more. Visit the Summer Reading page on the OLIS website for a full listing of performers and where you can catch their shows for children and teens.

In short, this summer promises to be jam packed full of super surprises, stories, and fun, so be sure to swing by your favorite library and join in!
Sponsor Spotlight
Better Know a RILA Librarian

Every Bulletin, we take the time to introduce a RILA Librarian. We so many librarians doing so many different jobs, it can be hard to know everyone. This month, welcome to Lisa Sheely from the Jamestown Philomenian Library. 


1. Where do you work, how long have you been there and how would you describe to others what you do at your job?

I work at the Jamestown Philomenian Library. Despite the fancy name, it is a public library! I have been the Children's & Young Adult Librarian here for 5 years. There are many facets to my job, so I never have a dull day. I run story times for different age groups in the mornings, have three Book Clubs for kids in the elementary and middle schools in the afternoons, and oversee a Lego Club. My typical day will include a story time, reader's advisory, cataloging, talking with parents, book ordering, working a little at the Circulation Desk for more community interaction, preparing a craft for story time, working on Summer Reading planning and being at my desk for 2:30, when the kids get out of school. I typically have visitors between 2:30 and 5:00 who like to come and chat. Sometimes we talk about books, other times about pop culture, and still other times about school and all the things that happen there. Most librarians would agree; we really should have a social work degree in addition to our MLIS!


2. Describe a moment that made you really glad that you are a librarian.

I'm always glad to be a librarian when, during story time, a child grasps the "letter game" for the first time. The smiling and clapping that comes from the child, other children in the group and the adults around is just amazing. It's a moment that these children will never forget and neither will I.


3. How do you stay current and connected in the field?

I read most of the major journals (Booklist, School Library Journal, Horn Book, and VOYA) as well as various blogs (the ones from independent book stores are often quite good). I try to attend as many YART (Young Adult Round Table) meetings as my schedule allows and go to local conferences as well. One of my best experiences was going to Portland for NELA a couple of years ago; it was such a shot of adrenaline to see what other librarians are doing in the Northeast and what new trends we should look for. I came back to the library reinvigorated and full of ideas!


4. Do you have a favorite book quote? (or book?)

That's a nearly impossible question! I am partial to Austen, adore Jane Eyre, think that everyone must get through the first 100 pages of A Prayer for Owen Meany in order to read an astonishing book. I am partial to WWII non-fiction (and its related fiction by Ian McEwan and Sebastian Faulks) and find a lot of the YA fantasy that is currently coming out really intriguing. Ask me again in another year and my answer might be different!


5. What's your favorite non-library or book related activity/hobby?

I like to craft with friends (most are artists while I just putter) during foul-weather months. In the summer, I would swim all the time if I physically could.  


6. What advice would you give a new librarian just starting out?

If you aren't hired right away, volunteer! You need to get your face seen by as many people as possible. You will become that indispensable person who everyone thinks of first when a job opportunity becomes available.


7.  What do you like best about your library?

I like the sense of community that we have here. There are just over 5,000 residents in Jamestown and on some days, it feels like all of them have passed through our doors. We are a place of books, movies, music, magazines, programs, classes, tutoring, concerts, and so much more. And by our volume level, sometimes you'd think that they were all happening at once! The staff is helpful, kind and willing to go above and beyond to make the patron experience a good one.


8.  Is there anything you do at work that is unique to your particular library or community?

I am particularly fond of the red pen. My co-workers hand me their documents with trepidation but know that I only edit out of love (for the language).


9. Is your current library job the type of library job you expected when you started library school?

When I was in graduate school, I expected to either do historical research/reference or be an archivist. I took classes in preservation, rare books and volunteered in an archive. When I graduated, I wasn't getting interviews for those jobs. So I worked part-time at a research library to pay the bills and volunteered at Cross's Mills in Charlestown for public library experience. In November 2009, a substitute position opened in Jamestown. And the rest is history!

Better Know a Library: Mount Pleasant Library
By Elliott Stevens
Library Assistant, Providence College

Everyone knows that Mona Lisa's smile is sly, and much has been written about the optical effects Leonardo Da Vinci took advantage of to make her look straightfaced at first glance and smirkingly pleased the next. And a Mona Lisa (at least a reproduction of her) hangs high on a wall in the Mount Pleasant Library on Academy Avenue in Providence, though the funny thing about this print is that there's no ambiguity in her face. She looks happy at all times, and the only conclusion one can draw is that she's like that because of her agreeable surroundings. After all, as they say in that library, "Mount Pleasant is pleasant."  


Photo Courtesy Dhana Whiteing

The first librarian I met when I visited Mount Pleasant was Emily Le May, who works mostly with children and teens. Similar to many librarians, Emily knew she wanted to be one at an early age when, at thirteen years old, she first started volunteering at her local library. Over the years, Emily explained that her love for librarianship has only grown, and she joked that she can track this ardor through her Facebook posts.  

"When I was younger," Emily said, "my posts were more self-centered. Now, they're all about child safety, internet safety, and whatever great thing just happened at the library."


And there are great things happening at the library under Emily's supervision. For instance, there's the "Cradle to Crayons" early-childhood-development program, where Emily recently witnessed a four-year-old buddy of hers learn how to count down from ten.

"At first, she couldn't do it. She'd watch me and listen and pretend," Emily said, speaking of her little friend. "But then I saw her notice that the numbers we were chanting corresponded to her fingers. She figured it out!"


Beyond "Cradle to Crayons," Emily and other librarians at the Mount Pleasant Library also run an impressive nine-week "Ready for K" program, in which children learn through intentional play and self-regulation in order to prepare for Kindergarten. They also have a robust Teen Club at the library, and with these young people Emily stressed the importance of letting them hang out, be a little louder, and joke around. By giving the teenagers the leeway to be themselves and to enjoy the library on their own terms, Emily said that they come to trust her and will later speak with her about things like breakups and school troubles. But they also leave plenty of time to do goofy things like make "Candy Sushi," which replaces rice with Rice Krispies Treats, seaweed strips with Fruit Roll-ups, and raw fish with Swedish Fish.  


Photo Credit: David Lee Black

When I met with Emily, I couldn't help but to notice that she mentioned her manager, Dhana Whiteing, over and over again. Whenever she spoke about Dhana, Emily always perked up and made it clear how supported and inspired she feels by her manager, and since Dhana wasn't in on my first visit, I dropped by Mount Pleasant the next day and yet again passed by Mona Lisa, who was perched high above.


Once I sat down with Dhana, and once I explained how strongly her reputation as a nurturing manager precedes her, she laughed and said, "Well, I'm not a micromanager. If an idea sounds good, I say, 'Let's try it!'" She then went on to explain how important it is to acknowledge the skills of all the librarians who work for her and to trust them and give them the space to do their work.

"And I've learned that if you keep your employees happy, then all that happiness gets passed along to your patrons," Dhana said. "We are a family team. This is a ship, and we're sailing it."

Dhana next told me how diverse the Mount Pleasant patrons are-how they have visitors who are varied in age and socio-economic background. They are teachers, nuns, professionals, and folks from group homes. Patrons identify as black, white, Hispanic, African, and Haitian.


"So it's a good thing we speak other languages," Dhana said. She explained that her multilingual clerks- Doungrattha Siv, Anna Parelo, and Fidelia Torrez-- can converse in Cambodian, Spanish, and Italian.

Next Dhana told me about all the programs

Anna, Siv and Fidelia
Photo Courtesy Dhana Whiteing

Mount Pleasant has to offer its adult patrons-- things like multiple book clubs, English and Spanish learning classes, computer classes, and a Chess Club.  


"And later this week, we're having jazz in the library!" she said.

At first, I wasn't sure if I had heard Dhana correctly. My mind was still swirling a bit from all the programming and activities she had described to me. Live music in the library? But, sure enough, that is just what she meant. To recognize Jazz Appreciation Month, a group of professional musicians associated with The Roots Cultural Center and Providence Inner City Arts were slated to play in the middle of the library.

Dhana invited me to the performance and, looking around the library, she said, "I know it's funny to say it, but Mount Pleasant really is pleasant.


So I returned to the library later in the week to hear jazz. Right smack dab in the middle of Mount Pleasant, there was Paul Alexander Williams on guitar, Zeffro Gianetti on drums, Mibbit Threats on bass, and Jhony Keys behind they keys. They played the likes of Miles Davis and John Coltrane as dozens of patrons sat in chairs and bobbed their heads and tapped their toes to the swimming beat. Some little ones even stumbled away from their parents and danced joyously. Dhana was there taking pictures of everything and speaking with everyone, and Emily was slicing up cake and handing it out to kids. Up on the wall, Mona Lisa watched and grinned.  

Photo Courtesy Dhana Whiteing


News From the Field

Providence Community Library

--Smith Hill Library, in conjunction with

 Armenian Heritage and Genocide Remembrance Month in April, marks the Centenary of the Armenian Genocide with Cultural Series in April. 

April 24, 1915 was the beginning of the massacre of 1.5 million Armenians by Ottoman Turks. The Smith Hill branch of Providence Community Library (PCL) hosted a celebration of Armenian culture and a remembrance of the 100th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide during the month of April. The Armenian community has flourished in Rhode Island and especially in Smith Hill. "The Armenians have had a very rich history in Smith Hill," said Librarian Jennifer Romans. "So we thought that with the 100th anniversary, it made sense to do some programming around it."


--Lee Teverow has been hired on as the Adult Services Librarian at PCL's Rochambeau Library. Lee has most recently has been a reference librarian with AskRI and Providence Public Library, and been a substitute for the past several years in all nine PCL libraries. She brings a wealth of additional reference experience and community connections from the Providence Athenaeum and the Rhode Island Historical Society Library. 

--There was a short piece in the Providence Business News about Rochambeau's Girls Who Code Club and some of the adult computer literacy classes.


Cranston Public Library

The Cranston Public Library has been named a recipient of a MakerLab Club 3D printer award. The grant, sponsored by the Young Adult Library Services Association (YALSA), in partnership with 3D Systems, provides Cranston Public Library with four Cube 3D printers to support teen workshops and programming. 


"In March, we offered three 3D Printing Workshops for teens, thanks to a grant from Senator Hanna Gallo," explains Youth Services Coordinator, Emily Brown. "Once teens know how to use this technology to design and print their own creations, we hope they will think about using the 3D printers for school assignments and personal projects. We also hope they will volunteer to train other kids and teens, so we can make the 3D printers accessible to as many young people as possible."


Currently, one of the four Cube 3D printers is housed in the Cranston Public Library's new C-Lab, where it joins the library's other 3D printer, a Makerbot Replicator 2X. The additional printers will make programming and branch appearances later this spring.


VA Medical Center Library

Cheryl Bannick was presented with a certificate to commemorate 26 years on the Equal Employment Opportunity Committee at the Hospital. She has been on the Federal Woman's Subcommittee, and is now the Chair of the People with Disabilities Committee.   


Johnson & Wales University 

JWU Harborside Library is extending the display of a photography exhibit through the end of May: "The Young Guns of Johnson & Wales University" by photographer Stephen Spencer. "Young Guns" is a photojournalistic, black and white portrait exhibit featuring 18 talented Johnson & Wales University employees who each play a unique role in shaping the university's future and its students. The criteria to participate in the project were threefold. First, the employee must be a graduate of JWU; second, must have made a career at the university; and third, must be under 40 years old. The photo sessions were conducted in conjunction with interviews by Kristin Zosa Puleo, Event & Program Coordinator of the Culinary Arts Museum. Employees represented in this exhibition come from various departments and disciplines including culinary arts, special events, auxiliary services, information technology, residence life, arts & sciences, communications, and more.


The exhibit will be on display at the Harborside Library in the Friedman Building, 321 Harborside Blvd. Providence, RI 02905 until May 31, 2015. See more information at this link:    


Money Smart Week

Thank you to everyone who participated in Money Smart Week - RI.  If you haven't done so already, please email Chris Wallace-Goldstein ([email protected]) or Julie DeCesare ([email protected]) your attendance information.  We would love to know which events were a success for your library.    



RILA is pleased to announce the creation of the new Financial Literacy Roundtable (FLRT)!  The roundtable is established in support of three goals:

  1. To build a collaborative network across library types and related community organizations to promote financial literacy as part of a critical set of skills for all Rhode Islandrs of all ages and therefore an essential component of library and community services.
  2. To provide a forum for discussion and communication related to the creation of financial literacy skills through activities and programs for patrons of all types throughout the state to support the needs of Rhode Islanders.
  3. To coordinate and manage the established financial literacy education programs in RI, such as annual Money Smart Week, as well as, to foster further collaboration betwen libraries and community organizations as part of ongoing or proposed statewide financial education initiatives.

Any RILA member is eligible to become a member of FLRT, though non-members may attend and participate in events and activities planned by FLRT. 

The RILA Bulletin is produced by the RILA Communications Committee.  The RILA Communications Committee is responsible for publicizing and supporting Rhode Island Library Association activities using a variety of communication tools. Responsibilities including publishing the RILA Bulletin, managing social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter, and exploring other mediums as needed. The Communications Committee may cooperate with the publicity efforts of the Public Relations Committee to promote library services statewide.

Rhode Island Library Association members can contribute content to the RILA Bulletin by emailing the editors: [email protected]



Andria Tieman & Brandi Fong



Rhode Island Library Association