In This Issue
2014 Conference Update
Save the Date for Money Smart Week!.
Library Snapshot Day
ALA Midwinter Recap
RILA's Intellectual Freedom Committee
Women's History Month: Women of Character, Courage, and Commitment
Human Library 2014 Heads to Bristol!.
Passive Programming for YA librarians
News From the Field

The Rhode Island Library Association

is a professional association of Librarians, Library Staff, Trustees, and library supporters whose purpose is to promote the profession of librarianship and to improve the visibility, accessibility, responsiveness and effectiveness of library and information
services throughout  
Rhode Island.
Contact us at:
PO Box 6765
Providence, RI 02940
401-203-READ (7323)

Find us on Facebook
Twitter &  Youtube

They say March comes in like a lion and out like a lamb...we don't know about everyone else, but we're ready for that lamb to arrive, signaling the end to these cold and blustery days. Along with warmer temperatures, there are some great spring library initiatives happening across the state!


The end of March brings the return of the Human Library Rhode Island! Encourage your patrons to stop by Roger Williams University on March 30th and check out a "human book". With volunteers from all walks of life, this is eye-opening event is a chance learn new viewpoints as well as get to know other Rhode Islanders.


Remember that New Year's resolution where you decided this was the year you were going to take charge of your money? Lucky for you (and countless others with the same resolution), April 5th marks the start of Money Smart Week! The William Hall Library will be hosting a kickoff event on 4/5, while more than 30 financial literacy programs will be held throughout the week at various libraries and partner locations across the state.   


Finally, do you ever feel like people don't entirely understand what a librarian does? Sadly, too many still think all we do is sit and read books all day. It's time to change that with the American Library Association's Library Snapshot Day. On April 14th, take a few picture during your work day to capture the good work that happens at your library. These photos from across Rhode Island will be gathered to illustrate at future advocacy events all the ways that libraries serve their communities.


So cross your fingers for nicer weather, start marking your calendar, and read on for more information about these and other library happenings!  Oh, and remember to renew your RILA membership - it's that time of year!!


Thanks for reading, 
Andria Tieman & Brandi Kenyon
RILA Communications Committee Co-Chairs
2014 Conference Update

The RILA Conference Committee is hard at work putting the finishing touches on the 2014 annual event.  The conference will be seaside June 2 & 3 at beautiful Salve Regina University in Newport, RI.  The full conference program and registration information will be available on April 15.   


Some highlights of the conference include keynotes Lee Rainie, Director of the Pew Research Center's Internet Project and Nate Hill, Assistant Director of the Chattanooga Public Library in Tennessee, who will discuss Chattanooga's 4th Floor project.  Other presentations include:


  • Best Practices for Mobile Devices at Your Library
  • Drawing: An Alternative Teaching Method for Information Literacy Workshops
  • 0-60 Seconds: Super Short Films for Libraries
  • School to Prison Pipeline
  • 3D Printing and Accompanying Skillsets
  • Let's Talk Quality Customer Service
  • Uncle Sam at Your Fingertips: Discovering Electronic Government Information
  • Lunchtime Literacy in the Summer
  • Inviting Gamers into Your Computer Lab
  • Going Green: Ten Simple Steps to Engage Your Staff and Your Community
Please join us for this exciting collaborative and educational event.  We look forward to learning and networking with you in June!
Save the Date for Money Smart Week!
Money Smart Week - RI kicks off April 5th!

Please join the Rhode Island Library Association at our first Money Smart Week kick-off event to get the 2014 MSW festivities off and running. Money Smart Week promotes financial literacy in Rhode Island through programs and events at RI libraries. Our kick-off event signals the start of the week long celebration and promises something for everyone!  All activities are free and open to the public, including Story Telling, Book Mark Making, Know Your Credit Quiz, Missing Money and More!  

Speaker Program and Resource Fair
Saturday, April 5, 2014
10:00 a.m.  - 12 p.m.
William Hall Library
1825 Broad Street, Cranston, RI 02905
Light snacks and drinks provided
RSVP to Claudia Staniszewski ([email protected] // 401-331-0131)

With the help of our partners and sponsors, RILA coordinated over 30 programs about financial literacy and money management for our local communities. For all full list of events, see the MSW - RI calendar or check the RILA website and listserv for updates.  Please help by promoting and attending the programs.  Spread the word!

Our MSW community partners and sponsors include, but are not limited to:
Citizens Bank
Junior Achievement of RI
Pawtucket Red Sox
Capital Good Fund
RI Department of Labor and Training
Housing Network of RI
State of RI Office of the General Treasurer
United Way of RI

Our MSW library partners include, but are not limited to:
Providence Community Library (Wanskuck, South Providence, & Knight-Memorial)
Marian J. Mohr Memorial Library
Cranston Public Library (Oaklawn & William Hall)
Woonsocket Harris Public Library
Middletown Public Library
Tiverton's Essex Public Library & Sandywoods Center for the Arts
Weaver Library
Phillips Memorial Library
Harmony Library
Greeneville Public Library

For more information, please contact Julie DeCesare & Chris Wallace-Goldstein.
Library Snapshot Day, April 14
by Emily Grace LeMay
RILA Public Relations Committee
RILA is participating in the American Library Association's "Library Snapshot Day" public awareness campaign on Monday, April 14th.  
Library Snapshot
 Day provides a way for all types of libraries to document a single day of  activities & services. This initiative provides an easy means to collect statistics, photos, and stories that will enhance RILA's advocacy efforts and provide visual evidence of the value of our libraries. We did this back in 2010 and it's time to refresh the campaign!     

This is an official call to action! Charge up your digital cameras, mobile phones, and other photographic devices and point and click throughout the day on 4/14.  Send us your images so we can create a photostream that illustrates the variety and wealth of resources, technology, services, and programs that Rhode Island libraries offer.   

We are emphasizing that libraries are more than the "traditional" impressions that many people have. We know our libraries are busy spaces - let's capture that feeling in digital form!  For ideas and inspiration, check out the results from Snapshot Days in other states.

If you are interested in participating this year, or if you have any questions, please email Emily Grace ([email protected]) for forms, tips, and other useful information.

Please spread the news about RI Library Snapshot Day to your colleagues! Let's show the world just how vital & vibrant Rhode Island's libraries are. Thanks in advance for your assistance! 
ALA Midwinter Recap
By Howard Boksenbaum
RILA ALA Counselor
ALA Logo

I attended ALA's Midwinter Meeting on January 24-28, 2014 in Philadelphia, PA along with about 12,000 others. Midwinter is ALA's business meeting, where Council, as the governing body, convenes to deliberate ALA's progress and future. Council meets three times at each midwinter conference. As RILA's delegate, I was Rhode Island's voice and vote at those meetings.  Council discovered that ALA staff is doing a magnificent job of coping with diminishing finances; even unto senior staff volunteering to take a 10% pay reduction to help balance the budget. Details of Council activities are available in the documents that supported the meetings, which are available online at  Feel free to contact me if you would like to discuss any of Council's actions or deliberations.


Council membership passed, among other things, resolutions to improve internal ALA communications, to urge the US government to tend to its online information when shut down, to extend whistleblower protection and to curb government surveillance, and to create a new annual prize. The Lemony Snicket Prize for Noble Librarians Faced with Adversity will be funded by Lemony Snicket and awarded by ALA.


Council membership also discussed but defeated a Resolution on Whistleblower Edward Snowden. Which named Snowden as a whistleblower and commended his actions.


A Resolution to allow programs at American Library Association (ALA) Midwinter Meetings came before the Council, which referred it to the Budget Analysis & Review Committee for review before it

further discussion by Council. Midwinter is currently held as ALA's annual business meeting and although it includes hundreds of discussion groups, performances and other non-business sessions, it does not include programs.  This resolution would permit programs, making it mor elike the summer Annual Conference. As this resolution is likely to return to Council at the summer session, I am interested in what RILA members think.  Please send me an email ([email protected]) and let me know your opinion.


Council elected Peter D. Hepburn, Gina A. Persichini, and Gail A. Schlachter to three year terms (2014-2017) on the Executive Board and Mike L. Marlin to a 5-month term (January 28 through July 1, 2014)

on the Executive Board to complete the unexpired term of Sylvia K. Norton, recently appointed executive director of the ALA American Association of School Librarians (AASL)


Council also made Patricia Glass Schumann an honorary member, passed memorial resolutions  honoring Augusta "Gussie" Clark, Major Owens, Dr. Nasser Sharify, Dr. Bohdan Stephan Wynar and Pete Seegar and tributes for  Giovanni's Room Bookstore and its owner Ed Hermance, Senator Patrick Leahy, Congressman James Sensenbrenner and Senator John D. (Jay) Rockefeller IV.


Though not one of ALA's fierier conferences, I enjoyed representing Rhode Island through Council's deliberations.  I also enjoyed the opportunity to visit Philadelphia and to catch up with old ALA friends and make some new ones as well.  I thank RILA for sending me as Councilor to ALA.

RILA's Intellectual Freedom Committee
By Carla Weiss
Intellectual Freedom Committee Co-chair

Article 4 of the Library Bill of Rights states the "Libraries should cooperate with all persons and groups concerned with resisting abridgement of free expression and free access to ideas."  To facilitate such cooperation, libraries, individual librarians, and state intellectual freedom committees have joined with booksellers, publishers, artists, civil libertarians, journalists, authors, musicians and other groups and individuals with First Amendment concerns in local, state, and regional coalitions in defense of intellectual freedom.  The ALA Office for Intellectual Freedom maintains a roster of Intellectual Freedom Committee chairs of ALA state and regional chapters.


The Rhode Island Library Association's Intellectual Freedom Committee duties include responsibility for maintaining an awareness of intellectual freedom among librarians, and others who work in libraries, and trustees. In addition, awareness of the meaning of intellectual freedom should be fostered among local officials and citizens of Rhode Island. The committee should plan and coordinate one program for the Spring Conference.


The Committee frequently posts on the RILA listserv those intellectual freedom news and issues that may be of interest to RI libraries. Six editions of the Intellectual Freedom Manual have been published and include guidance to libraries that have faced challenges to contents in their collection. Some topics that are still being addressed and criticized over the last 15 years have been implementation of the Children's Internet Protection Act, 2000 (CIPA) and the USA PATRIOT Act (2001). The Committee disseminates information and material to RI libraries about Banned Books Week which occurs every year in late September. On occasion Committee members have had to testify in the Rhode Island legislature or at town hall meetings concerning intellectual freedom problems.


Committee members convene a few times a year or more often if there is a special project that needs to be accomplished. We invite RILA members to join us to expand our membership and bring fresh ideas about maintaining an awareness of intellectual freedom to Rhode Island librarians.

Women's History Month:

Women of Character, Courage, and Commitment

By Brandi Kenyon
Youth & Teen Services Librarian, S. Kingstown Public Library

There is a lot of concern these days about girls-- how they treat themselves, and how they treat others. Some girls are mean, making snarky and cruel comments about each other. Many have low self-esteem, harboring feelings of insecurity and self-doubt. Many girls have resorted purposely dumbing themselves down because somehow being smart isn't always cool.  And sadly, these behaviors and feelings aren't just happening with teens and tweens. Girls as young as five and six are getting the message that being pretty or popular is more important than being kind, smart, confident, and strong.


Women's History Month is the perfect time to dispel these negative messages that have worked their way into the lives of girls. Whether a girl is five or fifteen, it's never too early or too late to introduce a girl (or a boy!) to a strong woman who made a positive impact on the world.   


Grades K-3:

Louisa May's Battle: How The Civil War Led to Little Women by Kathleen Krull (2013)

Recounts the author's experiences as a young woman caring for wounded Union soldiers in Washington, D.C. during the Civil War and the impact that these experiences had on her development as an author.


Brave Girl: Clara and the Shirtwaist Makers' Strike of 1909

by Michelle Markell (2013)

An account of immigrant Clara Lemlich's pivotal role in the influential 1909 women laborer's strike describes how she worked grueling hours to acquire an education and support her family before organizing a massive walkout to protest the unfair working conditions in New York's garment district.


Life in the Ocean: The Story of Oceanographer Sylvia Earle

by Claire A. Nivola (2012)

Sylvia Earle first lost her heart to the ocean as a young girl when she discovered the wonders of the Gulf of Mexico in her backyard. As an adult, she dives even deeper. Whether she's designing submersibles, swimming with the whales, or taking deep-water walks, Earle has dedicated her life to learning more about what she calls "the blue heart of the planet."


Josephine: The Dazzling Life of Josephine Baker

by Patricia Hruby Powell (2014)

Combines exuberant verse and stirring illustrations in a picture book introduction to the life of the passionate performer and civil rights activist that traces her journey from the slums of St. Louis to the world's most famous stages.                        


Founding Mothers: Remembering the Ladies by Cokie Roberts (2014)

Roberts presents an adaptation of her acclaimed adult book that highlights an engaging cast of revolutionary founding mothers, including Martha Washington, Abigail Adams and Dolley Madison.


Who Says Women Can't Be Doctors? The Story of Elizabeth Blackwell by Tonya Stone (2013)

An introduction to the life and achievements of the first American female doctor describes the limited career prospects available to women in the early nineteenth-century, the opposition Blackwell faced while pursuing a medical education, and her pioneering medical career that opened doors for future generations of women.


Grades 3-6:

Searching for Sarah Rector: The Richest Black Girl in America 

by Tonya Bolden (2014)

Recounts the story of the 1914 disappearance of eleven-year-old Sarah Rector, an African American who was part of the Creek Indian people and whose land had made her wealthy, and what it reveals about race, money, and American society.


Women Explorers: Perils, Pistols, and Petticoats

by Julie Cummins (2012)

Unfortunately, most of the brave women explorers have never made it into history books because they lived in times when it was taboo for women to go off on their own. Luckily, the daring women in this book didn't let those taboos slow them down as they climbed treacherous mountains, studied Aboriginal cultures, and lived with Pygmy tribes!


Amelia Lost: The Life and Disappearance of Amelia Earhart

by Candace Fleming (2011)

The thrilling story of America's most celebrated flyer, Amelia Earhart. In alternating chapters, Fleming deftly moves readers back and forth between Amelia's life (from childhood up until her last flight) and the exhaustive search for her and her missing plane.


The Girl From the Tar Paper School: Barbara Rose Johns and the Advent of the Civil Rights Movement by Teri Kanefield (2014)

Describes the peaceful protest organized by teenager Barbara Rose Johns in order to secure a permanent building for her segregated high school in 1951 Virginia, and explains how her actions helped jump start and fuel the Civil Rights Movement.


Who Is? and Who Was? Series by various authors

These shorter chapter book biographies highlight women of the past and present, including Harriet Tubman, Annie Oakley, Maria Tallchief, Sally Ride, J.K. Rowling and more!


Grades 6 and up:

Pure Grit: How American World War II Nurses Survived Battle and  Prison Camp in the Pacific

by Mary Cronk Farrell (2014)

The women had arrived in the Philippines unprepared for war and expecting a tropical play land. Rising to the occasion, they were driven to the limits of endurance nursing wounded and dying American soldiers. Now the woman faced the horrors of prison camp--disease, starvation, and humiliation by their guards.  


Temple Grandin: How the Girl Who Loved Cows Embraced Autism and Changed the World by Sy Montgomery (2012)

Showcases Grandin's life with autism and her groundbreaking work as a scientist and designer of cruelty-free livestock facilities describes how she overcame key disabilities through education and the support of her mother.


Primates: The Fearless Science of Jane Goodall, Dian Fossey, and Birule Galdikas by Jim Ottaviani & Maris Wicks (2013)

An engrossing, graphically novel introduces the lives and work of three eminent primatologists, sharing insights into their educations under mentor Louis Leakey while exploring their pivotal contributions to 20th-century natural science.


Bad Girls: Sirens, Jezebels, Murderesses, Thieves and Other Female Villains by Jane Yolen & Heidi E. Y. Stemple (2013)

An introduction to more than two dozen of history's most notorious women invites readers to draw their own conclusions while sharing the stories of such figures as Tituba, Lizzie Borden and Cleopatra, offering  contextual defenses of their innocence and arguments about their guilt.


Need additional suggestions to help celebrate Women's History Month? Check out the Amelia Bloomer Project. This group, part of the Feminist Task Force of Social Responsibilities Round Table of ALA, creates an annual booklist of the best feminist books for young readers, ages birth through 18. In addition, the website A Mighty Girl has "The world's largest collection of books, toys and movies for smart, confident, and courageous girls".
Human Library 2014 Heads to Bristol!
Human Library Banner
After last year's successful event in Providence, the East Bay gets a chance to host living books.

An eclectic and thought-provoking collection of more than 50 "Human Books" will provide the East Bay with a unique reading experience at Roger Williams University on Sunday, March 30th.
The first statewide Human Library event took place at Rochambeau Library in 2013; now a larger consortium of Rhode Island libraries and sponsoring organizations has produced another highly original and perhaps life-changing library experience for the people of Rhode Island.

Modeled on a traditional library, a human library consists of "human books," real people who have volunteered to tell their personal stories and to answer questions about life experiences. Readers are invited to browse a catalog and check out a book for a 15-minute, one-on-one conversation, during which they can learn about their subject and ask questions in a safe, respectful setting.

Recalling the old adage, "Never Judge a Book by its Cover," human libraries strive to promote understanding by allowing people to test the truth behind preconceptions. Human books are people with powerful stories to tell and all have experienced prejudice and disadvantage in their lives.  Examples of book titles available in Bristol are Face of Homelessness, Refugee, Becoming Blind, Ex-Felon, Childless by Choice, Capeverdean American Woman, and Living on the Hyphen of Being Iranian-American. Go to and click on "The Human Books" tab to read full catalog entries (check back frequently for updates).

"We've received great support from public and academic libraries in Providence and all around the East Bay, as well as  generous sponsorship from Library Friends' groups, community organizations and businesses" said  Joyce May, Adult Services Librarian at Weaver Library and Co-Chair of HLRI 2014.  "A human library is memorable experience and a powerful learning tool. We're expecting visitors, not only from the East Bay but from all over the state" she added.

HLRI 2014 will take place on Sunday, March 30, 2014, at the Global Heritage Hall, Roger Williams University, One Old Ferry Road, Bristol, RI from 1:00pm -5:00pm
The program is free and open to all.  For more information, visit, and follow @HumanLibRI on Twitter. 

HLRI 2014 is a collaboration of the following public libraries and their Friends' groups: Providence Community Library (PCL); Weaver Library, East Providence; Providence Public Library; Rogers Free Library, Bristol; Barrington Public Library; Newport Public Library; George Hail Free Library, Warren. Academic libraries: University Library at Roger Williams University (RWU); Phillips Memorial Library, Providence College; Salve Regina University's McKillop Library.  Other partners and sponsors: Welcoming Rhode Island; GrantSpire Consulting LLC; People's Credit Union; Saccoccio & Associates, Architects; Rotary Club of Newport; Panera Bread; Whole Foods Market,Waterman Street and New Harvest Coffee Roasters.

Janet Kovach-Fuentes, Principal of GrantSpire Consulting LLC, and Joyce May, Adult Services Librarian at the East Providence Public Library, Co-Chairs of HLRI 2014, served previously on the planning committee of the Providence event that took place on March 3rd, 2013.  
We are grateful to the following: PCL for acting as fiscal agent and donating the time and expertise of several staff; Barrington Public Library, for hosting a training event on March 24th; and Roger Williams University, particularly the Dean of Library Services, the Director of the University Honors Program and the Department of Global Communication for volunteer help and support.

HLRI 2014 is part of a worldwide project that began in Denmark in 2000. Since then, human libraries have been held in over 60 countries.  See for more information. 

Passive Programming for YA librarians 
Barbi Gardiner
Young Adult Librarian, Coventry Public Library

Anyone who has ever been involved in programming for teens knows that they are a difficult group to attract to the library. Not only is it hard to bring teens in, but it is equally daunting trying to figure out what it is that will interest them. We very often put a lot of time and work into providing materials and programs that will appeal to teens, yet no matter how hard we try, attendance often remains low.


This lack of participation by teens may be due to the less-than-convenient location of the library, other after school activities competing for their time, lack of transportation, lack of dedicated teen space within the library, or even being introverted. Teens, being teens, may also find it difficult to commit to traditional programs, or may not remember when to show up for an event. We are left wondering what else we can do to attract teens to the library and keep them interested.


One way that I have had success in reaching teens at the Coventry Public Library is through passive programming. These programs and/or activities promote the library, its material, and services without providing a formal program at a specific time or date. Teens can take part whenever they happen to be in the library and without adult supervision (an added bonus for teens). These activities can be an alternative to traditional participation especially in libraries that have struggled to connect with teens or where teens have been reluctant to participate.


Measuring the outcomes of these programs is pretty basic as well. I keep track of how many crafts were placed in the YA area and how many times materials were refilled. I also keep track of how many blog hits are received, how many teens vote, how many book review submissions we receive monthly, and how many times each QR code is scanned. Keeping track gives you a more concrete way to see how teens are utilizing library services and programs.


Below are some suggestions for passive programming that have met with success:


Social media - Start a teen book blog or use other social media to connect with teens without having to have face-to-face interaction. Read young adult materials. Discuss the books teens have read and suggest similar materials. Encourage teens to take part in online discussions. Use the blog or other social media format to promote upcoming events, new book releases or other teen interest items.


Teen Book Reviews - Young adults are most interested in what their peers have to say about books and other library materials. Invite teens to complete a review of a book they have read. I have included a "Review It!" link right on our teen blog, making it easy for teens to review books from anywhere. Post the reviews in the YA area of the library or on the blog for other teens to read. A good way to ensure participation is to offer incentives (we offer teens a chance to win a FREE book with every entry).


Teen Voting - Let teens vote for their favorite books, poetry, music etc..! Make a chart to show which books etc. are in the lead. A great vote to start with, and my personal favorite, is the RITBA award nominees. Post results on the blog or social media, make up a flyer announcing the winner. You can also award prizes to participants if you wish.



 Drop-In Crafts and Activities - Prepare crafts and activities and make them continuously available to teens in the young adult area of your library. Provide instructions, materials, and lists of related books, web sites, etc. Craft and activity ideas might include themed crafts such as making Valentines during the month of February (see below), beading, scrapbooking, puzzles, paper foldables, or decorations for bulletin boards.



QR Codes - Make QR code labels and stick them near the end of YA books. When scanned, teens are linked to read-alikes or to other books by the same author. You can also make up flyers for the YA area with QR codes that link to book trailers, author websites, the OSL catalog etc...



Interactive Displays - Create bulletin boards or displays that invite teens to participate. For example, have teens create some Black Out poetry that can be displayed in the YA area during National Poetry Month, or create a bulletin board that invites teens to participate in making predictions for favorite books, such as with the March Madness Book Battle bulletin board pictured below. 


As you can see, there are loads of passive activities that will attract teens and keep them interested in the library while putting few demands on staff or budgets. While I don't advocate comprising your entire young adult program offering to be passive programs, they can certainly help make the library more attractive and engaging to teens.

News From the Field

Library Legislative Awareness Day Resolution

RILA's Legislative Action and Public Relations committees coordinated another successful RI Library Legislative Awareness Day, held at the State House on February 11.  RILA thanks all our fellow library representatives and the new community partners who were on hand to meet and greet our legislators this year.  Senator Hanna Gallo capped off the event by reading a resolution celebrating Library Legislative Day and recognizing the importance of all libraries in our state. Read the full text of the resolution on RILA's website. 



Are you interested in learning more about information literacy? RILA has a new group, the Information Literacy Action Round Table (ILART). The round table's two goals are:


1. To build a collaborative network across library types (school, public, academic, health, and special)  to promote information literacy as critical set of skills and understandings for full participation in society and therefore an essential component of library service

2. To provide a forum for discussion and communication of information literacy-related strategies, activities, and programs for all types of libraries and librarians throughout the state to support the needs of Rhode Islanders.

ILART meets occasionally, and the next event is Wednesday, March 19, 4-6 pm at New England Institute of Technology in East Greenwich, RI. For more information contact Mary MacDonald at 874-4635 or [email protected] 



The Coalition of Library Advocates (COLA) held its Annual Meeting on Tuesday, February 11, 2014 at the State House following RILA's Library Legislative Awareness Day. Howard Boksenbaum, who retired in 2013 from the RI Office of Library & Information Services (OLIS), where he had served as Chief Library Officer since 2007 was honored as COLA's Sweetheart of the Year. Guest speaker, award-winning novelist, Padma Venkatraman gave a passionate and inspiring talk about how reading kindles imaginations. COLA honored its 2014 Scholarship recipients Catherine Damiani with the Bergeron Award for a Public Library candidates and Lindsay Grant Aromin with the Linda Aldrich Award for School Library candidates. Lastly, two Friends groups were recognized with the William E. Reeves Friends Recognition Awards for 2014 for their outstanding work this past year. Those who attended had was a wonderful, fun-filled evening.  


Pauline Leaver is retiring from Greenville Library:
Pauline Leaver has been providing children's services for the Greenville Public Library since 1987.   She came to the Library as a high school  English teacher and obtained her masters degree in Library Science while working here.  For 27 years, "Miss Pauline" has been creating and presenting story hours and activities for preschool and school-aged children.  In addition to presenting programs in the Library she also presented story hours  to local nursery schools and participated in special reading events at the Smithfield YMCA, North Paws Veterinary, and local schools to name a few.   She managed the children's collections, introducing new media as necessary, such as videocassettes and then DVDs, Leap Frogs, and American Girls Dolls.

Those who were touched by Pauline know her talents and abilities.  Those who participated in her story hours know how their love of reading was enhanced.  And those of us who worked with her know how we grew professionally and did our jobs better with her help and encouragement.  

We wish her the best and are happy for her that she has more time to spend with her family, traveling, and exploring hobbies and new ventures.

Barbara Wells is hired as new Children's Librarian at Greenville
Barbara Wells comes to the Greenville Library with 13 years of experience as the Youth Services Librarian at the East Smithfield Public Library.  She is a regular contributor to the RILA Bulletin and has established many valuable reading programs at schools and Head Start in Smithfield.

The Cranston Public Library is pleased to announce that Gail Stokes as been appointed the new Youth Services Librarian at the Auburn Branch.
Gail had been the Youth Services Librarian at the Mount Pleasant branch of Providence Community Library since 2010.

Barrington Library recently received a grant for $2,000 from the Rhode Island Council for the Humanities to produce a three-part discussion series entitled "Outside the Box: Helping Our Children to Thrive".  The program will run on three Monday evenings, the first Mondays of March, April, and May and will feature experts on the topics of "Play and Relationships", ""Wellness" and "Performing Arts".  the program facilitator will be Marc Levitt,, well-known storyteller and writer, who will ensure that audience participation is kept at a very high level. All those interested in children and childhood development are invited to attend.

At the University of Rhode Island, the Offices of the Provost and the Vice President for Research and Economic Development have established a new fund to support faculty who want to publish in Open Access journals and who do not have other sources of funding available to cover publication fees.

This year $15,000 has been made available. Funding for articles that comply with eligibility criteria will be distributed on a first-come, first-served basis.

Details on eligible journals, fund rules, and information on how to apply are available at

The URI Open Access Fund is available to full-time faculty of the University of Rhode Island and is managed by the University Libraries.

Student ALA at URI Presents:
A Collection of Librarians, Speed Networking
Hardge Forum, Multi-Cultural Center at URI
Saturday, April 12th, 2014
2:00PM - 4:00PM

The Student ALA will be hosting a speed networking event on April 12th at 2:00pm, in the Hardge Forum in the Multi-Cultural Center at URI, where we will give current MLS students the chance to meet and greet with librarians in the area. We are currently looking for librarians who are interested in participating! It will be an interactive event, including snacks and time to mingle before and after the main speed networking event. The speed networking portion will be set up in the vein of 'speed dating', where the librarians will have set seats and the MLS students will move around the room, with a short amount of time to ask questions and perhaps trade business cards. If you are interested in participating in the event, please contact Grace at [email protected]

Providence Community Library

Providence Community Library (PCL) recently received a grant from IMLS for an innovative program to help incoming kindergarten children who will be attending Providence Public Schools (PPSD) to be ready for school when they start this fall.  PCL is working collaboratively with PPSD, Ready to Learn Providence and RI Family Literacy Initiative to provide a free educational program for children and their parent/caregiver over the spring and summer months to prepare their child for kindergarten. Activities include storytelling, story-acting, reading, and science activities. Each family will receive activity kits, a RI Early Learning Standard workbook and have access to newly-designed literacy kits to use with their children.

PCL staff has been attending bi-monthly Professional Development workshops since October 2013 led by staff at Ready to Learn Providence along with Professor Ben Mardell of the early childhood education program at Lesley University's Graduate School of Education. Among other practices, the workshops include training in the RI Early Learning and Development Standards and a study of Vivien Paley's "storyacting," which is being used in the Boston Public Schools.


These innovative workshops will begin in April and there are still openings at five PCL locations. Interested families can call 401-258-6439 or 401-274-4145, x1704 or send an email inquiry to: [email protected]. They can also visit any of the nine locations for more information.



OLIS Continuing Education

The Changing Face/Space of the Library: eBooks, Makerspaces and More.

Please join the OLIS Multi-Type Reference Advisory Group and the OLIS Resource Sharing Group for a half-day conference on The Changing Face/Space of Library: eBooks, Makerspaces and more. It will be held on Tuesday, April 29, 2014 from 10 AM to 3:30 PM at Bryant University's Fisher Center.


In the first half of the program meet Deb Hoadley, Team Leader for the MA eBook Project at Massachusetts Library System. She will speak about the project's pilot phase, its accomplishments, and its challenges. Followed by an overview of the eBook landscape in Rhode Island's schools, universities and public libraries. For the second half of the program, join us  for roundtable sessions to hear from other RI librarians about innovations and evolutions at their libraries. Come prepared to share your stories.


To register visit OLIS Continuing Education.


The 8th Annual Digital Commonwealth Conference
Save the Date!! April 8, 2014
"Practically Digital: Doing What it Takes"
Hogan Center at Holy Cross in Worcester

We are excited to announce that the 8th annual Digital Commonwealth conference will take place on Tuesday, April 8th at the Hogan Center at Holy Cross. This one-day conference will feature keynote addresses by two nationally-known speakers, as well as breakout session on a variety of topics.

Melissa Levine, the Lead Copyright Officer from the University of Michigan Library, will speak about copyright issues.  Liz Bishoff, of the Bishoff Group and previously the Executive Director of the Colorado Digitization Project, will discuss statewide and regional digital collaboratives and the need for sustainability planning.

Planned breakout session topics include audience engagement and crowdsourcing, conservation and digitization, online exhibits and lightning round presentations from Digital Commonwealth members.
The RILA Bulletin is produced by the RILA Communications Committee.  The RILA Communications Committee is responsible for publicizing and supporting Rhode Island Library Association activities using a variety of communication tools. Responsibilities including publishing the RILA Bulletin, managing social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter, and exploring other mediums as needed. The Communications Committee may cooperate with the publicity efforts of the Public Relations Committee to promote library services statewide.

Rhode Island Library Association members can contribute content to the RILA Bulletin by emailing the editors: [email protected]



Andria Tieman & Brandi Kenyon
Rhode Island Library Association