The Rhode Island Library Association
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is a professional association of Librarians, Library Staff, Trustees, and library supporters whose purpose is to promote the profession of librarianship and to improve the visibility, accessibility, responsiveness and effectiveness of library and information
services throughout Rhode Island.
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Constant Contact Newsletter
Greetings! Spring is in the air! After spending far too much time shoveling this year, I for one, am looking forward to warmer days. Also warmer weather brings Money Smart Week, April 20-27th. After the impressive turnout for last year's events, we're excited to see what we can do in 2013!
And what better way to appreciate the warmer weather than by attending the 2013 RILA Conference in scenic Newport, June 3 & 4. In addition to all of the regular conference fun, we're also planning some more casual evening events. After all, whenever librarians let down their hair, the world reacts! Stay tuned to and the RILA Bulletin for more details.
Thanks For Reading,
Andria Tieman & Brandi Kenyon RILA Communications Committee Co-Chairs
Teens and Internet Safety
By Brandi Kenyon
Youth & Teen Services Librarian, South Kingstown Public
|  Teens and the Internet...these days it seems that they go together as naturally as peanut butter and jelly. And while the Internet is full of wonderful things and useful information, it also has its share of potential dangers. Stories of Internet predators fill the news, causing parents of teens to worry about the safety of their teens on the Internet. Mix in excessive advertising, cyber-bullying, and the potential effects on teens' reputations and it can be hard to remember that the Internet isn't all bad. According to the latest Pew Internet and Life Study--Parents, Teens, and Online Privacy 81% of parents of online teens say they are concerned about how much information advertisers can learn about their child's online behavior; 72% of parents of online teens are concerned about how their child interacts online with people they do not know; and 69% of parents of online teens are concerned about how their child manages his or her reputation online. Ask a teen though about internet safety or cyber-bullying, and you might end up getting rolling eyes and a standard "I know all about it, I'm not stupid" response. That doesn't mean the topic isn't worth revisiting with them. Digital footprints are virtual tracks that everyone leaves behind when posting information online. Photographs posted on Flickr, the personal information added to Facebook, the book reviews or comments on blogs or other websites - all of these leave a footprint of where they've have been, information about what they think, and details about who they are. Details that other people online can also see. Does all this mean teens should avoid the Internet? Of course not, it just means that they need to be aware of the risks and take steps while online to keep themselves, and others around them, safe. As a librarian, how can you help make sure teens are safe online? There are a number of online resources available to help both parents and teens broach this subject: For Parents and Teens: Help Guide: Bullying and Cyber Bullying Netsmartz for Teens and Tweens Uses comics and videos to explain how to use the internet safely and avoid cyber-bullies and predators. On Guard Online Offers tips for parents and teens on a variety of online risks and how to make safe responsible choices. Especially for Teens: That's Not Cool Your cell phone, IM, and online profile are all digital extensions of who you are. When someone you're with pressures or disrespects you in those places, that's not cool. That's Not Cool provides tools to help you draw your digital line. Make sure Internet safety information and resources like these are available both on the library's website, as well as in brochure form in the teen area of the library. You could even take it a step further and hold informational workshops for parents and teens., both offer free educator and librarian kits that can be used for workshops. YALSA also offers a free online toolkit [] that offers programming ideas and examples of social media sites. Finally, be sure to listen. Many teens if they are having a problem feel awkward talking to their parents. Let them know that you are also a trusted adult and that they should feel comfortable coming to you if they need help with cyber-bullying or Internet safety. |
3D Printers and Libraries
By Corrie MacDonald
Technology Coordinator, Cranston Public Library
|  There has been a lot of interest in the media lately about 3D printers - President Obama even mentioned them in his State of the Union address. The staff at Cranston Public Library was interested to learn more about this emerging technology, and on March 5, James Rutter of AS220 Labs came to the Central library to demonstrate how 3D printers worked. The program was held as part of the library's 2-13 Teen Tech Week celebration. The $250 program fee was covered by a legislative grant from Senator Hanna Gallo. Rutter has worked as the manager of AS220 labs for two and a half years. He brought a MakerBot FDM printer along, and attendees watched as it printed out a small plastic squirrel. He described the smell emanating from the printer while it worked as "like cooked waffles". "The hardest part of using a regular printer is writing the paper. When you want to print, you just click a button and your paper prints out," he explained as he passed around an item that hadn't printed properly. "With a 3D printer, you're slowly building up and out. You have to think about how gravity affects your print. Sometimes you have to troubleshoot or think about how you want to print something. " Rutter said that just a few years ago, using and maintaining a 3D printer was an arduous, expensive, and very technical process. As the printers have become more mainstream, they have become easier to use and troubleshoot. There are elements of engineering and math involved in designing projects. He gave an overview of some of the programs that are used to design 3D printer projects. SketchUp is free program can make models for 3D printers. Because the user interacts with shapes and "sculpts" the model on the computer screen, this is a good program for visual learners. OpenSCAD takes a different approach from SketchUp. This free program uses a text editor and a lot of geometry and trigonometry. The user inputs code for shapes, radius, and height and the model appears on the screen.  | Items printed on AS220's 3D printer |
The programs mentioned above create something from scratch, which Rutter said can be intimidating. 123D Catch is a free program that requires a digital camera. You can take photos of whatever you want to make a 3D model of. "Walk all around your friend and take 40 different photos," said Rutter. "Gather different perspectives. Then upload the photos and 123D catch will give you a model." The MakerBot printer company's Thingiverse website has a dedicated community of users who share their project plans online. The class browsed the website to choose a simple item that they would print in the second week of the program. This was idea for the purposes of a library program because users can download models and just print - there's no need to design. It allows you to jump right in and get experience using your printer before you tackle the modeling. Rutter compared it to a Lego kit because the projects come with parts and instructions. Users can design customizable models or customize other peoples' models Once a project is modeled, users download printing software. ReplicatorG is a free download that allows you to generate your modeling code so you can send it to the machine and print. Part two of the 3D printer workshop is scheduled for March 26. We are looking forward to seeing which projects the teen choose and learning more about the process of 3D printing. As of now, no public libraries in Rhode Island offer 3D printers to the public to my knowledge. But interest in this technology is growing at a rapid pace, and the machines will continue to become more readily available and affordable in the future. This would be a great way to incorporate science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) elements into library programming. |
Connecting in the Community
By Babs Wells
Children's Librarian East Smithfield Public Library
The Rhode Island Early Learning Standards provide guidance to families, teachers and administrators on what children should know and be able to do as they enter kindergarten. They are intended to be inclusive of all children, recognizing that children meet the standards at different times and in different ways.
A group of parents, and early childhood experts worked with RIDE to design a family resource, Fun Family Activities for Preschoolers which is filled with enjoyable ways to support the development of learning of preschool children. The activities in the eight sections of the FFAP are based on the RI Early Learning Standards and are designed to help children develop skills for school success. Where do children's librarians come into the mix?
One way is to become a certified facilitator through RIDE.I attended the training when it was offered last year to librarians in partnership with Rhode Island Parent Information Network. It was a fast paced hands on training where we covered a lot of ground over a short period of time having fun along the way.We were trained to work with parents of preschoolers focusing on specific ways to support their child in the eight domains. As children's librarians who work with preschoolers on a weekly basis, we are familiar with their interests, favorite stories and creative energy. Through story hours and other programming we have the good fortune of experiencing the joy found within this dynamic age group.
Over the course of the six weeks of meeting with the adult learners we focused on learning about each domain, reviewed relevant research and experienced creative and fun ways to support their child's learning in each area through home and community activities. A major piece of the training is to build upon our understanding that children learn best through play.
Each participant receives a color coordinated set of FFAP cards that are chock full of information which we refer to throughout the training. Each domain is featured with tips for parents, games, experiments, craft ideas and best of all a list of books the children will enjoy.
As the weeks moved on we became more comfortable with each other as we tried some science experiments, danced, read stories and played with blocks. Another huge component of the workshops is creating individualized Family Treasure Boxes which reflect each family's unique culture and values.
My favorite part of the training was getting to know the parents as they shared their family traditions and warm memories of the books they were read to as children .I admired their dedication in attending the workshop despite the challenges of meeting early on a Friday morning after getting their kids off to school. I was fortunate enough to collaborate with very talented co -facilitators from the local Head Start which is where the training took place. We worked well together dividing up the responsibilities and resources we each brought to the table.
I am delighted that I decided to take a leap and check out a new way to reach out into the community.
Reference Refresher: Novelist
By Lenora Robinson
Reference Librarian, AskRI
|  NoveList is a database that is EBSCOhost's answer to a Reader's Advisory for fiction and narrative non-fiction books. NoveList first tempts the patron with a picture-list of current bestselling novels and offers recommendations based on the themes, subjects, genres, or series of those novels. Books can be searched if title, author or other information is known, or "best of" lists can be browsed based on genre. NoveList also has lists of "read-alikes" for those who want to read books similar to a particular title of book or author. Patrons can also find those "read-alikes" based on series as well as finding a complete list of a published series (ever need to find Book 1 of a series?). Any of the lists that are generated through NoveList can be reduced using limiters based on the reader's preferences such as audience (age range), publication date, if there are reviews available, if the book is an award winner, or if it's a forthcoming novel. Books are tagged with different informational categories in order to define the pace (fast-paced) of the book, the tone (romantic, suspenseful, upbeat), the writing style (compelling), the type of storyline (action-packed, plot-driven), or the genre (urban fantasy, first-person narrative) among other categories. Each of these categories are additionally linked to more lists of suggestions for books that fall into those categories. A link is available in a NoveList book entry that connects the patron with the Ocean State Library catalog which shows the availability of the book within the Rhode Island library system. It also provides links to reviews for each book that can be found on; a social website that allows people to build "bookshelves" of their reading lists and share those lists and reviews with their friends. NoveList isn't just for patrons. Librarians can start on the homepage and find information on examples of book display ideas and various marketing materials for the database. If a library has a book club it includes areas with book discussion guides, lists of award winning books for children; teens; and adults to choose for discussions, articles about finding appropriate books for patrons and how to conduct an "interview" to pick the best books for their patrons' reading pleasure. Articles are included in the librarians section that detail Reader Advisory actions for different or minority groups that may patronize the library. It also includes several areas for librarians to help with using books for teaching and other areas for children and teens and their reading.
Use NoveList any time a patron needs a fictional reading suggestion. It can offer many suggestions of novels that are both popular and unfamiliar. NoveList is available through the EBSCOhost icon at Like most EBSCO databases, once signed in, a patron has access to an online folder to save entries that they wish to return to or set display preferences. NoveList offers lists of hundreds of thousands of additional reading material, and can be a great benefit to a library's Readers' Advisory. |
RILINK Helps Close The Gap
By Dorothy Frechette
| RILINK, the Rhode Island Library Information Network for Kids, continues to improve access to school library resources and collaboration RILINK took additional steps toward fulfilling its mission to assist schools in their efforts to "close the gaps" in student achievement with the negotiation of two new contracts to provide additional resources for collaboration in member schools. Teachers in 150 Rhode Island schools can now locate within RICAT books and web-based resources to help their students meet Common Core and Rhode Island State standards, using a service provided under contract with Follett Software for Destiny Library Manager. With one simple search in their school library catalog at, they can find quality content correlated to the standards they are teaching. Both keyword searching and browsing through individual standards by topic and grade level make it more convenient to use library and web resources as integral curriculum planning tools. RILINK negotiated a contract with the SpringShare Corporation for its CMS product for use by librarians at participating member schools to develop online resource guides to enhance their library programs and collaborate with teachers, students, and parents. These resources, available at, use LibGuides CMS to create guides and manage content and users. This full content management system does not require knowledge of html and provides for easy sharing of modules and content within a community of international users. RILINK has also moved its web site to the SpringShare platform at |
New Campaign Promotes Digital Literacy
By Corrie MacDonald
Technology Coordinator, Cranston Public Library
Computer skills and the ability to use technology are no longer optional or frivolous - they are crucial to anyone who needs to participate and compete in today's workforce. Yet a recent study indicated that nearly a third of Rhode Islanders do not use the internet. Many Rhode Island libraries have responded to public demand for computer classes by offering free classes and training. Broadband RI has partnered with libraries throughout RI to increase the number of trainings available across the state. Progress is being made, but there is still work to be done.
The Everyone On campaign is launching on March 21 in an effort to promote digital literacy and access to all Americans. This campaign will direct the public to free digital literacy training through a locator guide. If your library offers computer classes, you can list them on the site.
The program is funded by Connect 2 Compete (C2C), a new, nationwide program committed to improving the lives of low-income Americans by building awareness, promoting digital literacy training, and increasing access to technology. It will bring low-cost computers, reduced-cost Internet connections, and digital literacy training to low income Americans. Through programs and the power of technology, the campaign aims to improve the lives of Americans - regardless of their age, race, geography, income, or education level.
Libraries have always offered opportunities to the communities they serve. While computers and technology are relatively new to the library landscape, offering digital literacy trainings is a natural progression as we seek ways to serve the needs of our patrons and empower them to succeed.
Proposed (NEW) Minimum Standards for RI Public Libraries
By Donna DiMichele
Program Manager/LSTA Coordinator , OLIS
The Office of Library and Information Services (OLIS) is in the process of revising the Minimum Standards for Rhode Island Public Libraries. The Library Board of Rhode Island (LBRI), OLIS' advisory body, created an ad hoc committee to oversee the revision of the Standards. Members of the Standards Committee are: Brigitte Hopkins, Chair, Aaron Couto, Ken Findlay, Ed Garcia, Joan Ress Reeves, Tom Viall, Howard Boksenbaum, and Donna DiMichele.
You can find a copy of the draft Standards on the OLIS website. PDF The Standards have been revised with an eye toward becoming more measurable and to reflect clearer objectives. The total number of Standards in the proposed draft has been reduced from 54 to 23. The library community and others are being invited to give feedback on the proposed Standards.
Take a survey!
The LBRI Standards Committee has posted a survey which allows respondents to comment on each of the proposed Standards or to simply choose from one of three responses: Agree / Neutral / Disagree. Members of the library community are encouraged to share the survey tool with public library trustees, city/town officials, and other stakeholders who have an interest in the outcomes linked to the revised Standards. Public libraries will have to certify compliance with the new standards on July 1, 2014 as part of their application for grant-in-aid for FY2015. The survey closes on March 22, 2013.
News From the Field
Coventry Public Library is pleased to announce that they recently hired Stephanie Barta as a Youth Services and Reference Librarian. Stephanie is thrilled to be a part of the Coventry Library family and is eager to start her new duties.
Cumberland recently hired Melissa Chiavaroli as their new Reference Services Coordinator.
Cumberland also welcomes Jennifer Cournoyer as their new Young Adult/ Reference librarian. Jennifer had been working for Ocean State Libraries, and will begin her new role March 25th.
Warwick Public Library recently hired Jennifer Beierman as their Young Adult librarian. She had previously been working at Cumberland Public Library.
RILA RILA is getting social! We will be hosting a special librarians trivia night soon! After all, librarians are full of trivial knowledge--it'll be the most intense competition ever! We'll update you with more details soon and make sure you're following us on facebook and checking the website:
Chief Library Officer Howard Boksembaum announced his retirement on the OLIS website recently: "I depart from the Office of Library Services secure in the knowledge that I am leaving behind an extraordinary staff that will continue to point Rhode Island libraries in the direction of the future and the excitement that waits there. In the knowledge that I am leaving behind a Library Board of Rhode Island with a scope and the vision that will ensure that Rhode Island's libraries will fulfill their essential role in the Rhode Island community. In the knowledge that RI libraries will continue to find for every reader her or his book and for every book its reader, regardless of what it is we will be calling 'books' in the future."
Money Smart Week
The Rhode Island Libraries Association wants you to be smart about money! Please join us for Money Smart Week April 20-27, 2013 for a series of free seminars @ your local library. Topics include family budgeting, retirement planning, money tips for kids and college students, fraud and identity theft, and more! For a full list of dates, times, and events visit
GSLIS Conference: Catapult your Career in 2013!
When: March 23, 2013 from 9 am - 4 pm (registration opens at 8 am) Where: Swan Hall, URI Kingston Campus and lunch at the University Club Cost: Early bird registration is $10 for Student ALA members and $20 for non-members (until March 8) What: Includes all programs, continental breakfast and full lunch Who: Graduate students, librarians new to the field, and professional librarians who would like to participate in our PFE Open House or our resume review service.
This conference is geared towards an audience of graduate students and new librarians, as well as professional librarians who would like to participate in our PFE Open House and other opportunities the day of the event! For detailed information about the conference: For registration:
Please be sure to complete your registration before March 8th to secure your spot at our networking lunch and for early bird pricing! For questions, please contact Stefanie Metko at
We're All in It Together: Connecting Reference & Information Literacy Across All Rhode Island Libraries
Monday, April 08, 2013 2:30 p.m. - 5:30 p.m. CCRI - Warwick Campus, Board Room, #4090
Presenter(s)/Discussion Leader(s): Dr. Cheryl McCarthy, Professor, School Library Media Program & Information Literacy Certification - Coordinator, GSLIS at Harrington School, URI Mary MacDonald, Professor, University Library, Head of Instruction, Information Literacy Librarian. Ed Garcia, Library Director at Cranston Public Library. Jennifer Thomas, Director of Library and Technology Integration at Bishop Stang High School. Amanda Richman, Public Services Librarian, Rhode Island Hospital/Lifespan Roundtable sessions: 1. Are You Ready for the Common Core? 2. Information Literacy Continuum K-16 3. Free & Cool Tech Tools 4. Finding and Evaluating Health Information 5. Marketing Your Invisible Resources, Databases (AskRI) Information Literacy and Inquiry/Reference Services are of increasing importance to patrons of all ages in all types of libraries. Join the OLIS Multi-type Library Reference Advisory Group for a keynote presentation and roundtable discussions that will bring together school, public, academic, and special library staff to learn and share ideas about best practices and future applications to enhance and connect these valuable services across all Rhode Island libraries. Registration required. Intended Audience: Open to all library staff. Conservation Center for Art & Historic Artifacts
Providence, RI - May 2nd, 2013 Cosponsored & hosted by: Museum of Art Rhode Island School of Design
ABOUT THE PROGRAM This symposium will examine the myriad of challenges faced in preserving a wide variety of non-standard paper items produced in the 19th and 20th centuries, including paper dolls, greeting cards, posters, maps, blueprints, baseball cards, miniature books, scrapbooks, and oversize objects such as posters, maps, and blueprints . The size, the use of mixed media, and the often-transient nature of these objects add to the complexity of their preservation needs. This symposium will address the need to retain basic preservation guidelines while creatively developing effective storage and handling solutions for a variety of items.
The program is intended for curators, librarians, archivists, collection managers, and others involved in the care of collections that include paper-based objects large and small.
LOCATION & TIME Location: Museum of Art Rhode Island School of Design 224 Benefit Street Providence, RI 02903 When: Thursday, May 2nd, 2013 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
REGISTRATION & FEES $95 CCAHA members $110 Non-members
Registration, secure credit card payment, and additional program information are available on our website at: The Academy of Certified Archivists will award Accreditation Recertification Credits (ARCs) to eligible Certified Archivists (CAs) attending this program. For more information, go to: To learn more about CCAHA and its programs and services, please visit our website at QUESTIONS? Call 215-545-0613 or email
"Preservation Works"--the 28th Annual Rhode Island Statewide Historic Preservation Conference
featuring a discussion panel on "New Libraries in Old Buildings" West Warwick Saturday, April 27, 8:30am-6pm $40 includes morning coffee and pastry, lunch, closing reception The day-long "Preservation Works" conference examines how preservation works and what we work to preserve--historic libraries, mills and mill villages, downtown commercial districts, public works, and works of art. The event gets underway at the Church of St. John the Baptist in historic Arctic Village with a keynote speech on the industrialization of 19th-century southern New England. Among the breakout sessions scheduled is a panel on "New Libraries in Old Buildings" moderated by Brian Jones of the Rhode Island Library Report with Laura Marlane (Providence Community Library), Jack Renshaw (architect for recent Willett Free Library project), and Kathryn Taylor (Memorial and Library Association). Also on tap are 11 additional workshops and 11 bus, bicycle, and walking tours of historic places around the Pawtuxet River Valley, from majestic Royal Mill to rural Hopkins Hollow. The day winds down with a closing reception at historic Centreville Bank on Arctic's Main Street. Presented by the R.I. Historical Preservation & Heritage Commission with the Town of West Warwick and the Pawtuxet Valley Preservation & Historical Society. For more information (and to register), visit or call (401)732-1009.
The RILA Bulletin is produced by th e RILA Communications Committee. The RILA Communications Committee is responsible for publicizing and supporting Rhode Island Library Association activities using a variety of communication tools. Responsibilities including publishing the RILA Bulletin, managing social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter, and exploring other mediums as needed. The Communications Committee may cooperate with the publicity efforts of the Public Relations Committee to promote library services statewide.
Rhode Island Library Association members can contribute content to the RILA Bulletin by emailing the editors:
Andria Tieman & Brandi Kenyon Rhode Island Library Association