The Rhode Island Library Association
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is a professional association of Librarians, Library Staff, Trustees, and library supporters whose purpose is to promote the profession of librarianship and to improve the visibility, accessibility, responsiveness and effectiveness of library and information
services throughout Rhode Island.
Contact us at:
Constant Contact Newsletter
October is right around the corner, and we are pleased and excited to announce that October is Information Literacy Month in Rhode Island! This initiative was co-sponsored by RILA and School Librarians of Rhode Island, and will hopefully bring attention to the importance of information literacy around the state.
We want to hear from you about what's going on in the Rhode Island library world. Send emails to and let us know the great work people are doing at your library. Have you checked out the RILA website lately? Take a look at our various committees and consider joining one that matches your talents and interests.
Thanks for reading, and may your autumn leaf peeping be colorful!
Andria Tieman & Corrie MacDonald Communications Committee Co-Chairs |
October is Information Literacy Month!
|  Governor Chafee recently signed a proclamation declaring October as Information Literacy Awareness Month in Rhode Island. There are now nine states that have proclamations: Alaska, Illinois, Massachusetts, Missouri, Montana, New York, Oregon, Rhode Island, and Texas. The idea for this project was born when Mary MacDonald, Head of Instructional Services for the University of Rhode Island Libraries, approached RILA about a collaboration after being contacted by Dr. Sharon Weiner, the Vice-President of the National Forum on Information Literacy (NFIL) and Professor of Library Science for the Purdue University Libraries. Dr. Weiner asked her to lead an initiative to ask Governor Chafee to proclaim October 2012 Information Literacy Month. The National Forum on Information Literacy is leading an effort to encourage all states and U.S. territories to submit requests to their governors' offices to proclaim October as Information Literacy Month. "I contacted RILA Vice-President Jenifer Bond, knowing that as the professional association of librarians, library staff, trustees, and library supporters, RILA was the best avenue for representing our state," MacDonald said. "Jenifer and I worked over the summer with help from other RILA members and with Darshell Silva, President of School Librarians of Rhode Island (SLRI) to write the proclamation." The proclamation was submitted to the Governor by RILA and SLRI - so the two library organizations were joint sponsors. You can view the official proclamation on the RILA website.
Congratulations to all involved in gaining official recognition of the importance of information literacy!
Library in a Box
by Corrie MacDonald
Technology Coordinator, Cranston Public Library
The sites use the open-source content management system Drupal. The project, dubbed "Library in a Box", was facilitated by the Ocean State Libraries consortium (OSL). The websites were designed by Oregon-based web development company ServerLogic. ServerLogic designed the OSL Connects website, which went live in October 2010. According to OSL Assistant Director Lisa Sallee, they developed Library in a Box as a lower-cost solution after doing several library websites that all had some basic requests in common.
Each library involved in the Library in a Box project had half of the $5,000 price tag covered by Champlin Grant funds, and were responsible for the remaining sum. The libraries started out with a pre-made website, and staff from each library were trained in how to customize their sites. Training was held via webinar over a six-week period beginning in late March. The project was challenging at times. Drupal has a steep learning curve, and none of the participating libraries were live by the original anticipated launch date of June 1. However, as someone who participated in the project, I take tremendous satisfaction in having learned as much as I did in a relatively short time and look forward to learning more about maintaining and improving a library website using Drupal. The influx of Drupal-based websites in the Rhode Island library world has sparked a revival of the OSL Drupal Users Group. The group will meet at the Jamestown Library on October 4 at 10am. Attendees can take turns showcasing triumphs or trouble spots in small groups. Anyone is welcome to attend, but please sign up in advance on OSL Connects. Come learn more about Drupal and what it can do for your library! |
Reference Refresher
By Lenora Robinson
Reference Librarian, AskRI
|  Do you have a patron looking for the difference between LCD's and Plasma televisions? If they can't figure out which one might be the best for their home or work situation, a look through Consumer Reports might give them an idea of which one to look for. EBSCOhost offers, through their MasterFILE Premier database, full-text Adobe PDF documents of Consumer Reports magazine from 1985 to the present. Many other magazines are also available through the EBSCOhost database, reachable online from anywhere in Rhode Island through Click on the EBSCOhost logo from and choose MasterFile Premier from the EBSCO portal page in order to begin a search for magazine articles. The portal page was recently re-arranged by EBSCO to make it more user-friendly. In addition, starting in September 2012, patrons accessing EBSCO databases within public libraries will now see the same interface as remote users. Patrons can add a publication date, peer review options, and choose from several publication types that can narrow down the amount of articles returned through their search by clicking the Search Options link below the search bar prior to and during their search. MasterFILE Premier gives additional options in Advanced Search to search through magazine cover stories, the preferred article length, or how the document might be classified; including reviews, recipes, short stories, interviews, or articles in order to refine the results. When a topic has been searched, the patron is given access to a list of links to full-text PDF and HTML articles from the magazine by default. These PDF documents will include the original images, and any bullet points and insets, just like would be found in the actual paper magazine. An HTML full-text document, found in some magazines also available, gives the full text of the document, but often lacks images. If a patron only requires citations of an article, the Full-Text search option will need to be unchecked from the optional limiters of the search. If a patron wants to browse through all of the articles of an individual issue of a magazine, they can do that, too. Once they're in the MasterFILE Premier database, the Publications tab should be chosen, and the magazine or journal name should be entered into the search bar. A magazine record can then be chosen which will supply a list of the available years of publication, which can each be expanded to show the individual issues published in that year. The result of choosing an issue is a list of all the articles available that are online. Another option for searching is to use the Subject tab, in order to browse through detailed subject terms recognized by the database. Just a few of the 1,700 full-text magazine titles in addition to Consumer Reports that are available through EBSCOhost's MasterFILE Premier include: Library Journal, Economist, Variety, Time, Science, Nature, Sports Illustrated, People, Newsweek, Chronicle of Higher Education, U.S. News & World Report, Entertainment Weekly, New York Times Magazine, ComputerWorld, InfoWorld, PC Week, Publisher's Weekly, and the Saturday Evening Post. A detailed and complete list of all available magazine titles can be found online at: Other sources that are included in MasterFILE Premier consist of primary source documents, biographies, newspapers, and access to information from over 500 full-text reference books. A search for "presidents", for example, will find results from individual biographies of various U.S. presidents, presidential candidates, and presidents from other countries as well as newspaper articles covering various elections and political controversy. Governmental documents pertaining to the presidency can also be found. A list of sources that EBSCOhost includes from these documents can be found at Don't forget that MasterFILE Premier also gives access to over 592,000 maps, photos, and flags through magazines and academic journals. For example, maps can be found in Backpacker magazine that include hints, tips, and places to visit along the Appalachian Trail. The database also includes other detailed maps, topographical maps, and graphical images to help geography students, hikers or adventurers. |
Book Review: Books: A Living History by Martyn Lyons The J. Paul Getty Museum: Los Angeles, 2012 Aaron Coutu, Assistant Director/Technology Coordinator Cumberland Public Library
|  Even as digital e-books take on a larger role in what libraries do, there can be no question that books of all types are still at the core of our mission. With this work, Lyons skillfully presents an overview of the history of books from their earliest development with ancient cultures such as the Sumerians and the Egyptians to current questions and concerns relating to mobile devices and e-books. Lyon's book is set up in chronological order with sections dedicated to ancient and Medieval times, the eighteenth century, the nineteenth and twentieth centuries and the future. Each chapter is built with entries focusing on specific topics such as materials used to make books, their format, major works and authors from the period, the methods and business of publishing, and the role books played in the literacy/education levels of the cultures. These entries don't have great depth, but each tends to provide a good amount of detail to introduce the topic thoroughly to the reader. The result is a strong sense of the evolution of books, literature, and printing. Libraries are also often highlighted throughout. Each of the entries ranges from one to three pages and is accompanied by high quality images. The images are really used wonderfully to help tell the story. Some are simply sample pages or book covers of works that are being highlighted in the section. Photographs or other forms of art are often used to share with the reader what authors and publishers looked like. One of the most interesting types of images included are representations from the art world throughout the timeline covered that show average people reading. The inclusions of the images really add another dimension to the presentation. One of the things that is most impressive about the book about the book is the fact that it does not focus solely on the use of books in the Western or English-speaking World. There are a number of references to works and publishing information from China, Japan, the Arab World, Africa, and South America. This global approach provides stronger balance, particularly since a number of inventions and trends pre-date their arrival in Europe or North America. This really is a thoroughly enjoyable read. Due to its format, you can pick it up and read an article or two before moving on without being overwhelmed, though you might find its large size and the use of glossy paper a bit heavy to hold for long periods of time. This "coffee table" style format does speak to the quality of the book's publication. Books: A Living History is definitely worth a read, though don't be surprised if your friends and family turn to you and laugh that you are reading a book ... about books. I know that some of mine did. Just tell them that they should expect no different. You are a librarian! |
Celebrate Teen Read Week
By Brandi KenyonYouth and Teen Services Librarian, South Kingstown Public Library
| Teen Read Week (October 14-20) is fast approaching! Hosted each year by the Young Adult Library Association (YALSA) and ALA, Teen Read Week encourages teens age 12-18 to read for the fun of it, as well as become aware of the many programs and services that the library offers. This year's horror movie inspired theme, It Came From the Library, offers many scary (and not so scary) ways to celebrate.
With Halloween right around the corner, use Teen Read Week to start getting into the spirit of things by hosting a Scary Story Telling Workshop. Display the scariest teen books the library has to offer, turn the lights down and read aloud the scariest parts, or take turns reading from scary short story collections. Follow up the tales by giving teens a chance to talk about what makes something scary and to write their own horror stories.
Not feeling brave? Have a Teen Read-In Day instead. Encourage teens to bring their books and comfy pillows to sit on. Do they need a book suggestion? Display new books and have books available for mini-booktalks. Offer snacks, and every hour hold a raffle and give out prizes. Hang poster boards with book related poll questions. Finally, be sure to set up a simple craft station for when their eyes might need a break from reading.
Short on time, staffing, or funds? Don't let that stop you from celebrating Teen Read Week. It's not too late for some last minute fun. If your library has many artistic teens, try a Book Cover Redesign contest. Is there a book they love that deserves a better cover? Display the entries along with the books that inspired the redesign and allow teens to vote on their favorites.
Finally, one of the main attractions of Teen Read Week is the announcement from YALSA of the results of the Teen's Top Ten. Every year members of teen book groups in sixteen school and public libraries around the country create a list of nominations. Teens across the country then get to vote on their favorite books from this list. Create displays, print bookmarks (downloadable from Encourage teens read as many as they can from the list. Online voting for this year's Top Ten has already ended, but don't let that stop you from finding out your teens' favorites. Give your library's teens a chance to have their opinions heard and create your own teen tops survey! In addition to favorite books, don't forget to include fun categories such as, "Which book's post apocalyptic world would you NOT want live in?" or "Which book has the best fictional sport or game?" Post the results in the teen area of the library, and if you library has them, share the results on your Facebook or blog page.
Look for more ideas at or
By taking the time to celebrate Teen Read Week, through programming, highlighting the collection or both, we are showing teens that they are a valued part of the library community. So October 14-20, reach out and celebrate with the teens of your library. |
A Plea For Even More School/Public Library Collaboration and CooperationBy Rosemary DriscollLibrary Media Specialist, East Providence Public School / Reference Librarian, Cranston Public Library
| Public and school librarians have a very good understanding of the importance of collaborating with each other to serve the needs of the students in their communities. We can all agree, however, that more can be done to communicate with each other and share resources in order to ensure that the young people in our communities have the skills and resources necessary to succeed both in school, and, as lifelong learners. While this notion is certainly not new, I believe, the urgency for this to be standard practice is.
Nearly every community in Rhode Island is suffering from budget cuts. In East Providence, where I am a library media specialist, the financial distress is especially keen. As most know, the city has been under the supervision of a state appointed budget commission, two branches of the public library system were closed this past year, and the already reduced school budgets have been cut even further. Like many other cities, we are functioning below bare bones in a time of increasing demands on schools to improve student learning. So, in a nutshell, the stakes have never been higher while the resources scarcer. If ever there was a time for cooperation and sharing, this is it.
In East Providence in recent years, cooperation and collaboration have been working. The librarians at EPPL have done a commendable job of reaching out to the schools. For example, they've come in to the middle and high schools to do booktalks for summer reading, offered to work with librarians to instruct students on the use of databases available at the public library, and when the Board of Trustees at EPPL made the difficult decision to close the Fuller and Rumford branches, invited the school librarians to "snag" books from the collections for our schools. A tremendous gift for us given that our budgets had been frozen for the last several years.
So, while these are small and obvious examples of communication and collaboration, it demonstrates how two institutions in the same community can work together for a mutually beneficial outcome. As the school year begins, let's start a conversation with each other on approaches to collaboration, communication, and resource sharing.
Question Block
Obviously, a big part of our job involves helping patrons and the community, but it's always nice to take a moment to take care of ourselves and the up-and-coming librarians who will eventually be running the show. Everyone has a moment where they say, "I wish someone had told me that earlier," so if you're a newbie and are reading this--pay attention!
What advice would you give to a newbie Librarian?
--Be flexible. Cultivate excellent customer service skills. Be technologically savvy. Libraries are always looking for librarians with excellent technological skills. Keep learning. Be patient and actively look for opportunities.
--My advice would be: customer service, customer service, customer service! No matter what else changes, re. technology, funding, or new products, the thing that sells the library to a community is first and foremost exceptional customer service!! So pay attention to what your customers, of all ages and interests want, and try really, really hard to give it to them-with a wide and sincere smile!
--Treat the custodial staff with dignity and respect. They are invaluable staff members.
--The old carpenter's adage, "measure twice, cut once", holds true for program, policy, and workflow decisions in libraries. If someone suggests, "Hey, let's do THIS!," evaluate twice, implement once. The amount of staff and patron time saved by thorough investigation and analysis remains well worth the up-front investment.
--Don't be a slave to tradition; question the system. If the only answer to "why does x work this way" is "because it's always been done that way", rethink why it's being done in the first place. Too many young librarians are "mentored" by older librarians whose only motto is "because it's always been done that way; it's comfortable". Change should be the only constant in libraries. Also, join RILA and, more importantly, get involved with RILA.
News From the Field
 | Angelique Montes De Oca |
Summer Reading
Monday night August 20th, the PawSox welcomed onto the field 55 very special kids from Rhode Island's public libraries, to celebrate the completion of this year's "Dream Big: Read" summer reading program and kick off the school year. Each child proudly held up a sign for his or her library and marched out in front of spectators and cameras to await the grand-prize drawing of a trip to Disney World out of the mascot Paws' hat.
This year, the winner was none other than Providence Community Library: Knight Memorial Library's own Angelique Montes De Oca, a 4th grader who not only completed all of the required program activities and read the standard number of books, but also went far above and beyond by reading well over 130 chapter books over the summer, simply because she loves to read! Knight Memorial librarians Maria Cotto and Melissa Rivera gushed over what a truly a remarkable girl Angelique is, and since this is the first time anyone from Providence Community Library has won, what a wonderful representative we have in her!
"I feel happy about winning the tickets. My grandmother and I worked really hard creating the poster and were excited to go to the PawSox game. It was a lot of fun. I am very thankful that I was not only able to go to the PawSox game, but also to win the tickets to Disney World. It's a dream come true! " ~Angelique Montes De Oca~
Redwood Library and Athenaeum
The Redwood Library and Athenaeum will be providing e-book access to members via the 3M Cloud Library. As a partner in the 3M Early Adaptor program, the Redwood joins hundreds of other library systems across the country in providing access to E-books utilizing this new service. First announced at the annual ALA conference in 2011, the 3M Cloud Library promises a user-friendly, simplified experience in downloading e-books. Patrons may simply use their existing barcodes and passwords without the additional steps of an Adobe ID. It's a "one-stop" shopping experience. Currently, 3M e-books may be read on PCs, I-pads, Nooks and Android devices or on a 3M e-reader, five of which are available at the Redwood Library circulation desk for easy check-out. Additionally, content may be transferable to other vendors. The official Redwood kick-off is slated for October. For further information on access, please contact Robert Kelly or Maria Bernier
Cranston Public Library
The Cranston Public Library is pleased to announce that Julie Holden has been appointed Information Services and Emerging Technologies Librarian. Julie previously worked at the Pawtucket Public Library, where she served as a Reference Librarian since 1999. In her new position, Julie will be responsible for teaching Digital Literacy/Internet Basics courses, instruction on the use of eReaders/eBooks and other technology programs.
She is the current chair of the Ocean State Libraries consortium E-Zone committee which oversees eBook services for all public libraries in Rhode Island and recently served as a member of the Ocean State Libraries Strategic Planning Committee.
West Warwick Public Library
Elise Petrarca has been appointed as a Reference Librarian at the West Warwick Public Library. She is a recent graduate of URI GSLIS and has worked at the Robert L. Carothers Library and Learning Commons at the University of Rhode Island and the Cranston Public Library.
Cornucopia RI What About Our Students? A Community Conversation Cornucopia of Rhode Island Annual Fall Conference
Please join us for an insightful and exciting discussion of what is happening in our schools and colleges and how libraries and librarians can address the needs of our student in today's economic, political environment and social media movement.
Friday, November 2, 2012 - 8:45 A.M. - 12:00 Noon Registration & Continental Breakfast - 8:00 A.M. - Networking Opportunities Community College of Rhode Island, Knight Campus, Room 1134, 400 East Avenue, Warwick, RI
Directions: Registration is free and open to the public. So that we have enough coffee please RSVP by 10/19/12.
RSVP: Ida D. McGhee, MLS
Rhode Island's own Joan Ress Reeves was recently profiled in District Dispatch, ALA's official Friends of Libraries blog. Joan Ress Reeves began her career in library advocacy more than thirty years ago in Providence, R.I. Now, Joan serves as a member of the Library Board of Rhode Island, the organization that advises the Office of Library and Information Services on policy issues and funding for state libraries. Reeves was one of the founders of the Coalition for Library Advocates, an organization dedicated to educating the public about Rhode Island library services, sponsoring educational programs at libraries.
Congratulations, Joan and thanks for all of your hard work on behalf of RI libraries!
The RILA Bulletin is produced by the RILA Communications Committee. The RILA Communications Committee is responsible for publicizing and supporting Rhode Island Library Association activities using a variety of communication tools. Responsibilities including publishing the RILA Bulletin, managing social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter, and exploring other mediums as needed. The Communications Committee may cooperate with the publicity efforts of the Public Relations Committee to promote library services statewide.
Rhode Island Library Association members can contribute content to the RILA Bulletin by emailing the editors:
Corrie MacDonald & Andria Tieman Rhode Island Library Association |