The first night of Mahe Ramadhan will, Inshallah, be on Saturday, June 28th.
The program during the entire month of Mahe Ramadhan will start early with Dua before Namaaz and Majlis after Iftar.
There will be Iftar everyday at the Center. Tea, dates and one main dish will be served during Iftar and refreshments after the program. Sehri will be served on 21st and 23rd nights.
The Managing Committee is pleased to inform all that we will have Sheikh Jaffer H. Jaffer of Barmpton, Ontario as our guest speaker for the first 15 nights and Sheikh Hadi Al Qazwini of Dearborn as our guest speaker for the last 15 nights.
To book a private session with any visiting speaker, please get prior approval from Br. Mustafa Yusufali. All booking must be made with Br. Mustafa Yusufali and not directly with the speakers.
With the blessings of Allah (SWT) and the holy month of Ramadhan, the Managing Committee would like to thank all those who have come forward and sponsored for Iftar, tea/dates, Hadya and/or refreshments. We still have some slots open and we request you to please donate generously. Please click here to view the sponsorship chart.
Apart from above, we still need more funds to cover other expenses related to guest speakers. We request a donation from every family towards Ramadhan fund. We accept cash, check or credit card.
In gents please contact Br. Riyaaz Jivraj and in ladies please contact Sr. Shaista Bhimji for your donations.
The following budget is based from last year's actuals:
Tea, dates and refreshments
Eid breakfast
Eid dinner
Cleaning and supplies
Guest speakers
Adults, youths and children workshops
Eid gifts
Kids and ladies Qurankhani will be held in the Annex at 7:00 PM or 7:15 PM depending on the day. Sr. Fatima Jessa will be the coordinator.
Gents Qurankhani will be held after Iftar. Qurankhani will be held while ladies are still having Iftar so as to give ladies enough time to finish Iftar and cleanup as they use the same hall for Iftar and main program. Br. Ebrahim Kassam will be the coordinator.
Dua/Surah Recitation
For those wishing to recite any Dua, Sura, Tasbih, etc, in the gents side, please contact Br. Murtaza Hirji or Br. Irfan Karim or fill the recitation registration form.
There will be separate Duas and Sura-e-Yaseen recitation in the ladies on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays. All those aged 15+ are encouraged to participate in recitation. Those under 15 are also encouraged to recite short Duas. Please contact Sr. Shaista Bhimji for registration. Training for Makhraj and fluency will be required. Registration is on a first-come, first-serve basis.
Ladies Namaaz
Ladies will have separate Jamaat Namaaz. Sr. Zohra Virjee, Sr. Latifa Jaffer, Sr. Taazim Jessa and Sr. Batul Janmohamed will lead the Namaaz on alternate basis. Ladies Jamaat Namaaz coordinator will be Sr. Latifa Jaffer, Sr. Mumtaz Daya and Sr. Siddika Bhimji.
All those who sponsor Iftar may submit names of Marhumeen for Sura Fateha at least one day before the day to be displayed on the screens. Additionally all those who wish to submit names of Marhumeen for Sura Fateha may do so at a contribution of $3 per name, one day before the names are to be displayed on the screens. The names of all Marhumeen will be displayed on the screen prior to Ziyarat.
All the names of those who are sick here and elsewhere will be displayed on the screen and Dua Shafaa Mareez will be recited prior to Ziyarat.
Please submit all names to Br. Mustafa Yusufali.
All parents are required to ensure their children are inside the halls and not in the green room or parking lot. All those sitting in the green room are required to maintain silence during all the programs. Ladies are requested to move and cleanup after them after Iftar in order to start the program on time. Mothers with small children are requested to sit in Florida Room during the program.
Parking volunteers will be on hand for the convenience and safety of the members attending the program at the Center. The volunteers will ensure smooth flow of the traffic as well as orderly parking of the cars. Please note:
- Please drive slowly while entering and exiting the Center for the safety of the members.
- The parking lot adjacent to the Center is strictly reserved for lady drivers.
- The parking in front of the gents hall is strictly for disabled and elderly.
All members MUST cooperate with parking volunteers. For any issue or to assist in parking please contact Br. Ali Sachoo.
During Iftar and Sehri, there will be a designated foil tray where all members are requested to put their leftover food from their plate in before throwing their plates in the garbage bin.
We have volunteers who will then dispose this leftover food to the birds. Please assist in obliging with this.
The HIC Youth Girls and Central Board of Education present the Night of Power Qur'an Drive during the month of Ramadhan to instill the love of the Holy Qur'an in the hearts of all. For details please join on Thursday, June 26th for an informative session. The Quran drive will open to ALL members of the community.
For more information please contact Sr. Zahra Dhanji in the ladies and Br. Irfan Karim in gents.
Seniors Program
The Managing Committee has organized interactive sessions and Sehri programs with the visiting speakers for all seniors as per following schedule:
- Friday, July 11th, 2014 - with Sheikh Jaffer H. Jaffer
- Friday, July 25th, 2014 - with Sayed Hadi Al Qazwini
In order to know how many seniors will be attending, we request all to register with Br. Mustafa Yusufali/Ali Sachoo in gents and Sr. Sameera Yusfali/Safiya Jusab in ladies.
Managing Committee will moderate these programs. Please check the daily schedule for timings.
Parents Program The Managing Committee has organized two very important programs specifically for the parents with the visiting speaker:
- Thursday, July 3rd, 2014 - How to help youths overcome their challenges by Sheikh Jaffer H. Jaffer.
- Friday, July 4th, 2014 - The role of the community in the upbringing of the youths by Sheikh Jaffer H. Jaffer.
Managing Committee will moderate these program. Please check the daily schedule for timings.
There will be workshop for children, youths and adults.
Children Workshop
Children workshop, by Workshop Team, will be held from Sundays to Wednesdays except A'amaal nights for the boys and girls aged 4-12 years old. Workshop will start from 5:45 PM to 7:15 PM.
Sr. Zohra Virjee will be the coordinator.
Youths Workshop
There will be Youths workshop as follows:
- Saturday, July 12th, 2014 - The art of time management by Sayed Hadi Al Qazwini - open to ages 16-24.
- Saturday, July 26th, 2014 - Navigating through social media by Sayed Hadi Al Qazwini - open to ages 16-24.
HIC Academy will coordinate the workshop. Please check the daily schedule for timings.
Adult Workshop There will be adults workshop by Academy as follows:
- Saturday, June 28th, 2014 - Quranic Science Part I by Sheikh Jaffer H. Jaffer - open to all community members.
- Sunday, June 29th, 2014 - Eschatology (understanding life and death after death through Holy Quran) Part I by Sheikh Jaffer H. Jaffer - open to all community members.
- Saturday, July 5th, 2014 - Quranic Science Part II by Sheikh Jaffer H. Jaffer - open to all community members.
- Sunday, July 6th, 2014 - Eschatology (understanding life and death after death through Holy Quran) Part II by Sheikh Jaffer H. Jaffer - open to all community members.
- Sunday, July 13th, 2014 - Strategies of child upbringing Part I by Sayed Hadi Al Qazwini - open to ages 25+
- Sunday, July 27th, 2014 - Strategies of child upbringing Part II by Sayed Hadi Al Qazwini - open to ages 25+
HIC Academy will coordinate the workshop. Please check the daily schedule for timings.
There will be special programs on Saturdays for gents and ladies. Various activities will be organized by various sub-committees of HIC. All community members are urged to participate.
Gents Saturday Program
June 28th, 2014, July 5th, 2014, July 12th, 2014 and July 26th, 2014
Ladies Saturday Program
July 5th, 2014 - Play by Ladies Seniors
July 12, 2014 - Program to be determined
July 26th, 2014 - Eid Gala by Ladies Sub-Committee