September 2015
Evaluation Capacity Building in Context: Innovating for Optimal Social Impact and Advocating for Change
Evaluation capacity building for improved organizational and system learning has been part of Community Science's practice from our beginning. We see evaluation capacity building as having all the abilities and motivation to learn how to do better by systematically using data and others sources of reliable information to make decisions.  Public and private organizations and public agencies have an obligation to continuously strive to equitably provide the best services and supports possible to individuals, families, and communities. In order to do that, there needs to be the capacity in place to evaluate and then improve the work of these collaborations and organizations. These days, just about every organization that receives funding from any public or private entity is expected to do some data collection and reporting. This global movement to use data is being further fueled by the advancements in information technology. There is a virtual Home Depot of evaluation tools available on line.
Building International Monitoring and Evaluation Capacity to Measure the Impact of the Global Libraries Program 
The Global Libraries (GL) initiative of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation aims to use libraries as a resource to bring about Internet and technology access to developing and transitioning countries as a means to improve lives and opportunities. For the last four years, Community Science has worked in partnership with GL to build the capacity of the Impact Work Group (IWG). The IWG is comprised of impact specialists who work closely with library staff and other stakeholders in their countries to assess their grant activities and measure impact on library users (e.g., improve health, job access, financial security, and education outcomes). 
Staff Profile: Hilary Jones
Hilary E. Jones, Director of Business Operations, has over 20 years of business management experience in a professional services environment. At Community Science, she is responsible for managing company administrative functions, including financial management, strategic planning, contract administration, marketing and communications, human resources, facilities and administrative operations. 

Reflections on the Five Cs of Monastic Life

This summer, I had the privilege of volunteering at the Sera Jey Monastic University as a volunteer with the Emory University Tibet Science Initiative (ETSI). The Sera Jey Monastery follows a centuries old tradition and culture dating back to its founding in Lhasa, Tibet. During a 1959 revolt against the Chinese occupation, colleges at the original Sera Jey in Lhasa were destroyed. The Indian government generously provided currency in the form of land and grants for many of the surviving Tibetan monks to reestablish some of their monasteries in India under the spiritual guidance of His Holiness the XIV Dalai Lama. Today, the Sera Jey Monastery in Bylakuppe, India, houses over 3,000 monks and nuns and is located within a thriving, protected Tibetan settlement comprised of over 70,000 Tibetan expatriates where individuals and communities work through collective action to strengthen community, maintain Tibetan culture, and promote well-being. 

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Check us out at these upcoming conferences this fall!
Digging Deep For National Food Policy 

Kien Lee, Ph.D., Principal Associate/Vice President, presented at the 13th Annual Sustainable Agriculture and Food Systems Funders Forum, "Digging Deeper," June 23-25, 2015 in Chicago, Illinois. In her session titled Building Grassroots Capacity to Influence National Food Policy: Lessons from Everybody at the Table for Health, Dr. Lee discussed an evaluation conducted by Community Science for EAT4Health, a three-year, multifunder experiment of the Jessie Smith Noyes Foundation, enabling grassroots organizations at the frontline of broken food systems to engage in national advocacy. 
In This Issue

Upcoming Conferences and Call for Papers


  Is This a Better Place: The Art and Science of Place Based Evaluation

October 5-6, 2015
San Diego, California
 You can register for the event using this link.


PolicyLink Equity Summit 2015
All in for inclusion, justice, and prosperity
October 27 - 29, 2015
Los Angeles, California

American Public Health Association's Annual Meeting & Exposition

October 31-November 4, 2015
Chicago, Illinois

2015 Community Indicators Consortium Impact Summit

November 9 -10, 2015

Austin, Texas


Annual Conference of the American Evaluation Association

November 9-14, 2015
Chicago, Illinois 

Job Openings  

We are always eager to know about professionals who have experience in producing community and systems change work of the highest quality and who want to make a difference in this world. Visit the Community Science CAREERS page to learn more about working at Community Science.
About Community Science

Community Science is an award winning research and development organization that works with governments, foundations, and non-profit organizations on solutions to social problems through community and other systems changes. To learn more, visit our PROJECTS page. 


To discuss how Community Science can collaborate with your organization, contact us at 301-519-0722 or

Community Science | 301-519-0722 | |
438 N. Frederick Ave.
Suite 315
Gaithersburg, MD 20877