Parent Newsletter - December 5, 2014

Calendar of Upcoming Events

December 6
YM Religious Jewelry, Rosaries and Chocolate Fundraiser after all Masses 

December 7th - 
Breakfast with Santa
YM Open Room
YM Religious Jewelry, Rosaries and Chocolate Fundraiser after all Masses 

December 8th - 
Junior St. Vincent De Paul Meeting - Lunch Recess
Athletic Board Meeting
School Advisory Board Meeting
YM Culver's Fundraiser (5-8 PM)

December 9 - 11th -
Santa's Workshop
Class of 2015 Candy Cane Gram Sale Begins

December 10th - 
Picture Retakes

December 12th - 
Christmas Musical 

December 13th - 14th
YM Religious Jewelry, Rosaries and Chocolate Fundraiser after all Masses 

Dear Parents/Guardians,


            We everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving break! It was great to see all of our students back at SJB for these busy weeks that lead up to our celebration of Christ's birth.  This week, our classrooms began discussing and celebrating Advent by learning about the Advent wreath and discussing the season in Religion class. We are all anxiously awaiting the coming of Christ at Christmas.


            This week we had several exciting activities. Kindergarten, first, and second grade went on a field trip, some of our students attended a DePaul women's basketball game and got an opportunity to see alumnae Megan P., and today Notre Dame's band will visit us and treat us to a Christmas concert. Several of our SJB alumni play in the band, so it will be great to see them as they return to SJB.


            Our students are continuing their work with the new technology. Fifth grade now has the Chromebooks, and fourth grade will work with them next week. After next week, everyone in the school will have experienced our new technology. Teachers will then have an opportunity to sign out the technology for lessons or projects in their classrooms. Mr. Taylor will continue working on technology with all of the teachers as they work toward  everything in the classroom.  


            This Sunday, P/SA is hosting Breakfast with Santa. Please come and join us for that event. Our students are working diligently on our Christmas concert that will take place next Friday evening. We hope you will be able to join us for that event as well.


Have a wonderful weekend          

God's Blessings!


Elise Matson, Principal       






Dear Parishioners,


Advent begins the new liturgical year, a period of reflection and prayer as we look forward to the Solemnity of Christmas. The scriptures remind us to be alert and look for the Lord's coming. He comes to us often in simple but profound ways. He comes to us more often than not in our weakness and not when we are confident and secure in our own plans. While our secular world insists we embark on a buying spree, we are challenged to look to those who go without, the poor, lonely and the sick.


A family Advent Wreath at the center of our dinner table provides a simple reminder of the spiritual meaning of this season. Even an Advent candy calendar like the Boy Scout Calendar that was being sold is a simple way to keep us on track. The Feast of St. Nicholas is December 6. St. Nicholas was the bishop of Myra (now modern day Turkey). According to legend he provided generous help to those in need during the fourth century.  How is God calling you to be generous?


Advent invites us to seek God's mercy and forgiveness. God's grace is given freely to the worthy and unworthy. We need not be afraid. Who do you need to forgive? What do you need to let go of? Can you open yourself to God's grace?


Peace and prayers during this beautiful season of prayer, family and joyful expectations!


Fr. Meany

Teachers' Fund Donation

This week a letter was sent home with your child(ren) asking you to please remember the dedicated teachers and staff at SJB school 

Teachers in parochial schools earn considerably less than their peers in public schools. Our staff's devotion to St. John Brebeuf and Catholic education allows our children to grow in mind and faith. We are grateful for the personal sacrifices the staff of St. John Brebeuf make as SJB continues to produce mindful children of our future. 

The School Advisory Board established a Teachers' Fund to help honor each teacher and staff member in the building for the work they do. Money from this fund is divided among the teachers and staff of our school and presented to them as a Christmas gift. The front office staff, Mr. Mazur, and all the classroom teachers, specials teachers and aides benefit from the fund. By donating to the Teachers' Fund, parents can make sure that each person in the building that impacts their child directly or indirectly is remembered at Christmas. Every penny that is collected for the Teachers' Fund goes to the teachers and staff members as a gift before we break for Christmas.

Any donations may be mailed or dropped off at the school prior to Wednesday, December 10, 2014. Please make sure to make checks payable to "St. John Brebeuf School" and in the memo put Teachers' Fund. 

Thank you in advance for your generosity. We would like to extend our sincerest wishes for a very Merry Christmas and a happy and healthy new year to you and your family.


The 2014-2015 School Advisory Board
Mike Tarjan          Dave Gurdak          Lorna Chevlin     
Bonzie Allocco     Mike Dutkin          Vince Genualdi
Diane Latessa       Kim Quintero         Joe Walsh 

Thank you to everyone for their support through donations towards the red white and blue dress down day in honor of Veterans Day.Saint John Brebeuf families collected $225 which will sponsor fifteen wreaths to be placed on deceased veterans' grave in December.

For more information or sponsor additional wreaths please visit

God Bless America!!!
Thank you to all veterans who served our country and fought for our freedom.

Our In-School Holiday Shop for Kids

Your child is invited to attend our upcoming holiday gift shopping program. The shop will run December 9-11. We will also be open after school on the 9th & 10th for those of you that would like to come.

This exciting program makes it possible to experience the joy of choosing their own special holiday gifts for family and friends. The program also provides a safe learning experience for children in the budgeting and use of money.

The gifts are moderately priced, starting under $1 with most under $5 and a few special items between $5 and $12. Parent volunteers will assist your children in the shop with their purchases, based on the amount of money they bring and the number of persons to shop for. 

We also invite you to view the items on line at if you would like to help you child preshop. Simply use the envelopes we sent home in the Thursday folders to make your selections. We will do our best to fill your requests.

We will need a few adult volunteers to help during the shop. This will be a very rewarding program. Please contact me if you are interested in joining us.

Thank you,
Linda Seitzinger
P/SA President


The student council would like to thank everyone who participated in the pink dress down day during Red Ribbon Week. Thanks to your donations SJB was able to raise $275.00 for the Gateway for Cancer Research organization. 

Our gift will help impact lives and provide new treatment possibilities to cancer patients everywhere. With every donation received 99 cents of every dollar directly funds promising, new cancer research studies that address the needs of today's cancer patients.  

The P/SA Invites you to Contribute to our Annual Toy Drive benefitting Uncle Pete's Ministry

Breakfast with Santa
Sunday, December 7th 2014

In the true Spirit of Christmas, we are encouraging everyone who attends this year's Pancake Breakfast with Santa to contribute s NEW UNWRAPPED toy to the Toy Drive. The P/SA is giving Santa a helping hand by collecting toys that he will deliver to Uncle Pete's Ministry.

In exchange for your donation, you will receive ONE FREE RAFFLE TICKET for the Toy Raffle. Additional Tickets will be available for purchase at the event.

Help us help Santa! 
Believe in the Spirit of Christmas!

We hope you will join us for this wonderful P/SA sponsored event. Yummy pancake breakfast, toy raffle, tuition raffle and a visit with Santa himself! Cost is $3 per person.

If you have any questions about this event please contact
Linda Seitzinger at

** The elves will be busy at work Saturday morning from 9am-11am in the PMC! We will be setting up and decorating for this fun filled event. If you are available to help please feel free to stop by or contact Heather Tarjan  ***


We've collected $500 worth of box tops so far this year. We are off to a great start - keep sending in your box tops!

Did You Know...

Additional labels you can collect for school include: 
*Tyson Chicken Project Project A+
*Campbell's Label for Education
*Coke Rewards

Thank you for your support.

Margie Graf
Box Tops Coordinator

From SJB Youth Ministry - Attention 7th and 8th Graders:


1)  IT'S TIME TO THINK SUMMER! SJB Youth Ministry is now registering teens for our Summer Service Camp "ALIVE IN YOU 2015". Be part of an inspirational summer experience! We will be traveling to Springfield, Illinois, from June 23 through June 28, 2015. Registration fee is $120 if turned in by January 31, 2015. Interested? Contact Mrs. Pam Perez by texting her (847-239-2379) or emailing her for the registration form. ALL TEENS 13 YEARS AND OLDER ARE INVITED!


2)   Our RELIGIOUS JEWELRY SALE is back! Starting this weekend, December 6th and December 7th, we will be selling Religious Jewelry and Rosaries in church at all of the Masses. Great gifts at affordable prices. And we'll be selling WORLD'S FINEST CHOCOLATES. All sales go towards our Summer Service Trip. THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT!


3)   Our next OPEN ROOM is this Sunday, December 7th in the Youth Ministry Office from 7:00-9:00pm. Enjoy video games, board games, or watch a movie. BRING MONEY TO BUY WORLD'S FINEST CHOCOLATES! Invite your friends, and make new ones. Youth Ministry provides snacks and pop. Pizza is $3.00. ALL TEENS ARE WELCOME!


4)   OUR SECOND FUNDRAISER AT CULVER'S, 7310 W. Dempster, Morton Grove, is this Monday, December 8th from 5:00-8:00pm.  NO COUPON NEEDED. 10% of all sales goes to SJB Youth Ministry. Invite your family, friends, and neighbors, and support a worthy cause! Welcome to delicious!


5)   Our next "J3" is coming! Join us for our Jammin' Jesus Journey on Friday, December 19th in the Youth Ministry/Extended Day area from 7:00-9:00pm. Join us for a prayerful and inspirational evening. If you're "Struggling" with your Faith, come out and be renewed! Bring a pillow, invite a friend. ALL TEENS ARE WELCOME! 


 Questions? Contact Mrs. Pam Perez, Youth Ministry Director, at 847-966-9815.


Sponsored by the Class of 2015

Tuesday, December 9 - Tuesday, December 16
(during lunch periods)

$0.50 each or 3 for $1.00

They will be distributed on Friday, December 19th.

(All our candy canes are nut free)
Polar Express Story Time Train Trip

If you are considering participation in this annual holiday event on December 14, 2014, do not hesitate to make reservations NOW!

There are few seats remaining on both the morning and afternoon trips.

Trip #1 - 10:50 - 1:46
Trip #2 - 2:50 - 5:46 

It is a round-trip from Morton Grove to Fox Lake with snacks, juice, the reading of the Polar Express story, and best of all, a visit from Santa.

Adult Tickets - $10
Youth Tickets (12-17) - $5
Children (11 and under) - $5

For more information, call John Jekot @ 
847-651-7624 or
Calling All 1st  - 3rd Graders...

Junior Jaguar basketball registration has been sent home in the Thursday folders. Please take a moment to register your child for this after school basketball clinic. All registration forms are due by Friday, December 12th.
Musica Lumina 2014-2015 Series
Rudcki Commemorative Concerts
Hosted By St. John Brebeuf Church

7:00 PM, Tuesday, December 2, 2014
Rudcki Commemorative Concert - Musica Lumina Chamber Orchestra Niles Metropolitan Chorus - Handel: Messiah

3:00 PM, Sunday, February 15, 2015
Jack Cimo, Classical Guitarist

7:00 PM, Sunday, March 8, 2015
Musica Lumina - Poulenc and Saint Saens French Chamber Music

7:00 PM, Sunday, March 29, 2015
Rudcki Commemorative Concert - Musica Lumina Chamber Orchestra Niles Metropolitan Chorus - Rossini: Stabat Mater, A Special Palm Sunday presentation. 


December Achievement TeamJaguar Logo
Achievement Team for this weekend is
listed below:


Saturday, December 6th

8:30-11:30- Shannon G. and Ana P.


Sunday, December 7th

1:30-3:30- Haley C. and Kaleigh R.

3:30-6:00- Jon F. and Ryan N.

6:00-8:00- Alexis G. and Joey O.


Sunday, December 7, 2014

All 5th and 6th Grade Athletes Invited

Basketball: 12 p.m. to 12:45 p.m.
                  PIZZA LUNCH

Volleyball: 1:15 p.m. to 2 p.m.

Indoor Soccer: 2:30 p.m. to 3:15 p.m.

One Clinic: $25 Two Clinics: $30 Three Clinics: $35
CONTACT: Bob Carlson, Athletic Director at or 847-256-7660 ext. 254

If your organization would like to request a dress down day for our students please contact Ms. Giannelli ( or 847-966-3266). She will check the calendar for conflicts and then bring the request to Mrs. Matson for approval. 

Any student not picked up by 3:10 pm will be sent to Extended Day. Families will be responsible for any fees.
Issue: Number 15
In This Issue
From The Principal's Desk
Notes From Fr. Meany
Wreaths for Veterans
Teachers' Fund
Wreaths for Veterans
Santa Shop
Box Tops
Youth Ministry News
Picking Up Students Late
Musica Lumina
Jr. Jaguars
Achievement Team
Dress Down Day Requests
Picking Up Students Late
Important Reminder

When you are here over the weekend for sports events, please be aware that Polish School is in session on Saturday. The school building is closed, with the exception of the bathrooms. Please respect Polish School's learning time in the classroom and refrain from entering the school beyond the restrooms. Thank you for your consideration. 
 Join us on Facebook! 

To find out all the latest news and events, 
please follow us on facebook.  
You can finds us at "St. John Brebeuf School-Niles"
Jaguar Logo
Spirit wear orders have been placed!

We are hopeful to have orders back by Winter Break. 

If not, they will be ready to distribute as we kick off the new year! 
Thanks for all of your support! 

Chess Club 
Grades 5-8

During Thursday Lunch Periods

Turn in your permission slips to Ms. Giannelli.

First Meeting
December 14th

Jr. St. Vincent DePaul

Meeting: Monday, December 8, 2014
During Lunch Recess.

Remember to wear your t-shirts. 
Mark you Calendars

Market Day - Monday, Dec. 15

Hot Dog Day - 
Thursday, Dec. 18