Plymouth State University: Election Scheduled on AAUP Petition
Plymouth State University, NH PELRB Case No. E-0197-1 On March 30, 2016, the New Hampshire Public Employee Labor Relations Board (NHPELRB) ordered an election concerning a representation petition filed by Plymouth State University Faculty-AAUP on March 9, 2016 seeking to be certified as the exclusive representative of approximately 169 tenured and tenure track faculty, including department chairs, at Plymouth State University.
The following is the bargaining unit approved by by NHPELRB:
All tenured and tenure track faculty, including Department Chairs.
Exclusions: contract faculty, clinical faculty, research faculty, assistant directors, and directors.
College of Southern Nevada: Faculty Vote In Favor of Unionization |
College of Southern Nevada
The Nevada Board of Regents Handbook, Title IV, Chapter IV includes the Professional Employee Collective Bargaining Regulations. The regulations permit unionization and collective bargaining for certain college faculty and other professionals. Excluded from coverage under the regulations are adjunct faculty members, administrators, and clinical faculty members.
The regulations were adopted in 1990 by the Nevada Board of Regents pursuant to the managerial authority granted by the Nevada Constitution. The regulations include a codification of the right to unionize, standards and procedures regarding unit composition and representation elections, the scope of collective bargaining, and impasse procedures.
Pursuant to the regulations, a written representative application can be filed by an employee organization with the Chancellor seeking to represent a particular unit of employees. If the application meets the regulatory requirements, the Chancellor must place the application on the agenda of the next regularly scheduled meeting of the Board of Regents. The Board of Regents then must direct the American Arbitration Association (AAA) to conduct an election between 15 and 30 days after the Board's meeting at which the application was presented.
Recent Faculty Vote in Favor of Unionization
The Nevada Faculty Alliance/AAUP (NFA) filed a written representative application for an election to determine whether tenured and tenure track faculty (instructing, library and counseling faculty) at the College of Southern Nevada want to be represented for purposes of collective bargaining by NFA. At its March 2016 meeting, the Board of Regents approved NFA's application, which resulted in the American Arbitration Association conducting a representation election. According to a media report, the faculty recently voted 263-126 in favor of NFA representation during a AAA supervised election.
Holy Names University: Election Scheduled for Adjunct Faculty Unit |
Holy Names University, NLRB Case No. 32-RC-170352 On March 8, 2016, a notice of election was issued by NLRB Region 32 concerning a representation petition by SEIU seeking to be certified as the exclusive representative of all adjunct faculty employed at Holy Names University in Oakland California. The tally of the mail ballots will take place on April 22, 2016.
The following is the at-issue faculty unit:
Included: All Adjunct Faculty (including Adjunct Instructors, Adjunct Professors, Adjunct Assistant Professors, Adjunct Lecturers, and Adjunct Professors), who were employed by the Employer for teaching of one or more courses during the period beginning July 1, 2015 to the payroll period ending March 20, 2016.
Excluded: All faculty members who are employed as ranked faculty, meaning all full-time and pro rata tenured faculty and tenure-track faculty and term faculty holding the rank of Instructor, Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, or Professor; Professors Emeritus, Professors Alumnus, Visiting Professors, Affiliate Professors, Kodaly Summer Institute faculty, Department Chairs, Directors, Assistant Directors, Academic Advisors, division directors, center directors, assistant directors, program and department chairs, program staff, Deans and Chairs (including those who may have teaching assignments); graduate and undergraduate students and student employees, teaching and research assistants and fellows, all other faculty and other employees in non-degree granting programs (including extension or continuing education instructors, public programs, or other special programs), Individual Lesson Instructors (Individual Music Lesson instructors), Ensemble Directors, Instructors in Athletics and Recreation; also excluding all staff and administrator employees, officers and trustees of the University; members of religious orders who are employed by the University; teachers and other employees of Raskbob School; all other employees, all volunteers, independent contractors, managerial employees, professional and confidential employees, guards, and supervisors as defined in the National Labor Relations Act.
Loyola University of Chicago: SEIU Certified to Represent Combined Unit |
Loyola University of Chicago, NLRB Case No, 13-RC-168082 On April 13, 2016, SEIU was certified as the exclusive representative of all full-time and part-time ESL faculty employed by Loyola University of Chicago. The certification follows the tally of mail ballots on April 4, 2016. Of the eleven faculty members eligible to vote, 8 voted in favor and none voted against union representation.
The following is the at-issue faculty unit:
Included: All full-time and part-time English Language Learning Program/ESL faculty and team members (adjunct instructors, instructors, ESL professors, ESL teachers, and ESL tutors) employed by Loyola University Chicago in the English Language Learning Program at its Main campus, 1032 W. Sheridan Road, Chicago, Illinois 60660.
Excluded: all tenured faculty and tenure-track faculty; all faculty only teaching in program or facilities other than those described above; all administrators, all other employees employed by the University including those who teach a class or course and are separately compensated for such teaching, and managers, confidential employees, office clerical employees and professional employees, guards and supervisors as defined in the Act.
Boston University: SEIU Certified to Represent NTT Lecturers Unit |
Boston University, NLRB Case No, 01-RC-171016 On April 14, 2016, SEIU was certified as the exclusive representative of a unit of non-tenured and non-tenure track lecturers employed by Boston University on its Charles River Campus. The certification follows the tally of mail ballots on April 6, 2016. Of the 282 lecturers eligible to vote, 135 voted in favor of union representation, and 36 voted against. Two other ballots were challenged and three ballots were voided.
The following is the at-issue faculty unit:
Included: All non-tenured or non-tenure-track lecturers, senior lecturers, master lecturers, and instructors who are salaried (whether full-time, part-time, or half-time), and who teach at least one credit bearing course on the Charles River Campus of Boston University, including the Metropolitan College Prison Program. A non-tenured, salaried lecturer, senior lecturer, master lecturer, or instructor identified above working for the University in another capacity shall not cause that employee to lose status as a bargaining unit member unless expressly excluded in the exclusion listing below.
Excluded: All professors (including full, associates, assistants and professors of the practice); faculty compensated solely on a per course basis; School of Medicine faculty; School of Dental Medicine faculty; School of Management faculty; Graduate School of Management faculty; School of Law faculty; deans; provosts; administrators; department chairs; associate chairs; post-docs; graduate assistants; graduate students; athletic coaches; lecturers, senior lecturers, master lecturers, or instructors who teach only courses at campuses other than Charles River (excluding the Metropolitan College Prison Program) or non-degree granting courses (including the Center for Professional Education); Director of the Writing Program, Director of the Health Communication Program, Chair of the Mechanical Engineering Course Review Committee and Chair of the Undergraduate Lab Safety Committee, Manager of the Global Hospitality Education Consortium; Director/Coordinator of the College of Communication Adjunct Writing Program; all faculty who teach exclusively in on-line programs; all other employees; and managers, confidential employees, guards and supervisors as defined by the Act.
Tufts University: NLRB Regional Director Dismisses Petition
Trustees of Tufts College, NLRB Case No.01-RC-166588
On April 5, 2016, NLRB Acting Region 1 Director Ronald S. Cohen issued a decision dismissing a representation filed by SEIU seeking to represent a unit of approximately 70 tenured and tenure track basic science faculty at the Tufts University School of Medicine, including assistant professors, associate professors, and professors.
The Acting Regional Director concluded by applying the refined standards set forth in
Pacific Lutheran University, 361 NLRB No. 157 (2014) that the entire petitioned-for unit is composed of managerial employees, and therefore exempted from coverage under the National Labor Relations Act (NLRA). He found that the "authority of the basic faculty in the five decision-making categories set forth in Pacific Lutheran University
is sufficient in breadth and depth to support a determination that they are managerial." In addition, the Acting Regional Director found that faculty in the petitioned-for unit who currently have employees working in their labs are statutory supervisors under the NLRA.
Saint Louis University: SEIU Seeks Combined NTT Bargaining Unit
Saint Louis University, NLRB Case No. 14-RC-173981
Included: All full-time and part-time graduate and undergraduate non-tenure-track faculty, postdoctoral fellows, and graduate assistants who teach courses beyond their stipend and are compensated on a per-course basis, employed by Saint Louis University in its College of Arts and Science, School of Education, School of Social Work, Honors Program, or the School for Professional Studies of Saint Louis University who teach at least one credit-bearing course in a degree-granting program at the campus located at Grand Blvd and Lindell Blvd, Saint Louis City, also known as the Frost Campus.
Excluded: All other employees: tenured faculty, tenure-track faculty, full-time and part-time staff who also teach as an adjunct, deans, associate deans, assistant deans, provost, vice provosts, assistant provosts, administrators, department chairs, graduate assistants who only teach courses pursuant to a stipend, graduate students, athletic coaches, persons teaching exclusively on-line courses, all persons employed by all other Colleges, Schools, or Programs not specified in the unit description above and faculty who teach non-degree granting courses, office clerical employees, managers, confidential employees, guards and supervisors as defined by the Act. |
McDaniel College: SEIU Petition Seeks to Represent Adjunct Lecturers
McDaniel College, NLRB Case No. 05-RC-174096
A representation petition was filed by SEIU with the NLRB on April 14, 2016 seeking to be certified to represent approximately 117 adjunct lecturers employed by McDaniel College in Westminster, Maryland. The following is the proposed unit described in the representation petition:
Included: All adjunct lecturers and graduate adjunct lecturers paid by the class, teaching credit earning classes on campus, at 2 College Hill, Westminster, MD 21157.
Excluded: All other employees, including adjunct lecturers and graduates adjunct lecturers who serve only as internship supervisors, adjunct lecturers and graduate adjunct lecturers who teach only online, managers, guards, and supervisors as defined in the Act.
Saint Martin's University: SEIU Petition Seeks to Represent Full Time and Part Time Adjunct Unit
Saint Martin's University, NLRB Case No. 19-RC-173933
On April 12, 2016, SEIU filed a petition with NLRB Region 19 seeking to represent a faculty bargaining unit of approximately 126 full-time and part-time adjunct faculty at Saint Martin's University in Lacey, Washington. The following is the proposed unit set forth in the representation petition:
Included: All full-time and part-time contingent faculty employed by the Employer at its main campus in Lacey, Washington, its extension and satellite campuses, and who teach online courses, including but not limited to contingent faculty with the titie of Instructor, English as a Second Language (ESL) Instructor, Education Laboratory Instructor, Educational Supervisors, Visiting Faculty, Lecturers (Lecturer 1, Lecturer11, and Lecturer III), who taught at least one lab or credit-earning class during the Spring 2016 semester.
Excluded: All regular faculty (tenured and tenure-track), provosts, academic deans, assistant professors, associate professors, professors, librarians, professors emeriti, all other employees (whether or not they have teaching responsibilities), managerial employees, confidential employees, guards and supervisors as defined in the Act.
Ithaca College: SEIU Seeks To Represent FT Non-Tenure Track Unit
Ithaca College, NLRB Case No. 03-RC-173675
Following Ithaca College's rejection of a request for voluntary recognition of SEIU as the exclusive representative of a unit of all full-time non-tenure track faculty, SEIU filed a representation petition on April 11, 2016 with NLRB Region 3 seeking to be certified as the exclusive representative of approximately 50 faculty members in the following proposed unit:
Included: All full-time non-tenured and non tenure track, limited-term faculty teaching with "Term" appointments.
Excluded: Managerial employees, confidential employees, guards, and supervisors as defined by the Act and full-time staff, tenured and tenure track faculty, full-time non- tenured and non-tenure track faculty teaching with "Notice" appointments, deans, (including associate and assistant deans), provosts, and department chairs and all other employees.
On June 5, 2015, SEIU was certified as the exclusive representative of the following part-time non-tenure track faculty at Ithaca College:
All part-time faculty employed by the Employer at its Ithaca, New York campus, including but not limited to faculty with the title of Lecturer or Adjunct, who taught at least one credit hour since the beginning of the Fall 2014 semester which began on August 27, 2014.
Notre Dame De Namur University: SEIU Petitions for Separate Units
Notre Dame de Namur University, NLRB Case No. 20-RC-172076
On March 29, 2016, a stipulated election agreement was reached concerning a representation petition filed by SEIU on March 18, 2016 seeking to represent a unit composed of approximately 189 part-time faculty at Notre Dame de Namur University, located in Belmont, California.
The following is the proposed faculty unit described in the representation petition:
Part-time faculty, including specifically Lecturers, Senior Lecturers, Assistant Librarians (part-time), Associate Librarians (part-time), Adjunct Assistant Professors, Adjunct Associate Professors, Adjunct Professors, Core Faculty, Artists-in-Residence, Writers-in-Residence, Scholars-in-Residence, Professors Emeritus, and Professors Emeriti.
Excluded: All other employees, including without limitation, all administrators with faculty ranks, non-teaching faculty, visiting scholars, Honorary Degree Holders, Deans, President, and Provost.
The scope of the unit as well as the size of the unit may have been modified under the terms of the stipulated election agreement.
Notre Dame de Namur University, NLRB Case No. 20-RC-174028
On April 14, 2016, SEIU filed a representation petition seeking to be certified as the exclusive representative for a unit of approximately 49 full-time tenured, tenure track, and non-tenure track faculty at Notre Dame De Naumur University.
The following is the proposed unit set forth in the representation petition:
Included: All full-time faculty and full-time librarian faculty (tenured, tenure track, and non-tenure track) employed by the employer.
Excluded: All other employees.
Marywood University: NEA Affiliate Files to Represent Combined Unit
Marywood University, NLRB Case No. 04-RC-173160
The Marywood University Faculty Association, an affiliate of Pennsylvania State Education Association/NEA, filed a representation petition with NLRB Region 4 on April 4, 2016 seeking to be certified as the exclusive representative of 179 full-time and regular part-time faculty at Marywood University in Scranton, Pennsylvania. The following is the proposed faculty unit set forth in the representation petition:
Included: All full-time and regular part-time instructors, faculty, including assisant professors, associate professors employed by Marywood University.
Excluded: All other employees, including IHM Sisters, adjunct professors, guards and supervisors as defined in the Act.
Kaplan International North America, LLC: Newspaper Guild Certified to Represent ESL Teachers and Academic Coordinators
Kaplan International North America, NLRB Case No. 13-RC-171164 On April 12, 2016, the Newspaper Guild was certified as the exclusive representative of a bargaining unit of full-time and regular part-time ESL teachers and academic coordinators in Chicago. The certification followed a tally of ballots on March 31, 2016. Of the 26 eligible voters, 14 voted in favor of union representation, and 3 against. There were 4 additional ballots voided and 1 challenged.
The following is the at-issue collective bargaining unit:
Included: All full-time and regular part-time ESL teachers and academic coordinators employed by the Employer at their facilities currently located at 444 North Michigan Avenue, Chicago, Illinois 60611 and 10 West 35th Street, Chicago, Illinois 60616.
Excluded: All other employees including temporary employees, managers, office clerical employees and guards, professional employees and supervisors as defined by the Act. |
Grinnell College: Petition Filed to Represent Student Dining Employees
Grinnell College, NLRB Case No. 18-RC-174071
On April 14, 2016, the Union of Grinnell Student Dining Workers filed a represntation petition with NLRB Region 18 seeking to be certified as the exclusive representative of the following unit of approximately 219 student dining employees at Grinnel College. The following is the proposed unit set forth in the representation petition:
Included: Any employee considered "Marketplace Student Staff." Included employees regularly work one or more of the following shifts: Afternoon Service/Utility, Bakers Help Lunch, Bakers Helper Breakfast -Early, Bakers Helper Breakfast-Late, Beverages Breakfast - Early, Beverages Breakfast - Late, Beverages Dinner, Beverages Lunch, Cold Food Re-stocker/Desserts & Bread, Cooks Help Afternoon, Cooks Help Dinner, Cooks Help Early a.m., Cooks Help Late a.m., Cooks Help Lunch, Custodial Lunch, Custodian Dinner, Custodian Lunch, Deli Dinner, Deli Lunch, Dessert Dinner, Dessert Lunch, Dish Line Breakfast, Dish Line Dinner, Dish Line Lunch, Dish Line/Silverware Drop Attendant Dinner, Dish Machine Operator Lunch, Dish Machine Operator/Dishline Breakfast, Dish Machine Operator/Silverware Sorter Dinner, Dishroom Floater Lunch, Dishroom Floater/Glasses Dinner, Dishroom Helpers, Dishroom Restocker /Silverware Sorter Breakfast, Dishroom Restocker Lunch, Dishroom Restocker/Glasses Dinner, Dishroom Utility, Grill Cook Dinner, Grill Cook Lunch, Grill/Carver, Honor G Grill Clean Up Crew, Inventory Late, Pizza Dinner, Pizza Early, Pizza Lunch, Plat Du Jour Breakfast, Plat Du Jour Dinner, Plat Du Jour Lunch, Pots and Pans Afternoon, Pots and Pans Breakfast, Pots and Pans Dinner, Pots and Pans Lunch, Salad & Soup Dinner, Salad & Soup Lunch, Sanitation/Spills Dinner, Sanitation/Spills Lunch, Saute Cook Breakfast, Saute Cook Dinner, Saute Cook Lunch, Silverware Sorter Lunch, Smoothie Attendant, Stir fry Clean Up, Stir fry Clean up, Student Dishroom Leader - Dinner, Student Dishroom Leader - Lunch, Student Dishroom Leader Breakfast - Early, Student Dishroom Leader Breakfast - Late, Student Leader Marketplace Dinner, Student Leader Marketplace-Breakfast, Student Leader Marketplace-Lunch, Student Leader Trainee Dishroom, Veg Prep Afternoon, Veg Prep Breakfast, Veg Prep Dinner, Veg Prep Lunch, Vegan/Halal Dinner, Vegan/Halal Lunch, or Waffle Bar Attendant.
Excluded: Employees not considered "Marketplace Student Staff," including all Marketplace Supervisors, Cooks, Bakers, and Chefs.
Emerson College: SEIU Certified to Represent Unit of Professional and Non-Professional Employees
Emerson College, NLRB Case No. 01-RC-171747
Following an election conducted by NLRB Region 1, SEIU was certified on April 15, 2016 to be the exclusive representative of a combined unit of professional and non-professional employees. The certification followed ballot counts on April 8, 2016.
Of the 47 eligible professional employees, 33 voted in favor of union representation, and 6 voted against. Of the 80 eligible non-professional employees 59 voted in favor of union representation, and 7 voted against.
The following are the descriptions of the two voting units set forth in the notice of election:
Included: All full-time and regular part-time professional employees employed by Emerson College in Boston, Massachusetts as Access Services Librarian Acquisitions Coordinator; Archives and Records Management Associate; Assistant Director Academic Skills; Assistant Director, Academic Advising; Assistant Director, Academic Support; Assistant Director, Academic Services; Assistant Director, Creative Scholarship; Assistant Director, Institutional Research; Assistant Director, Pre-college Programming; Assistant Director, Summer Programs; Assistant Director, Transfer Students; Assistant Registrar; Assistant Technical Director/Prop Supervisor; Assistant Director, Faculty Administration and Information; Assistant Director, Business Operations; Associate Director, Advance Center; Clinical Instructors; Cutter/Draper; Costume Shop Supervisors; Costume Shop Business Manager; Coordinator, Instruction; Creative Instructional Design; Digital Initiatives Librarian; Digital Archivist, part time; Director Production and Safety; Director, PA programming; Electronic Resources/Reference Coordinator; Instruction Coordinator; Instructional Librarian; Instructional Librarian II; Instructional Technologist; Managing Editor; Master Carpenter; Media Resources Coordinator; Outreach Coordinator; Programming Manager, VMA; Program Manager; Production Manager; Reference Librarian and who are employed in Academic Advising Center; Academic Affairs; Communication Sciences and Disorders Communication Studies; Education Abroad & Domestic Programs; Graduate Studies; Institute for Liberal Arts & Interdisciplinary Studies; Instructional Technology Group; Institutional Research; International Student Affairs; Internationalization & Global Engagement; Iwasaki Library; Journalism; Marketing Communication; Department of Performing Arts; Ploughshares; Professional Studies; Registrar; Research and Creative Scholarship; School of Communication; School of the Arts; Writing and Academic Resource Center; Writing, Literature and Publishing; and Visual and Media Arts.
Excluded: All employees within Administrative and Finance Offices; Information Technology; Institutional Advancement; Diversity & Inclusion; Communications and Marketing; Enrollment Management; Student Life; all employees who are already represented by a labor organization; all other unrepresented employees; Associate Registrar, Tech Communications; Sr. Assistant Registrar, Operations; Access Services Librarian; Assistant Director, Technical and Access Services; Assistant Director, Information Services; Technical Director, Performing Arts; Technical Director, SOC; Senior Executive Administrator; managerial employees; confidential employees; guards; and supervisors as defined in the Act.
Included: All full-time and regular part-time non-professional employees employed by Emerson College in Boston, Massachusetts as Access Services Librarian; Administrative Assistant; Administrative Assistant/Assistant to the Chair; Administrative Associate; Archives and Records Management Associate; Assistant Circulation Manager; Assistant Director of Academic Advising; Assistant Director, Academic Services; Assistant Director, Academic Skills; Assistant Director, Academic Support; Assistant Director, Business Operations; Assistant Director, Faculty Administration; Assistant Director, Institutional Research; Assistant Director, School of Communication; Assistant Director, Summer Programs; Assistant Manager, Circulations; Assistant to the General Manager; Assistant Manager, Journalism Production Center; Assistant Manager, Paramount Center; Assistant Registrar; Assistant Registrar, Scheduling/Technical; Assistant Technical Director/Prop Supervisor; Assistant, Library Operations; Associate Director, Creative Scholarship; Associate Director, Academic Advising; Budget & Operations Manager; Budget & Operations Manager; Cataloger/Acquisitionist; Clinical Administrative Assistant; Clinical Instructor; Coordinator, Instruction; Coordinator, International Student Affairs; Coordinator, Media Resources; Coordinator, Outreach; Costume Shop Business Manager; Costume Shop Supervisor; Creative Instructional Design; Cutter/Draper; Department Assistant; Digital Initiatives Librarian; Director of Production and Safety; Educational Planner; Electronic Resources/Reference Coordinator; Instruction Librarian II; Instructional Technologist; Interlibrary Loan Supervisor; Manager of Acquisitions; Manager, Journalism Production Center; Managing Editor; Master Carpenter; Operations Manager - Performing Arts; Part-Time Clinical Instructor; Part-Time Digital Archivist; Production Coordinator; Production Manager; Program Coordinator; Program Manager; Programming Manager; Reference Librarian; Research Assistant; Senior Administrative Associate; Senior Associate Administrator; Service Desk Assistant; Web and Information Coordinator, AA and who are employed in Academic Advising Center; Academic Affairs; Communication Sciences and Disorders Communication Studies; Education Abroad & Domestic Programs; Graduate Studies; Institute for Liberal Arts & Interdisciplinary Studies; Instructional Technology Group; Institutional Research; International Student Affairs; Internationalization & Global Engagement; Iwasaki Library; Journalism; Marketing Communication; Department of Performing Arts; Ploughshares; Professional Studies; Registrar; Research and Creative Scholarship; School of Communication; School of the Arts; Writing and Academic Resource Center; Writing, Literature and Publishing; and Visual and Media Arts.
Excluded: All employees within Administrative and Finance Offices; Information Technology; Institutional Advancement; Diversity & Inclusion; Communications and Marketing; Enrollment Management; Student Life; all employees who are already represented by a labor organization; all other unrepresented employees; Associate Registrar, Tech Communications; Sr. Assistant Registrar, Operations; Access Services Librarian; Assistant Director, Technical and Access Services; Assistant Director, Information Services; Technical Director, Performing Arts; Technical Director, SOC; Senior Executive Administrator; managerial employees; confidential employees; guards and supervisors as defined in the Act.

Emerson College: Petitions Filed by SEIU to Represent Professional and Non-Professional Employees in Three Additional Units
Emerson College, NLRB Case Nos 01-RC-173975, 01-RC-173997, 01-RC-174017
On April 14, 2016, SEIU filed three additional petitions seeking to represent professional and non-professional employees at Emerson College.
In NLRB Case No 01-RC-173975, SEIU seeks to be certified to represent approximately 8 Emerson College employees in the following proposed bargaining unit:
Included: All full-time and regular part-time professional and non-professional employees employed by Emerson College in Boston, Massachusetts as: Assistant Director & Content Specialist, Web Developer, Digital Media Producer, Production Coordinator/Layout Designer, Senior Copy Editor, Assistant Director, Associate Director, Assistant Marketing Director/Project Manager, Web Master who are employed in Communications and Marketing, Web Services, creative Service, Media Relation.
Excluded: All employees within Administrative and Finance Officers; Institutional Advancement; Information Technology; Diversity & Inclusion; Enrollment Management; Student life; all employees who are already represented by a labor organization; all other unrepresented employees; managerial employees; confidential employees; guards; and supervisors as defined in the Act.
In NLRB Case No 01-RC-173997, SEIU seeks to be certified to represent approximately 4 Emerson College employees in the following proposed bargaining unit:
Included: All full-time and regularpart-time professional and non-professional employees employed by Emerson College in Boston, Massachusetts as Director, Diversity and inclusive excellence; operation manager/special assistant to the Vice President; survivor advocate; program coordinator who are employed in the following department: Diversity and Inclusion, Violence Prevention and Response, Elma Lewis Center and Academic Engagement and Community Action.
Excluded: All employees within Administrative and Finance Officers; Institutional Advancement; Communications and Marketing; Enrollment Management; Student Life; Information Technology; all employees who are already represented by a labor organization; all other unrepresented employees; managerial employees; confidential employees; guards; and supervisors as defined in the Act.
In NLRB Case No 01-RC-174017, SEIU seeks to be certified to represent approximately 49 Emerson College employees in the following proposed bargaining unit: Included: All full-time and regular part-time professional and non-professional employees employed by Emerson College in Boston, Massachusetts as Database System Administrator, Evening Operations Manager, Equipment Distribution Center, Information Security Officer, ERP System Administrator, Assistant Manager, Electronic Maintenance Assistant Manager, Technology Support Specialist, Systems and Network Technician Business Intelligence Applications administrator, User Services Representative,Assistant Production Supervisor, Film & Editing Post Production Supervisor, Film Camera Technician Manager, the Emerson Channels, Director, Membership/Individual Giving, User Service Coordinator, Senior AV Support Engineer, Technical Services/AV Supervisor, Part Time Media Technician, Customer Support Specialist, Desktop Support Specialist, Programmer/Analyst, Applications Specialist, Lab Support Services Analyst, Lab Systems Support Specialist, Audio Technical Supervisor, Manager, Journalism Production Center, Manager, Paramount Center Film Soundstage, Manager, Tufte PPC Facility, Officer Manager, Chief Engineer, Director, Product Development, Manager, Operations, On-Air Host, Traffic Coordinator/Receptionist, Underwriting Director, Network and Systems Developer, Network/Security Administrator, Senior Administrator Associate, Senor Software Applications Developer, IT Infrastructure Project Manager, Network Administrator, Quality Control Supervisor, Weekend Sound Stage Manager who are employed in the flowing departments: Information Technology, Information Technology Help Desk, Information Technology Labor Operations, Information Technology Enterprise Systems, Information Technology Infrastructure, WERS 88.9, Television, Radio and Film, Media Services.
Excluded: All employees within Administrative and Finance Offices, Institutional Advancement, Diversity & Inclusion, Communications and Marketing, Enrollment Management; Student Life; all employees who are already represented by a labor organization; all other unrepresented employees; managerial employees; confidential employees; guards; and supervisors as defined in the Act.

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign: Adjunct Faculty Strike Begins
Adjunct faculty at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign commenced a two-day strike this week as part of their their effort to negotiate a multi-year first contract with the university. The faculty union, Non-Tenure Faculty Coalition Local 6546, an AFT-AAUP affiliate, was certified in July 2014 to represent the the following unit of approximately 473 adjunct faculty members:
Included: All full-time (i.e., employees who have .51 or greater appointment as a faculty member) nontenure track faculty with respect to educational employees employed at the Urbana-Champaign campus or employed in units located outside Urbana-Champaign which report administratively to the Urbana-Champaign campus.
Excluded: All faculty members of the College of Law and the College of Veterinary Medicine, all tenure and tenure-track faculty, the Professor Emeritus in the College of Agricultural, Consumer & Environmental Sciences, the Principal Scientist - Director of Central Facilities (Materials Research Laboratory) as a supervisory employee, the Director of the Undergraduate Portuguese Language Program as a supervisory employee, the Director of the Masters of Accountancy Science Program as a supervisory employee, and all other University employees, including but not limited to all other supervisory, confidential, managerial, craft and short-term employees as defined in the Illinois Educational Labor Relations Act.
The Journal of Collective Bargaining in the Academy, Volume 7: Future, Present, Past: Collective Bargaining in Higher Education
T he National Center is pleased to announce the publication of Volume 7 of the Journal of Collective Bargaining in the Academy (JCBA). JCBA is the National Center's peer review journal co-edited by Jeffrey Cross, Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs, Eastern Illinois University, and Steve Hicks, Associate Professor of English, Lock Haven University of Pennsylvania.
California State University, Fullerton has issued an announcement soliciting applications for the position of Vice President for Human Resources, Diversity and Inclusion. A complete application must include a cover letter addressing the qualifications set forth in the announcement, a curriculum vitae, and the names, e-mail addresses, and phone numbers of five references. References will not be contacted without explicit permission from the candidate. Applications can be submitted in confidence at
SEIU Local 500 is soliciting applications for the newly created position of Director of Collective Bargaining and Collaborative Engagement. With over 14,000 members, SEIU Local 500 is one of the largest and fastest growing public service unions in the Washington, DC/Maryland/Northern Virginia area. The position will be responsible for managing the union's collective bargaining program and for overseeing the union's commitment to strengthen and further develop effective, sustainable labor-management programs that are member driven and led. Applicants should submit a resume, cover letter, and salary history to: David Rodich, Executive Director SEIU Local 500 , 901 Russell Avenue, Suite 300, Gaithersburg, Maryland 20879,
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