for the Study of Collective Bargaining in 
Higher Education and the Professions
E-Note: 2016 Conference Update
December 2015
    Register Now for the National Center's 2016 Conference 
Our Future is Now in Higher Education

Registration has begun for our 2016 annual national conference on April 3-5, 2016 at the CUNY Graduate Center in New York City.

The following is a list of currently confirmed panels, panelists, and workshops:

Plenary Presentations

The History, State, and Future of Shared Governance
with M. Brian Blake, Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost, Drexel University, Lawrence Gerber, Professor of History, Auburn University, and Barbara Lee, Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs, Rutgers University with moderator Scott Jaschik, Inside Higher Ed

Friedrichs v. CTA: What the Future May Bring with Cynthia Estlund, Catherine A. Rein Professor of Law, New York University School of Law, Charlotte Garden, Associate Professor of Law, Seattle University School of Law, and Ruben Garcia, Professor of Law, William S. Boyd School of Law with moderator Frederick P. Schaffer, General Counsel and Senior Vice Chancellor for Legal Affairs, City University of New York

Panels on Collective Bargaining and Related Issues

Collective Bargaining and Labor Representation in a Right to Work Environment
with William Connellan, Director of Academic Support Services, University of Florida, Thomas Auxter, Former United Faculty of Florida President, David O. Woike, Assistant Vice President for Academic Affairs, Eastern Michigan University, Sonya Alvarado, Field Representative, Michigan AFT, and Michael Egan, Assistant Executive Director, CTA Negotiations and Organizational Development with moderator Risa Lieberwitz, Professor of Labor and Employment Law, Cornell ILR, and AAUP General Counsel

The Impact of Faculty Unit Composition on Collective Bargaining with Robin Sowards, United Steelworkers member, Loretta Ragsdell, City Colleges of Chicago Contingent Labor Organizing Committee Vice President and Grievance Chair/IEA/NEA, James Burkel, Senior Academic Labor Relations Representative, University of Michigan, and Kenneth Doxsee, Vice Provost for Academic Affairs, University of Oregon with moderator Deborah Cooperstein, Adelphi University AAUP Chapter President
Negotiating Over Job Security for Contingent Faculty with Jonathan Karpf, Associate Vice President, CFA AVP Lecturer-North and Bargaining Team member, San Jose State University, Alexandra Matish, Associate Director, Academic Human Resources, University of Michigan, Anne McLeer, SEIU Local 500 Director of Higher Education and Strategic Planning, and John Bryan, Associate Provost for Academic Personnel, University of Massachusetts Amherst with moderator Judi Burgess, Boston University Director of Labor Relations 
State of Public Pensions and Its Impact on Collective Bargaining with Diane Oakley, National Institute on Retirement Security Executive Director, David Born, FMCS Regional Director, and Elliot Susseles, Senior Vice President, SEGAL Company, Public Sector Collective Bargaining and Compensation (panel in formation)

Collective Bargaining at Academic Medical Centers with Karen Stubaus, Vice President, Academic Affairs and Administration, Rutgers University, Ilyssa DeCasperis, AAUP-Biomedical Health Sciences of New Jersey, Rutgers University, John Vander Weg, Wayne State University Associate Provost for Academic Personnel, and Diomedes Tsitouras, Executive Director, University of Connecticut Health Center AAUP with moderator Fred Kowal, United University Professions President

Collective Bargaining Issues Concerning Post-Doctorates with Jerome J. Kukor, Dean, Graduate School, Rutgers-New Brunswick, Amy K. Lee, University of California Labor and Employee Relations Director, Sayil Camacho, Graduate Student at the University of California, Los Angeles, School of Education and Information Studies, and Karen Rosenberg, UAW Region 9A International Representative with moderator Keith Micoli, NYU School of Medicine Postdoctoral Program Director

Multi-Employer Negotiations in Higher Education with Scot Beckenbaugh, FMCS Deputy Director, Lesley Burke-O'Flynn, Federation of Post-Secondary Educators Staff Representative, David Rodich, SEIU Local 500 Executive Director, and Nicholas Anastasopoulos, Mirick O'Connell LLP with moderator Michael Loconto, Deputy Director for Policy and Compliance, Harvard University

Brown University Redux with Wilma Liebman, Visiting Scholar, Rutgers University, School of Management and Labor Relations and former NLRB Chairman, Joe Ambash, Fisher & Phillips LLP, and Paula Voos, Associate Dean and Director, Undergraduate and Master's Programs in Labor and Employment Relations, Rutgers University with moderator Harris Freeman, Professor, Legal Research and Writing, Western New England University and Massachusetts Commonwealth Employment Relations Board member

Graduate Assistants, Unionization, and Negotiations with Michael Eagen, Director and Counsel, University of Connecticut Office of Faculty and Staff Labor Relations, Kenneth Lang, UAW Region 9A International Representative, Julie Kushner, UAW Region 9A Director, and Raymond L. Haines, Associate Vice Chancellor for Employee Relations, State University of New York with moderator James O. Castagnera, Associate Provost and Associate Counsel, Rider University

MICA: Negotiating a First Contingent Faculty Contract at an Art School with David Rodich, SEIU Local 500 Executive Director, Anne McLeer, SEIU Local 500 Director of Higher Education and Strategic Planning, Jonathan C. Fritts, Morgan Lewis,  Doug Mann, MICA Vice President of Operations and Finance, and Leslie Shellow, MICA Bargaining Team Member (panel in formation)

Research Panel: America's Public Regional Universities: Collective Bargaining Matters with Stephen Katsinas, Director and Professor, University of Alabama Education Policy Center, and Theodore Curry, Associate Provost, Associate Vice President, Academic Human Resources; Professor, School of Human Resources and Labor Relations, Michigan State University, Commentator (panel in formation)

Pensions and Health Insurance Savings for Contingent Faculty with Timothy E. Lane, Managing Director, TIAA-CREF, Scott Sommer, UAW Region 9A Sub-Regional Director, Sarah Slavick, Lesley University, SEIU Local 509, and Carol Cantrell, Senior Vice President for Human Resources and Labor Relations, The New School (panel in formation)

Affordable Care Act Update with Sara Sawyer, Director of Human Resources, Community College System of New Hampshire, John Abraham, American Federation of Teachers Benefits Department Director, and Maria Maisto, Adjunct in English, Cuyahoga C.C., New Faculty Majority (NFM) President with panelist and moderator Lawrence Singer, Senior Vice President, Segal Company

Transforming the Collective Bargaining Process at Florida Gulf Coast University with Ronald Toll, Provost and Vice President of Academic Affairs, Tony Barringer, Associate Provost for Faculty Affairs, Jennifer Baker, Director of Budget and Management Service, Academic Affairs and Chief Negotiator for Administration, David Steckler, United Faculty of Florida, Chapter Grievance Chair and Negotiation Team Member, and Elizabeth M. Elliott, United Faculty of Florida, Chapter President and Chief Negotiator for Faculty

Interactive Workshop Trainings on Negotiations

Advanced Collective Bargaining Training for Experienced Administrators
with Nick DiGiovanni, Morgan, Brown & Joy, LLP, and Joseph McConnell, Morgan, Brown & Joy, LLP with moderator Liesl Zwicklbauer, Assistant Vice Chancellor for Employee Relations, State University of New York

Advanced Collective Bargaining Training for Experienced Faculty with David Cecil, United Academics, AFT-AAUP Executive Director, University of Oregon, and Michael Mauer, American Association of University Professors Senior Labor Advisor

Data Analysis for Use During Collective Bargaining with Howard Bunsis, Chair, AAUP Collective Bargaining Congress, Professor, Accounting, Eastern Michigan University, and John Swarbrick, Associate Vice Chancellor for Labor Relations, California State University System with moderator Jeffery Frumkin, Associate Vice Provost and Senior Director, Academic Human Resources, University of Michigan

Collective Bargaining and Labor Relations Training for New Administrators and New Union Representatives with Susan Pearson, Associate Chancellor, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, Deborah Williams, NEA Faculty Association President and Lead Negotiator, Johnson County Community College, and Conrad Bowling, FMCS Commissioner with moderator Sheryl Barton, Negotiations Team Member, Minnesota State College Faculty/Education Minnesota/AFT/NEA

Improving Communication Skills for the Bargaining Table with Michael E. Shay, Labor Management Consultant, Labor Management Project, and Tamara Robinson, Labor Management Consultant, Labor Management Project

Best Practices in Labor-Management Committees in Higher Education with Sally Klingel, Director, Labor-Management Programs, Scheinman Institute on Conflict Resolution, ILR School, Cornell University

Panels and Workshops on FLSA, Title IX, and Discrimination Issues

The Fair Labor Standards Act and Professional Employment on Campus
with Sharon Block, U.S. Department of Labor Senior Counselor, John S. Ho, Bond Schoeneck & King PLLC, and Erica Rafford-Noyes, SEIU Higher Education Research Coordinator with moderator Robert Zazzali, Senior Vice President for Community Affairs and Economic Development, Rowan University

Faculty as Mandatory Reporters under Title IX with Coleen Chin, Senior Attorney, U.S. Department of Education, Office of Civil Rights, John Rose, Dean for Diversity, Hunter College, City University of New York, and Yael Wepman, Director of EEO & Title IX Coordinator, St. John's University with moderator Jeffery Frumkin, Associate Vice Provost and Senior Director, Academic Human Resources, University of Michigan

Title IX, Academic Freedom and Due Process with Risa Lieberwitz, Risa Lieberwitz, Professor of Labor and Employment Law, Cornell ILR, and AAUP General Counsel, Rana Jaleel, UC Davis, AAUP Committee W, and Suzanne B. Goldberg, Executive Vice President for University Life, Columbia University with moderator Peter Schmidt, Senior Writer, Chronicle of Higher Education

LGBT Issues in Higher Education Labor Relations with Thomas Lepak, Senior Trial Attorney, U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, Sean Robinson, Morgan State University Associate Professor of Higher Education, and Rachel V. See, National Labor Relations Board with moderator Elizabethe C. Payne, Interim Director, LGBT Social Science and Public Policy Center, Roosevelt House, Visiting Associate Professor, Hunter College, CUNY and Director, The Queering Education Research Institute

Discrimination and Harassment Issues in Higher Education with Merrick Rossein, Professor of Law, City University of New York School of Law, Jason Walta, Senior Counsel, National Education Association, and Jill Rosenberg, Orrick, Herrington & Sutcliffe LLP with moderator Malini Cadambi Daniel, SEIU Campaign Director, Higher Education

Microaggressions and Implicit Bias on Campus with Barbara Diamond, Diamond Law: The workshop will use a documentary film to prompt discussion and learning about implicit bias and microaggression theory in a four part series (bias, race and ethnicity, LGBT and disability).

Panels on Dispute Resolution

Higher Education Issues at Public Sector Labor Boards
with Marjorie Wittner, Chair, Massachusetts Commonwealth Employment Relations Board, Seth Agata, Chairperson, New York State Public Employment Relations Board, and Adam Rhynard, Oregon Employment Relations Board member

Best Practices in Arbitration of Higher Education Issues with Ira Lobel, Arbitrator and Mediator, Susan T. Mackenzie, Arbitrator and Mediator, and Rosemary Townley, Arbitrator and Mediator with moderator Lisa Bonick, Director, Academic Labor Relations, Rutgers University

Panels on Community College Issues

Dual Credit and Enrollment Issues at Community Colleges
with Elisabeth A. Barnett, Senior Research Associate, Community College Research Center, Columbia University, Alec Thomson, Schoolcraft College Faculty Forum President, and Kristin Klein Wheaton, Executive Vice President for Legal Affairs, Erie Community College with moderator Cynthia Eaton, Associate Professor, English, Suffolk County Community College (panel in formation)

Career Technical Education for the Future with Mollie Smith, Director of Occupational and Noncredit Programs, Palomar College, and Mark Smith, National Education Association Higher Education Policy Analyst (panel in formation)

Year in Review and Advocacy in Higher Education

Annual Panel: Year in Higher Education
with Margaret E. Winters, Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs, Wayne State University and moderator Jeffrey Cross, Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs, Eastern Illinois University (panel in formation)

Legal Issues in Higher Education: Annual Review of Court and Administrative Developments with Mary Kay Kilmesh, Seyfarth Shaw LLP, Aaron Nisenson, AAUP Senior Counsel, and Richard Griffin, NLRB General Counsel (invited) with moderator Kenneth Mash, Association of Pennsylvania State College and University Faculties President

Effective Advocacy on Behalf of Higher Education with Robert Fernandez, Congress of Connecticut Community Colleges Political Director, and Barmak Nassirian, AASCU Director of Federal Relations and Policy Analysis with moderator Hank Sheinkopf, Sheinkopf Communications (panel in formation)

Conference Hotel Information

Affinia Dumont Hotel
150 East 34th Street, NY, NY 10016

Affinia Shelburne Murray Hill Hotel
303 Lexington Avenue, NY, NY 10016

Room rate $289/night (Click for Hotel Reservation Instructions)

The conference is being underwritten by a grant from TIAA-CREF with additional support from Segal/Sibson.  
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National Center for the Study of Collective Bargaining in Higher Education and the Professions |
Hunter College, City University of New York
425 E 25th St.
Box 615
New York, NY 10010