National Center E-Note
National Center for the Study
of Collective Bargaining in Higher Education and the Professions

April 2014

The National Center E-Note is an electronic bulletin providing news, updates and analysis concerning events and issues of interest to our constituency groups.

April 2014 Edition Contents:

1. The National Center's 41st Annual Conference; 

2. Conference Evaluations are due May 1, 2014;

2. Photographs from the 41st Annual Conference;

3. Save the Date! April 19-21, 2015 for the 42nd Annual Conference in NYC;

4. Donate to Support the National Center and its Mission;

5. Submit Articles for Publication to the Journal of Collective Bargaining in the Academy (JCBA);

6. National Center E-Notes and Announcements.
The National Center's 41st Annual Conference on Collective Bargaining in Higher Education and the Professions


The National Center thanks all of the panelists, moderators and attendees for making the 41st Annual Conference of the National Center for the Study of Collective Bargaining in Higher Education and the Professions a major success.  The increased registration at this year's conference is a direct result of the quality and diversity of the topics examined at the conference including issues relating to contingent faculty, social media and academic freedom, bullying, the future of pensions in academia, on-line learning and intellectual property.  A number of those panels were digitally recorded for future use as podcasts and webcasts on our website. 


The success of the conference would not have been possible without the support of Hunter College and the hard work of numerous Hunter College and CUNY staff and conference volunteers. The conference was underwritten by a grant from TIAA-CREF with additional funding from the Segal Company. 

Conference Evaluations are due May 1, 2014

To encourage direct feedback from attendees at the 41st Annual Conference, we have prepared an on-line survey and evaluation form.  The information garnered from the survey responses will assist the National Center in preparing for next year's conference as well as developing other programming initiatives.


If you have not yet had an opportunity to complete the conference survey, we encourage you to take a few short minutes on or before May 1, 2014, to do so. 

Download Conference Survey & Evaluation


We also welcome any other suggestions and comments concerning National Center programming and activities. Please e-mail them to:


Photographs from the 41st Annual Conference
The following are photographs of four panels from this year's Annual Conference taken by Charlie Spatz and Kimberly King.  
Martin Finkelstein and Valerie Martin Conley discussing the Future of Higher Education.
Moderator George Cooper and panelists Zillah Fluker, Gregory S. Carr, Carrie Gavin, Derryn Moten, and Elizabeth Davenport discussing Trends in Labor-Management Issues at Historically Black Colleges and Universities.
Moderator Gary Rhoades with Barbara Bowen and Bill Perry at the Second Plenary.
Michelle Kiss presenting research findings with respect to the Impact of Contingent Faculty on Higher Education Results along with co-panelists Hongwei Yu and Daniel Maxey.
Daniel Maxey presenting research findings concerning the Impact of Contingent Faculty on Higher Education Results along with co-panelist Hongwei Yu.

Save the Date! April 19-21, 2015 for the 42nd Annual Conference in NYC

With the completion of the 2014 Annual Conference, the National Center has begun preparations for next year's conference.  It will take place in New York City on April 19-21, 2015.  Please mark your calendars and look for 2015 conference updates in future E-Notes and on our website.


Donate to Support the National Center and Its Mission

Thanks to the Hunter College Foundation, the National Center now has the capability to accept on-line contributions to support the mission of studying collective bargaining and labor representation in higher education and the professions. Your donation will enable the National Center to enhance its programming, publications and initiatives. On-line contributions can be made at the Hunter College Foundation's website. At the website, select the National Center for Collective Bargaining Fund in the "Give To" drop down menu. Donate to the National Center


Submit Articles for Publication to the Journal of Collective Bargaining in the Academy (JCBA) 
Journal of CBA Logo
As part of our effort to fulfill the mission of advancing the study of collective bargaining and labor relations in higher education, the National Center publishes the Journal of Collective Bargaining in the Academy (JCBA). JCBA is an open access, peer-review online publication.  It is edited by Jeffrey Cross from Eastern Illinois University and Steve Hicks from the Pennsylvania State Colleges and Universities Faculties, and it is hosted by the Booth Library, Eastern Illinois University. 
We encourage scholars, practitioners and students in the field of collective bargaining, labor representation and labor relations to submit scholarly articles for publication in JCBA.  
National Center E-Notes and Announcements

We greatly enjoyed meeting and interacting with participants at the 41st Annual Conference and fully appreciate the support and suggestions the National Center receives from members of its constituency groups.  You are encouraged to continue to keep track of National Center activities and announcements through our E-Notes and website postings. 



William A. Herbert, Executive Director
Michelle Savarese, Administrator 

National Center for the Study of Collective Bargaining in Higher Education and the Professions |
Hunter College, City University of New York
425 E 25th St.
Box 615
New York, NY 10010

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