Events at St. James
A Christmas Message from the Rector

Dear Sisters and Brothers,

Christmas comes whether we are ready or not, like the birth of a baby. Babies remind us who we are and bring us back to our true
nature. Babies soften us and fill our hearts with love, kindness and
generosity. Babies make us joyful and giddy and playful. They make
us talk "baby-talk". It is the universal language of the heart.
Into this sometimes scary and harsh world the Baby has come to soften us, to remind us of our true selves and to turn our hearts
of stone into hearts of flesh. Let us rejoice, be giddy and playful and
talk Baby-talk. I wish you a very Merry Christmas!

 In love,

Sunday 14 December, Parish Festive Lunch

A Huge thank you to everyone who worked so hard to make this year's Parish Festive lunch a big success. Special thanks to Timothy Chaplin for leading the cooking team, and to those who brought special goodies. 
Also many thanks to everyone who donated the raffle prizes, which made the event so enjoyable. 




Bishop's Visitation & Confirmations January 18, 2015

Where & When
Date: January 18, 2015
Time:11 am
Our Bishop, The Rt. Rev Pierre W. Whalon, Bishop of the Convocation of Episcopal Churches in Europe, will make his annual Visitation to St. James Church on January 18, 2015. Spread the word. Bring family & friends, and plan to attend the Parish Luncheon after the 11am Eucharist.

If you have not been confirmed, you might consider it. In the Book of Common Prayer (page 860) in the Outline of Faith, commonly called the Catechism it says: " What is Confirmation? Confirmation is the rite in which we express a mature commitment to Christ, and receive strength from the Holy Spirit through prayer and the laying on of hands by a bishop."
Confirmation is not just for children 12 years of age or older. Adults can be confirmed, as well. There will be classes in preparation for receiving the Sacrament of Confirmation. Please contact the Church Office. 055 294417 or office@stjames.it

Your St. James
Dates for your Diary

December 17-At 6pm, Fiesole Music School, childrens concert in the Church,
December 20-At 9pm,Benefit Concert organised by Assos.Tumori Tosana.

St. James Holiday Schedule

Sunday 21 December:
Decorating the church for Christmas will start at 2pm

Wednesday December 24:
6pm -
Christmas Pageant and Parish Eucharist
11pm- Midnight Mass

Thursday December 25:
11am Eucharist.
The church office will be closed from December 26 to January 7 2015.
Noonday Prayers

Where & When
Date: Tuesday to Friday
Time: 12.00- 12.10
Location: St James
Noonday Prayer in the Church 


St. James Church holds Noonday Prayer in the Church every Tuesday through Friday at 12:00 PM.


Come join us for 10 minutes of prayer and meditation. Noonday Prayer will be led by the clergy and staff of St. James Church, and any volunteer who is interested in this leadership. Please contact the Church office.

St. James 2014 Outreach Donations

Starting with Sunday 7th December for the next three Sundays we will have an opportunity to hear how our supported charities help the community in Florence and meet the leaders of the organisations. 

December 7: 

ATT-Hospice and homecare centre,
Ragazzi del Sole-Caring for handicapped children and young people
December 14:
Father Dunnam is among the volunteers that help feed over 300 people daily.
Foundation for Photo Art in hospitals-
organised by Elaine Poggi,
December 21: 
Pamapi-Day care centre for Autistic children
Arcobaleno- Helping immigrants to integrate into Italian society
Angeli della Citta- Distributes food and clothing to the needy in Florence.
Celebrate Advent using your camera phones.

Members of Anglican Communion Churches worldwide are being invited to celebrate Advent through prayer, meditation and by contributing to a global Advent calendar on Instagram.

Advent - from Nov. 30 to Dec. 24 - is the season when Christians observe a time of expectant waiting and preparation for the celebration of the birth of Jesus at Christmas.


Participants are invited to take a photo with their phone or tablet to share their interpretation of the word for that day - these include #Abide, #Thrive, #Become, #Imagine - and post the picture to Instagram adding the day's tag plus #Adventword."People need help with their daily spiritual practice," said Brother Geoffrey Tristram, SSJE superior. "During Advent, we anticipate the coming of Christ, an event that awakens our deepest desires and longings. This Advent, we are inviting you to join us in looking clearly and honestly at our lives and taking action."



The History of St . James Church

The History of St. James Church is available for 25 euro. Copies are always displayed at the back of the church.

Full of interesting information about St James, it is a great gift for friends abroad and a memory to treasure from your visit to Florence.
Next of Kin Contact details
Full on Church
We have been thinking that it would be a good idea
to keep a list of Parishioner's next of kin.
Would you like us to keep your next of kin details in the office, so that we can contact them in the event of an emergency?
If you wish please email or bring a list of telephone numbers, emails and any other information you feel might be helpful, and we will keep it on file in the office.
This information will be  held in the confidence and used only in the event of an emergency.
Weekly Food Drive

Where & When
Date: Sundays
Time: 9:00 & 11:00
Location: Church
Help the Hungry  


Every Sunday in Church, the St. James Foodbank is collecting
donations of food. Please support this important ministry by donating any of the following items: small tins of canned beans(packs of 3),soft cheese triangles, 80 gram and 160 gram cans of tuna, crackers, small boxes of juice, and especially baby food ( fruit) and
 baby formula.


The shopping cart will be at the back of the Church, waiting to be filled!


We are no longer giving out pasta or rice.


Grazie di cuore! 


St. James' Townhouse Available for bookings

Come Stay in the St. James' Townhouse

St. James' Town House, in the heart of Florence, is the perfect place to stay with friends or family. We are centrally located near the train station, the Duomo, Piazza della Signoria, and many other favorite places to visit. We accept reservations for a minimum of 1 week and a maximum of 3 months. Your stay with us is considered a donation to St. James Church. Contact us for availability and further information. Everyone is Welcome at St. James' Town House!


St. James' Town House is a three story apartment with its own entrance on via Bernardo Rucellai, next to the church rectory and part of the parish complex. It is a spacious 3-bedroom, 3-bath apartment, furnished with antiques, and overlooking the church and the rectory garden. It is fully equipped with linens for both bed and bath, along with kitchen supplies. There is satellite television that includes many English language programs, a washing machine, dishwasher, microwave oven, and iron. The bedrooms and living room are air conditioned. Off- street parking within the grounds of the church for one car.


Newly renovated Carriage House now available to rent

St. James Carriage House is completely refurbished and ready to welcome guests.
Like our ever-popular Town House, the Carriage House is located on the church property, with a private garden and small patio to relax and refresh the spirit after a full day in the city.
It is a three story house with a private entrance. The Carriage House has a lovely living/dining room,kitchen, and bath on the ground floor; bedroom sitting room and balcony/ terrace on the third floor with a picture window overlooking the Corsini Gardens.
Fully equipped with fine linens for both bed and bath, china and glassware, along with kitchen supplies, the Carriage House has everything needed for your stay.Selected antiques have been carefully chosen. Also included are satellite TV, air-conditioning, and free WIFI and off-street parking within the grounds of the church for one car. The Carriage House is the perfect place for one or two people. There is a fold-out bed on the third floor which can sleep 2 people as well.
It should be noted that there is only one bathroom, which is located on the ground floor and there is a spiral staircase to the other floors.
Contact Betty Nadalini for availability and further information.
Picasso and Spanish Modernity

Where & When
Date: 20 September to 25 January 2015.
Location:Palazzo Strozzi
As of 20 September 2014 Palazzo Strozzi in Florence will be focusing on modern art once again with a major new event devoted to one of the greatest masters of 20th century painting, Pablo Picasso.
The exhibition will present a broad selection of works by this great master of modern art in an effort to stimulate a reflection on his influence and interaction with such leading Spanish artists as Joan Mir�, Salvador Dal�, Juan Gris, Maria Blanchard and Julio Gonz�lez: art reflecting on art and on the relationship between the real and the surreal, the artist's heartfelt involvement in the tragedy of unfolding history, the emergence of the monster with a human face, and the metaphor of erotic desire as a primary source of inspiration for the artist's creativity and world vision.


" O come, O come, Emmanuel, and ransom captive Israel, that mourns in lonely exile here until the Son of God appear."

                                                                                                                Hymn 56 V1.     

  Music: Veni, Veni, Emmanuel. 

St. James Church, Florence
Via B. Rucellai, 9
Firenze, Italy
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