Events at St. James
Last eNews of the Summer 

We'll be Back in September!
The eNews is taking a break for the summer. This will be the final edition until September.

Wishing everyone a wonderful summer vacation!
Church Office Closed in August

Buone vacanze a tutti!


The Church office will be closed for the month of August. We look forward to seeing everyone again in September!

Special Addition - Noonday Prayer

Where & When
Date: Tuesday-Friday
First meeting Sept. 3
Time: 12:00-12:15
Location: Church
Noonday Prayer in the Church 


Beginning on September 3, 2013, St. James Church will offer Noonday Prayer in the Church every Tuesday through Friday at 12:00 PM.


Come join us for 10 minutes of prayer and meditation. Noonday Prayer will be led by the clergy and staff of St. James Church, and any volunteer who is interested in this leadership. Please contact the Church office.


Save the Dates
Full on Church
Looking Forward to Fall-Winter!


September 22

Start-up Sunday - We celebrate everyone's return from the summer holidays and begin the new programs for the year. A free cookout will follow the parish Eucharist, along with a Ministry Fair to sign up to participate in St. James' various ministries. 


October 6

Blessing of the Animals - Celebrating the Feast of St. Francis of Assisi at the 11:00 Eucharist.


November 2-3

Bishop Pierre's Annual Visitation on All Saint's Sunday. A parish cookout will follow. 


Anyone interested in being confirmed or received into the Episcopal Church, please contact the parish office.


December 15

Advent Lessons and Carols at the 11:00 AM Eucharist.

A free Holiday Lunch will be celebrated following the Eucharist.

Your St. James
2013 Local Outreach 

Call for Recipient Suggestions


We need your suggestions for local outreach donations to be made in 2013. There are so many wonderful organizations in the Province of Florence, run primarily by volunteers, which actively help the community. This is an opportunity for St. James to help them in their work.


The deadline for submissions is September 30. 


Please contact Barbara Maraventano at b.maraventano@gmail.com or Jocelyn Fitzgerald at jocelyn.f@tiscalinet.it

Office Schedule
Full on Church


The St. James Office is open from 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM, Tuesday through Friday:


Telephone: 055 294417

Email: office@stjames.it.


The Church is closed on Mondays.


Please remember that it is not possible to make deliveries or drop off donations on Mondays. Thank you for your understanding! 

Weekly Food Drive

Where & When
Date: Sundays
Time: 9:00 & 11:00
Location: Church
Help the Hungry  


Every Sunday in Church, the St. James Foodbank is collecting donations of food. Please support this important ministry by donating any of the following items: canned tomatoes, canned beans, 1 liter packages of long shelf life milk, 500 gram packages of pasta, 1 kilo packages of rice, 80 gram and 160 gram cans of tuna, coffee, crackers, small boxes of juice, merendine, and especially baby food (fruit) and baby formula.


The shopping cart will be at the back of the Church, waiting to be filled!


Grazie di cuore! 


St. James' Townhouse Available for Bookings

Contact: townhouse@stjames.it
Come Stay in the St. James' Townhouse

St. James' Town House, in the heart of Florence, is the perfect place to stay with friends or family. We are centrally located near the train station, the Duomo, Piazza della Signoria, and many other favorite places to visit. We accept reservations for a minimum of 1 week and a maximum of 3 months. Your stay with us is considered a donation to St. James Church. Contact us for availability and further information. Everyone is Welcome at St. James' Town House!


St. James' Town House is a three story apartment with its own entrance on via Bernardo Rucellai, next to the church rectory and part of the parish complex. It is a spacious 3-bedroom, 3-bath apartment, furnished with antiques, including a beautiful 1826 John Broadwood fortepiano, and overlooking the church and the rectory garden. It is fully equipped with linens for both bed and bath, along with kitchen supplies. There is satellite television that includes many English language programs, a washing machine, microwave oven, and iron. The bedrooms and living room are air conditioned. Off- street parking within the grounds of the church for one car.


Events in Florence ... and Beyond
Convocation of Episcopal Churches in Europe: Happening # 2

Where & When
Date: December 27-29
Location: Emmanuel Church, Geneva
A Christian Experience for Young People


"Happening" is a renewal weekend for high school aged young people. The purpose of Happening is to renew the spiritual life of high school students who attend, in order that they may take their place in the ministry and leadership of the parishes and missions which sponsor them. It is a powerful encounter in which young people minister to young people, bringing Jesus Christ joyfully alive in a Eucharistic community of disciples.


It is a weekend experience of fun, games, sharing, surprises and, most of all, a time of spiritual renewal and empowerment. Everyone has a chance to meet in small groups to discuss and respond to a series of talks given by teenagers to teenagers. The talks deal with subjects such as Reality, Faith, Jesus Christ, Church and Prayer.


To be held at: Emmanuel Church, 3, rue de Monthoux, 1201 Geneva, Switzerland


Dates: December 27-29, 2013


Accommodations: A youth hostelwill be reserved for team members and participants. 


Questions?  Contact:John Beach, tel. + 41-22-732-8078 or rector@emmanuelchurch.ch


"God is Love; and love enfolds us, all the world in one embrace; with unfailing grasp God holds us, every child of every race. And when human hearts are breaking under sorrow's iron rod, then we find that self-same aching deep within the heart of God."

                                                                                                               Hymn 379, v. 2 

Words: Timothy Rees (1874-1939), alt.


St. James Church, Florence
Via B. Rucellai, 9
Firenze, Italy
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