Events at St. James
Parish Lunch this Sunday, December 16

Where & When
Date: Sunday, December 16
Time: Following the 11:00 Eucharist
Location: Undercroft
Call the Office this Week to Reserve 

At its last meeting, the Vestry voted unanimously to host and sponsor a Parish Seasonal Lunch immediately following the Service of Advent Lessons and Carols on Sunday, December 16. 


The cost will be 10 Euro for adults, kids free. 


Contact the Church office to reserve your spot, and to sign up to bring finger food or a dessert if you would like to do so. 


See you there!



Parish Weekend, December 7 & 8

Lifelong Formation


Over 25 people attended our exciting Parish Weekend. Many thanks to Ruth-Ann Collins, Officer for Lifelong Formation and Mission at the Episcopal Church Center in New York, who was our leader. We were awarded a certificate by the Presiding Bishop making St. James a Lifelong Formation parish of the Episcopal Church. A fantastic spirit of community was built and we look forward to building on it. Special thanks to Cindy D'Alimonte and her team, Beth Tappero, Margi Hammer, and Julia Wright, who provided delicious meals for us.  


Christmas Schedule

Merry Christmas!


December 16 - Nine Lessons and Carols

11:00 AM worship

Parish Lunch after the 11:00 Eucharist


December 24 - Christmas Eve

6:00 PM Parish Eucharist and Christmas Pageant

11:00 PM Christmas Midnight Mass


December 25 - Christmas Day

Eucharist at 11:00 AM


The Parish office will be closed December 26 and will reopen January 2, 2013, in observance of the Christmas holiday. Happy New Year!


Adult Forum

Adult Forum on Hiatus for the Holidays 


The Adult Forum will resume after the New Year. 




Your St. James
Every Member Canvass

Pledge 2013 


The time has arrived for us to prayerfully consider and commit our pledges to St. James Church for 2013. Pledge cards will be mailed and can also be obtained at the Church Office and at the Church Entrance. Thank you to everyone who supports the many ministries of St. James Church. We will have an ingathering of all our pledges on December 16 when they will be presented on the Altar for God's blessing.



Christmas Flowers Donations

Christmas Flowers


All who would like to make a donation for Christmas flowers as a Thanksgiving or Memorial to a loved one are asked to send their donation to the Church office, or to use the special envelopes provided in the pews on Sunday. Please enclose the names of those remembered and the donor. Thank you.



Help Decorate the Church for Christmas

Volunteers Needed
We are looking for volunteers who would like to decorate the Church for Christmas. Anyone who would like to be part of the Decoration Team, please contact the Church office. We appreciate your help. 
Volunteers Wanted
Full on Church
Lend a Hand in the Church Office


Volunteers are needed to help with folding bulletins envelopes. A small time commitment would make a big difference! If interested, please contact the Church office.



Updating the Directory

Please Update Your Information


We are in the process of updating the Church Directory. The list of names and addresses we currently have is at the back of the Church. Please take a moment to check and update your information.  If you are not on the list and wish to be included in the Directory, please add yourself - name, adress, telephone, email. PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY. If you  prefer, call or email the Church office with your information. Finally, if you know for sure that someone on the list is no longer part of the St. James community, please let us know. 


Weekly Food Drive

Where & When
Date: Sundays
Time: 9:00 & 11:00
Location: Church
Help the Hungry  


Every Sunday in Church, the St. James Foodbank is collecting donations of food. Please support this important ministry by donating any of the following items: canned tomatoes, canned beans, 1 liter packages of long shelf life milk, 500 gram packages of pasta, 1 kilo packages of rice, 80 gram and 160 gram cans of tuna, coffee, crackers, small boxes of juice, merendine.  


The shopping cart will be at the back of the Church, waiting to be filled!


Grazie di cuore! 


St. James' Townhouse Available for Bookings

Contact: townhouse@stjames.it
Come Stay in the St. James' Townhouse

St. James' Town House, in the heart of Florence, is the perfect place to stay with friends or family. We are centrally located near the train station, the Duomo, Piazza della Signoria, and many other favorite places to visit. We accept reservations for a minimum of 1 week and a maximum of 3 months. Your stay with us is considered a donation to St. James Church. Contact us for availability and further information. Everyone is Welcome at St. James' Town House!


St. James' Town House is a three story apartment with its own entrance on via Bernardo Rucellai, next to the church rectory and part of the parish complex. It is a spacious 3-bedroom, 3-bath apartment, furnished with antiques, including a beautiful 1826 John Broadwood fortepiano, and overlooking the church and the rectory garden. It is fully equipped with linens for both bed and bath, along with kitchen supplies. There is satellite television that includes many English language programs, a washing machine, microwave oven, and iron. The bedrooms and living room are air conditioned. Off- street parking within the grounds of the church for one car.


Events in Florence
Toy Drive

Where & When
Drop off a toy at Paperback Exchange Bookstore - Via Delle Oche, 4R - by December 15th, 2012
Angels for a Day


Angels for a Day is a volunteer project dedicated to children and youth who live in situations of difficulty, poverty, in foster care or are patients in health care facilities.  By pairing a "guardian angel" (a youth volunteer) with a child/youth the Angels for a Day program strives to give hope of a better world to those who otherwise may be forgotten.  This Christmas you can be an angel for a day by donating a NEW UNWRAPPED TOY.  Together we can make a difference by putting a smile on the face of a child or youth this holiday season.  You can drop off your Christmas gift at the Paperback Exchange Bookstore - Via Delle Oche, 4R - by December 15th, 2012.  All gifts will be donated to the Angels for a Day program for distribution to needy children and youth (age 5 to 18).  Thank you for showing the Angels for a Day children and youth that you care about them having a happy Christmas.  



Where & When
Date: Through January 31
Location:Via Romana 17
Museum of Natural History


The Museum of Natural History of the University of Florence and the artist Janice Gordon cordially invite you to the exhibit EMBODIMENTS.


Janice Gordon is a New York artist who explores the connections between art and science, nature and culture, and the relations between the physical and the metaphysical. In recent years, she has investigated the human body and the ways in which it is perceived. Gordon has shown her work in the United States of America, but Embodiments is her first exposition in Italy. The exhibit is a body of works inspired by the antique anatomical models of the Zoological Section of "La Specola."


Hours: 9.30 - 16.30 each day, closed Mondays   

There is no extra charge beyond museum admission for the exhibition.   

Museum tickects:

Full: € 6,00
Reduced: € 3,00    

For further information:

Servizi Didattico Divulgativi
Tel. +39055-2346760


Hark! a thrilling voice is sounding, "Christ is nigh," it seems to say; "Cast away the works of darkness, O ye children of the day."

    Hymn 59. Words: Latin, ca. 6th cent.: tr. Hymns Ancient and Modern, 1861, alt.

St. James Church, Florence
Via B. Rucellai, 9
Firenze, Italy
Your personal information is processed in compliance with the Italian Privacy Law (D.Lgs.196/03). To consult, modify or cancel your personal data at any time click on the link below, or write to St. James American Church, via Bernardo Rucellai 9, Firenze (Florence) Italy, or email info@stjames.it. Under Italian law (D.Lgs 196/03), the client must be aware of the right to access to his/her own data.

Informativa ai sensi dell'art. 13, d. lgs 196/2003: i Suoi dati personali sono trattati dalla St. James American Church in rispetto al Codice privacy 196/03. Qualora non intendeste ricevere ulteriori comunicazione, potete cancellarvi utilizzando il link sottostante, oppure scrivere a St. James American Church, via Bernardo Rucellai 9, Firenze, o inviare un'email a info@stjames.it