"Je suis aim�!"
(I am loved)


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Faith, Hope, and Love Global Ministries  





Today's post recalls a life-changing experience of mine in 1993, when I was profoundly touched by the love and grace of God during a seminar on breaking the bonds of shame. The foundation for my self-image was radically altered. My reflection on my experience has become the theological cornerstone for my teaching and preaching ever since.

The essay is written in French, because I shared this brief testimony with the spiritual pilgrims at the annual Cathedral Retreat, conducted in collaboration with the Chemin Neuf Community in Chartres, France, on April 19, 2015.

Grace and peace in Christ, 




Chartres, France  

April 10, 2015  


Spiritual Life Coaching
Tim Speaking

Developing a deeper relationship with God and discerning the will of God for your life and ministry is something that you don't have to try to do on you own. To supplement other resources available, Spiritual Life Coaching is available to those who are looking for an intense, time-limited relationship (normally 3-6 months) to help them move forward in significant ways. Through Spiritual Life Coaching you will gain clarity about your vision and calling, create a workable action plan, and learn more about how to navigate the many challenges and obstacles that interfere with your  ability to fulfill your purpose in life.  

If you're interested in learning more about Spiritual Life Coaching, click here. You can also contact me directly at tim@timgeoffrion.com, to discuss if coaching might be right for you, or to schedule a free sample session.