+ eNews + October 10, 2014 +
Reverent. Relevant. Real.
Let the Vineyards be Fruitful, Lord
by Seminarian Marcus Lohrmann
A few years ago I had the opportunity to work as an assistant winemaker during the harvest (or the crush, as winemakers affectionately call it). As the time drew closer and the grapes began to show signs of ripening, my mornings were spent on the slopes of vineyards collecting samples in order to monitor growth. Afternoons were spent cleaning barrels and stainless steel tanks in preparation of the new fruit's arrival. A sense of eager excitement filled the production warehouse as the autumnal chill crept in around us; the harvest was ready.
Sitting in church one Sunday morning that October, the scent of sterilizing chemicals in my nostrils, I rose with the congregation for the presentation of our offering together. My hands were stained with red fruit and aching from a new worker's burgeoning callousness as I lifted the ELW to sing, "Let the vineyards be fruitful, Lord, and fill to the brim our cup of blessing. Gather the harvest from the seeds that were sown, that we may be fed with the bread of life." Any former instinct within me to mindlessly plod on through the liturgy that week gave into a very intimate moment between creation and its Creator. God, bless what we have sown. Help us to gather what you have given to us that all may be fed. To the farmer, whose own life is the growth of the field, the offering prayer is far from an abstraction.
I'm excited to be a part of congregational life at Holy Trinity, and want to take a moment to thank all of you who have welcomed me so warmly since my arrival. As a second year student at the University of Chicago Divinity School I'll be spending time in and around Holy Trinity in various capacities throughout the year. I'm grateful to have a chance to get to know the life and ministry of this congregation.
A little bit about me: I grew up in Walla Walla, WA and am the youngest of four siblings. My parents, a teacher and a superior court judge, still live in my hometown. I attended Valparaiso University and graduated in 2009 with a degree in philosophy. Afterwards I moved to Chicago and spent a few years working as a wine specialist while my wife, Bekki, studied at LSTC. We moved away from Chicago for one year (the year of my debut as an assistant winemaker!) and lived in Chelan, WA and at Holden Village for Bekki's internship. As of last week Bekki is an interim pastor at Faith Lutheran Church in Joliet, IL. We currently live in Hyde Park with our cat Norman.
Getting my hands dirty in the autumnal business of making wine gave me new perspective on the harvest. As we gathered, crushed, fermented, and barreled our reaping--slowly watching it turn into wine throughout the months ahead--I witnessed the transformation of our fruitful vineyard into a new creation. At the time of the harvest we look both backward onto the earth we've tended throughout the growing season, even as we look forward to the feast that beckons.
My prayer today, for our season of change, is the prayer of the harvest gathering: God, bless what you have sown. Help us to gather what you have given to us that all may be fed.
Grace and peace,
Marcus Lohrmann
Send a note to Marcus with your comments or reflections!
Purpose Statement
Open to the Mystery...
Connect, Strengthen, and Serve with Joy!
Guiding Principles
+ Act with courage
+ Be radically inclusive
+ Cultivate empowering relationships
+ Delight in God's beauty
+ Engage with intention
Congregation Council Members

John Flowers

Jon Skogen

Carol LaHurd

Johanna Olson

Community Life/Outreach
Carrie Egan
Kelly Johnson

Social Ministry
Ken Duckmann

Don Marsh

Rita Schnell

Spiritual Life
Megan Eichhorn

Clyde Andrew Walter
Scott Kuhagen 


Upcoming Sunday
+ October 11/12 +
+ Lectionary 28 + 
The Marriage Feast
From "Illustrations to 'The parables of our Lord'", engraved by the Dalziel Brothers.
  • Sat. - 5:00 p.m. - Eucharist
    (Grace Place/South Loop)
  • 8:30 a.m. - Eucharist
  • 9:15 a.m. - Choir Rehearsal
  • 9:30 a.m. - Sunday School & Forum
  • 10:30 a.m. - Eucharist
Sunday Forum
(9:30 a.m. + St. Mark's Room)
Eucharistic hospitality is practiced in diverse ways in ELCA congregations. Some invite all baptized Christians while others are now asking whether those not baptized may be welcomed as well. The ELCA is currently engaged in conversation and study regarding this question.
Prayer: Lord of the feast, you have prepared a table before all peoples and poured out your life with abundance. Call us again to your banquet. Strengthen us by what is honorable, just, and pure, and transform us into a people of righteousness and peace, through Jesus Christ, our Savior and Lord.
HTLoop - 5:00 p.m.
October 4 - no service

Lakeview - October 5
8:30 a.m. - 30
10:30 a.m.  - 145
To The Point
To The Point
  1. HTGatherings
    New this year, HTGatherings are an opportunity to gather in small groups to build community, celebrate Holy Trinity's mission and ministry, and hear some updates and plans for the coming year.

    We'd love for everyone to sign up for one of the eight gatherings, so choose a venue and date that works best for you and sign up by Sunday, October 12.
HTLoop: News & Announcements
Join Us For Worship this Saturday at 5:00 p.m. It will be great to be together again! A wine reception will follow the liturgy.

Watch for a WINE TASTING event in November--a great opportunity to invite your friends to worship along with this fun event!
Announcements & Events
Click on each banner to read the full announcement.
antiracism training oct 16
crop walk oct 19
Book Group Meeting
Music Series Event: Guitar Recital + Oct 26 + 4pm
Holy Day Eucharist + Mon Sept 29 + 6pm
Last Sunday's Sermon

October 5, 2014
Lectionary 24 + St Francis
Pr. Michelle L. Sevig

Crazy Kind of Love

Just one week ago today my family rushed home after church to meet a dog named Drago. I'd seen his precious face on my friend Kara's Facebook page, and I just couldn't resist commenting, "What a cute dog!" Well, that was my first mistake.

Music Series Event

Next Baptism Dates:  [More info]
+ November 9; January 11; April 12
Next Introduction Dates:  [More info] for those newcomer and those who consider Holy Trinity their church home, and/or for those interested in membership

+ Monday, November 17

Prayers and Celebrations
Those ill or in special need:
  • Michael Koval, in a motorcycle accident;
  • Margery Wahler;
  • Bella;
  • Kathy Lund;
  • Dorothy Klefstad;
  • Therese McLaughlin;
  • Joyce Magnus;
  • Ellen Brotzman-DeSart;
  • Joyce Reichardt;
  • Norman Andersen;
  • Darryl Wahler;
  • Angel Bassuk;
  • Ania Moriarty;
  • Rachel Schipull;
  • Tim Peterson;
  • Amy Wiatr's father;
  • Sam Miller;
  • Harold Hanson, Sarah Hanson's father;
  • Jen Hopwood's mother, Lynn Istwan, diagnosed with macular degeneration;
  • Katherine Whinnery, grandmother of Beth Mankowski;
  • Bogdan Zalewski;
  • Pastor JoAnne Post;
  • Erica Brown;
  • Kari McCrady, friend of Erika Robeck;
  • Dana Johnson's mother, Diana Johnson;
  • Maria Devins;
  • Kay Scott;
  • Phyllis Zangri;
  • Myleen Dunleavy;
  • Merri Pierce;
  • Alan Stang, Jeff Stang's father;
  • Mary Stoner;
  • Carol Stoner;
  • Scott Johnson's mother, Virginia Johnson;
  • those struggling with infertility;
Among Our Community

HOLY TRINITY eNews is the weekly electronic newsletter of Holy Trinity Lutheran Church, Chicago. To unsubscribe click on "safeUnsubscribe" below. E-newsletter submissions and prayer requests should be sent to [email protected] by Tuesday at 4:00 p.m.
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Holy Trinity Lutheran Church | 773.248.1233 | [email protected] | holytrinitychicago.org

1218 West Addison Street
Chicago, IL 60613

Office hours: Mon. - Thurs., 9:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m.; Sun., 8:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m.