January 3, 2013                                                                              

Holy Trinity Lutheran  Church   

Holy Trinity Lutheran Church

by Pr. Craig Mueller



'A cold coming we had of it,
Just the worst time of the year
For a journey, and such a long journey:
The ways deep and the weather sharp,
The very dead of winter.
- from "The Journey of the Magi," T.S. Eliot

Every year it seems a majority of the Holy Trinity community travels somewhere for Christmas. Since we are a rather young congregation, many folks travel to be with their families of origin. Some make more exotic trips to warm, vacation destinations. Consequently, our Christmas services have fewer in attendance than most of our normal Sunday mornings. I hope that your travels, reunions and gatherings were joyful and that you had some time to do things that your otherwise busy schedules don't allow.

Many folks look forward to our annual Epiphany Festival which will be at the 10:30 a.m. service this coming Sunday. In some ways it is Holy Trinity's Christmas service since nearly everyone is back from their travels and vacations. In our beautifully decorated church we will gather to sing Christmas and Epiphany carols in a joyful and celebrative service.


The theme for this year's service will be: A Light to the Nations - Carols from Around the World. The Epiphany gospel is the account of the Magi who travel a long distance to bring gifts to the Christ Child. The Magi are Gentiles, and Epiphany makes clear that the good news is for all nations. Though Jesus was born into a particular place and time, God's grace is without boundaries.


To mark the global nature of the Epiphany message, we will sing carols from around the world. Through music we will do some traveling of our own, marveling at the ways that the Christmas message has been enfleshed in various cultures. Please notice the collection of nativity scenes from around the world at the back of the church as well.


Children from Holy Trinity will help lead the 10:30 service. The Magi will make an appearance as they do each year. After the travels of the past weeks, it will be good to be back together again. It is certainly good to travel, but most folks are glad to be home again. 

Blessings in the New Year,
Pastor Craig M. Mueller 



Send a note to Craig with your comments or reflections!


January 6 - Epiphany of Our Lord
A Light to All Nations
(Carols from around the world) 
Lectionary Pic Epiphany means "manifestation." On this day we celebrate the revelation of Christ to the Gentiles-that is, to all nations. Some Christian traditions celebrate three great epiphanies on this day: the magi's adoration of the Christ child, Jesus' baptism in the Jordan River, and his first miracle in which he changes water into wine. The word and sacraments are for us the great epiphany of God's grace and mercy. We go forth to witness to the light that shines brightly in our midst.

January 6 Schedule:

  • 8:30 a.m. - Eucharist 
  • 9:15 a.m. - Choir Rehearsal
  • 9:30 a.m. - Sunday Forum and Sunday School
  • 10:30 a.m. - Festival Eucharist
    A Light to All Nations (Carols from around the world) 

Sunday Forum, 9:30 a.m.

On Epiphany we remember the gifts of the Magi. At this time of year we think a lot about gifts - what we will give, what we will receive, what donations we may make. But what about the rest of the year? How often do we think of gifts, of our own gifts? At this forum, Barbara Wahler leads a discussion about the gifts we have and that we share in our daily lives.

Prayer of the Day
O God, on this day you revealed your Son to the nations by the leading of a star. Lead us now by faith to know your presence in our lives, and bring us at last to the full vision of your glory, through your Son, Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever.

<<Weekly readings>> 

In This Issue
Upcoming Sundays
New and Noteworthy
In Our Prayers
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Purpose & Principles

Dorothy Klefstad  1/1
AJ Yoeckel  1/3
Joyce Reichardt  1/4
Kyrsten Downing  1/7
David Brackley  1/10
Jon Skogen  1/10 


Lydia Lucas  1/8
Oliver Sevig  1/8
Annika Sevig  1/8
Emilia Buschmann  1/9
John Duncombe  1/9
Jack Hurliman  1/9
Reid Peterson  1/9
Olivia Wilson  1/9
Molly Moran  1/10 



Congregation Council

Meggen Saka

Kelley Bender

Megan Whitaker

Steve Hopwood

Kristi Harreld, Sarah Hanson

Social Ministry
Ken Duckmann

Don Marsh

John Flowers, Leon Stevens

Spiritual Life
Megan Eichhorn

Stewardship and Worship
Johanna Olson


Church Office Closed

Josh, our Parish Administrator, will be on vacation Dec. 25 - Jan. 5.
The church office will be closed during that time. 

Developing Family Rituals:
Establishing patterns for lifelong spiritual formation

Sunday, January 13 - 9:30 a.m. + St. Mark's Room
Our congregation includes singles, couples, partners, widows, siblings, families with children and intergenerational groups. Our journey invites us to support one another and to mark the milestones that life brings. This forum welcomes conversation about how we can be effective in strengthening committed relationships across the generations through ritual and daily practice. Begin your year with renewed intention for spiritual vitality in your relationships. Led by Carol Schickel, LCPC.

Annual Meeting of the Congregation

Sunday, January 27, 11:45 a.m.
Congregational potluck--please bring a dish to share. The meeting will include election of officers and reports. A written book of reports will be available electronically later in the month.

Remembering Elvina Moen

Over 100 persons gathered on December 20 to remember Elvina Moen. If you were not able to be present here are a number of links.  Read Pr. Mueller's sermon and remarks by Annie Decker. Donate to the Elvina Moen Social Justice Fund.

Staff Christmas Gift

On behalf of the Holy Trinity staff, please receive our deep appreciation for the monetary Christmas gifts presented during worship on Sunday, December 23rd. We are indeed grateful to serve among this talented, faithful, and generous community of faith and we appreciate your thoughtfulness and kindness.
- Pastor Craig M. Mueller 

New Icons at Holy Trinity

Take a look at the new icons that are part of our collection at Holy Trinity. They reflect our commitment to justice, diversity and faith. The first three below are on the calendar of commemorations in Evangelical Lutheran Worship.

PEREPETUA AND FELICITY AND COMPANIONS, martyrs at Carthage (202) - March 7   In the year 202 the emperor Septimius Severus forbade conversions to Christianity. Perpetua, a noblewoman, Felicity, a slave, and other companions were all catechumens at Carthage in North Africa. They were imprisoned and sentenced to death. Perpetua's father, who was not a Christian, visited her in prison and begged her to lay aside her Christian convictions in order to spare her life and spare the family from scorn. In response, Perpetua told her father, "We know that we are not placed in our own power but in that of God."     

OSCAR ROMERO, Bishop of El Salvador, martyr (1917-1980) - March 24
Romero is remembered for his advocacy on behalf of the poor in El Salvador, though it was not a characteristic of his early priesthood. After being appointed as bishop he preached against the political repression in his country. He and other priests and church workers were considered traitors for their bold stand for justice, especially defending the rights of the poor. After several threats to his life, Romero was assassinated while presiding at the eucharist. During the 1980s thousands died in El Salvador during political unrest.  

BARTOLOME DE LAS CASAS - missionary to the Indies (4747-1566) - July 17  Bartolome de Las Casas was a Spanish priest and a missionary in the Western Hemisphere. He first came to the West while serving in the military, and he was granted a large estate that included a number of indigenous slaves. When he was ordained in 1513, he granted freedom to his servants. This act characterized much of the rest of Las Casas's ministry. Throughout the Caribbean and Central America he worked to stop the enslavement of native people, to halt the brutal treatment of women by military forces, and to promote laws that humanized the process of colonization.

SERGIUS AND BACHHUS - martyrs (303) Sergius and Bacchus are ancient Christian martyrs who were tortured to death in Syria because they refused to attend sacrifices in honor of Jupiter. The saints are particularly popular throughout the Mediterranean lands and in Latin America and among the Slavs. Recent attention to early Greek manuscripts has also revealed that they were a same-sex couple. After their arrest, the two saints were paraded through city streets in women's clothing, treatment that was meant to humiliate them as officers in the Roman army. They were then separated and each was tortured. Bacchus died first and appeared that night to Sergius who was beginning to lose heart. According to the early manuscripts, Bacchus told Sergius to persevere, that the delights of heaven were greater than any suffering, and that part of their reward would be to be reunited in heaven as lovers. 


Baptism Seminar--It's for Life!

Thursday, January 10, 7:00 p.m.
waterThis seminar is offered for expectant parents, parents with newborns, those planning a baptism in the coming months, parents or others who would like a refresher on the meaning and theology of baptism. All parents planning to have a newborn baptized are asked to attend this seminar at some point before or after the birth of their firstborn child.

Baptism isn't a one-time event--it's for life! Topics of the seminar will include baptismal theology, the role of parents and sponsors, and scheduling a baptism. For more information talk to Pastor Michelle Sevig or e-mail her.

Lives of OthersMovie Night - Lives Of Others

Saturday, January 12, 5:00 p.m.
Come on a quiet wintry evening for a film, light meal and discussion! Bring a side dish or snack to share; a light main course will be provided. The Lives of Others is a 2006 German thriller film,and involves the monitoring of the cultural scene of East Berlin by agents of the Stasi, the GDR's secret police. Read the New York Times review.

Bach for the Sem

Sunday, January 13, 4:00 p.m.
A benefit concert for the Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago presented by professional singers and instrumentalists and held at St. Luke Lutheran Church, 1500 W Belmont (free parking). On the program: Johann Sebastian Bach, Christmas Oratorio, Part 4 and Concerto for Violin and Orchestra featuring Heather Boehme, soloiost; David Cherwien, O Rejoice, You Christians (world premier); and Morten Lauridsen, O Magnum Mysterium.
Tickets: $20 ($22 at door), Students and seniors: $10 ($12 at door). For tickets call 773-256-0712 or email Ruth Ann Deppe.

One-Day Mindfulness Reatreat

Lectionary PicSaturday, January 19, 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. at Holy Trinity
Befriending Yourself As You Are
We often become our own worst critic when what we find inside ourselves doesn't match what we expect or hope for. Start the new year by joining us for a day-long retreat in which we will explore how the meditative practice of Mindfulness can help us lovingly and skillfully befriend ourselves. To do this, we will practice sitting and walking meditation, mindful movement, and practical exercises aimed at creating increased awareness, self-acceptance and wisdom about our inner selves. This retreat is appropriate for both newcomers to Mindfulness and meditation and for experienced practitioners. Sponsored by the Chicago Weekly Sitting Meditation Group. Cost: $25.00. Click for more information.

Holy Trinity Orientation

Sunday, January 20, 9:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. 
Would you like to find out more about Holy Trinity? Grow in faith, spirituality, and service? Come and learn about Holy Trinity and its ministry, and ways you can get connected. Whether you plan to be in the area a short or long time, whether you are a lifer-Lutheran, of another religious background, or even ambivalent about the whole church thing, you are welcome to make Holy Trinity your church home. No pressure at the orientation; you can get as involved as you want. Some may affiliate as members or associate members; others may attend as they are able. (The session will include the Team Trinity volunteer fair listed below). We will meet in the Choir Room at 9:00 a.m.

Team Trinity PechaKucha: Volunteer Fair

Sunday, January 20, following the 10:30 a.m. service
Light lunch food will be served

Come and learn about ways you can volunteer at Holy Trinity through Team Trinity: PAWS, Lakeview Pantry, Night Ministry/Crib shelter, racial justice team, and the annual refugee project. Drawing its name from the Japanese term for the sound of "chit chat," PechaKucha involves a presentation format that is concise and fast-moving. The original format is 20 images X 20 seconds. We will use a shortened, modified version for our Team Trinity volunteer fair. Following the presentation those interested can talk with the various Team Trinity organizations. Lunch food will be available. Suggested donation: $5-10. All proceeds will go to organizations that Team Trinity supports!

Special Book Discussion: The Book Thief

Book ThiefWednesday, January 23, 7:00 p.m. at Holy Trinity
Looking for a wonderful novel to read over the holidays? The Book Thief was the One Book, One Chicago selection last fall and a number of Holy Trinity folks highly recommend the book. In The Book Thief, a sympathetically drawn Death narrates the story of orphan Liesel Meminger, who finds friendship and a new family in a small town in Germany in World War II. She also discovers the power of words and books as Hitler's Nazi agenda threatens everything she has come to love. The book has received stunning reviews and a number of awards. Read more about The Book Thief.



December 23 (8:30) - 18
December 23 (10:30) - 109
Christmas Eve (4:30) - 107  

Christmas Eve (10:00) - 117  
December 30 - 100

The Artist's Way Introduction

Whether you embrace your creativity or aren't sure you have any at all, this introductory workshop will help you explore your passion. Barbara Wahler, LCSW, is offering an Introduction to The Artist's Way on Saturday, January 26, 2013 (with the option of an ongoing group if people are interested in doing so). This book by Julia Cameron has been used by many over the past 20 years as a way to discover or recover the Creative Self.

The workshop will be held at Holy Trinity from 9-12 noon; cost is $25 for Holy Trinity members ($45 for non-members) and includes all materials, except for the book itself. We will cover the first chapter in depth; you may wish to purchase your own copy.

Download the flyer and feel free to pass this on to others. Contact Barbara or 773-973-3785 to register or if you have any questions!


"Team Trinity" Volunteer Opportunities

Please consider joining Team Trinity today! VOLUNTEERS NEEDED: Check out Volunteer website for upcoming opportunites.  It is Holy Trinity's goal to register as many members on-line to assist in helping with our ministry projects within the community.  Simply log-in now and sign-up online to volunteer today

--The Lakeview Pantry

Holy Trinity members help hand out food at the Lakeview Pantry on the second Tuesday of each month at 6:00 p.m. For more information or with questions, contact James Perez.

--The Crib

The Night Ministry has reopened their youth/young adult homeless shelter, The Crib. Holy Trinity normally prepares and serves a meal once per month, but the shelter is closed for the summer months due to lack of funding. On the third Saturday of each month, volunteers will meet at Holy Trinity at 7 p.m. to prepare the meal, then will head to The Crib to serve the meal. For more information, speak with or email Ken Duckmann.

--The Night Ministry Outreach Bus

Holy Trinity will be assembling and distributing 'meals in a bag' with the Night Ministry in Rogers Park on a quarterly basis.  Watch the e-news for details. With questions, contact Ken Duckmann (773.551.2573).

--PAWS Chicago

Spend an evening socializing shelter dogs and cats! Attend periodic adult volunteer nights where you can spend time acclimating dogs and cats to a life with a family by playing with them, brushing them, petting them, showing them how to play with toys, or just letting them curl up on your lap. You are welcome to pick dogs or cats - or both! THERE IS NO NEED TO ATTEND ORIENTATION. For socializing, you will be shown what to do at the Center. If you would like to do more advanced things, like walk dogs, feed the dogs and cats, etc., contact Beth Morris to talk about scheduling a more advanced orientation. .

Like us on Facebook
New Members: View pictures/bios of recent new members: NovemberMayFebruary.

Next Baptism Dates: January 13, April 7, 2013. More info.

Next Holy Trinity Orientation Dates: January 20, April 7, 2013More info. 


Office Hours: Mon. - Thurs., 9:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m.; Sun., 8:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. 

Sermon: Sun., Dec. 23

December 23, 2012
Fourth Sunday in Advent - Year C
Luke 1:39-45
Pr. Craig M. Mueller


There will be a lot of visits made the next few days. Some will travel long distances to be with family or friends. Others will travel a few steps, blocks or miles. Often, the visitors will have food, wine or gifts in hand. And I suspect many of these visits will be marked with a hug or embrace upon guests arriving and departing.

Continue reading the sermon.

Listen to the sermon.

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Sermon: Christmas Eve

December 24, 2012
Christmas Eve
Pr. Craig M. Mueller


Away in a Manger. Was it the first Christmas song you learned in Sunday School?


Manger. The place Mary laid her first-born son, Luke tells us. Because there was no room for them in the inn.


What thought do we give to mangers? In the United States we hear of manger scenes in the church-state battles of recent years. Are nativity scenes on a public square a way of reclaiming Christmas as the birthday of Christ? Or an inappropriate expression of Christian dominance in a pluralistic society? Several manger controversies reached the Supreme Court. In Pawtucket, Rhode Island, a nativity scene was allowed in a public space outside, but one inside a courthouse was not. Since then, some places have adopted the so-called "plastic reindeer rule." Sure, allow a crèche. But only if there are enough Santas, Rudolphs, and Frostys displayed as well.


The manger as part of the "establishment of religion" controversy may see seem to have nothing to do with your life or with this Christmas Eve liturgy. Does the manger add any value to our faith or to Christmas, for that matter


Continue reading the sermon.

Listen to full services


Sermon: Sun., Dec. 30

December 30, 2012
First Sunday of Christmas - Year C
Pr. Craig M. Mueller


Ponder a bit with me, OK? There are a lot of things worth pondering in today's gospel. Not the least being Mary, the ultimate ponderer. Remember, Mary pondered the mysterious greeting from angel Gabriel who out of the blue drops the news that she would become pregnant by the Holy Spirit. After the shepherds go back home, Mary treasures the things said about her child, pondering them in her heart. And after today's rather embarrassing temple incident with the precocious, adolescent Jesus, Mary does more treasuring and pondering.


You might say to ponder is to mull over, to reflect, to think about, to interpret, to converse with. The Greek word literally means to throw "side by side." You don't ponder a beautiful sunset. You ponder something with multiple meanings, something hard to understand, something that needs processing.    


 Continue reading the sermon.




    7:30 p.m.  12 Step Groups (Passavant Hall & St. Mark's Room)




     10:00 a.m. Children's Rehearsal for Epiphany Festival


    8:30 a.m.  Eucharist

    9:15 a.m.  Choir Rehearsal

    9:30 a.m.  Sunday Forum and Sunday School

    10:30 a.m.  Festival Eucharist


    7:00 p.m.  Chicago Sitting Meditation



    10:00 a.m.  Scripture Study


    7:00 p.m.  Baptism Seminar



~~Full Calendar of Events~~  



Tuesday, January 1 - Name of Jesus
By Jewish law, every baby boy was circumcised and named on the eighth day of life, so on the eighth day of Christmas the church celebrates this event in Jesus' life. The keeping of the covenant as well as Jesus' name are signs of God's salvation given to us through him.

Wednesday, January 2 - Johann Konrad Wilhelm Loehe, renewer of the church, died 1872
A nineteenth-century German Lutheran pastor, Loehe worked to enliven the church with the eucharist at its center, from which would flow evangelism and social ministry. He sent pastors to North America, Australia, New Guinea, Brazil, and the Ukraine.
Wednesday, January 9 - Adrian of Canterbury, teacher, died around 710 (TFF)
African by birth, Adrian (or Hadrian) worked with Theodore, archbishop of Canterbury, in developing the church in England. He was director of a school at which church leaders were trained.

From Sundays and Seasons.com. Copyright 2010 Augsburg Fortress. All rights reserved. Reprinted by permissiaon under Augsburg Fortress Liturgies Annual License #26481.

We rejoice with Mark and Amy Rouce at the birth of their daughter, Elliana Grace on December 12, 2012.

We also rejoice with Amanda and Brendan O'Brien on the birth of their daughter, Caitlyn Noelle, on December 26, 2012.

Please send news about awards, new positions, life passages and other important events in your lives for this section of our e-news.

Those ill or in special need:

The people of Newtown, CT;
Those grieving the death of Elvina Moen;
Bill Kelly, starting his third tour of duty, and his family;
Erica Brown;
Ken Duckmann's father, Ken;
Family and friends of Olaf Cartford;
Scott Taranto;
Pastor JoAnne Post;
Nomar (friend of Molly Beran) and family grieving the death of his wife;
Sonja Nordstrom and family grieving the death of her father;
Jim Kozel;
Kari McCrady, friend of Erika Robeck;
David Easterbrook & Richard Bough;
Kyrsten Downing;
James Perez;
Dana Johnson's mother, Diana Johnson;
Maria Devins;
Kay Scott;
Phyllis Zangri;
Myleen Dunleavy;

Merri Pierce;  
Alan Stang, Jeff Stang's father; 
Mary Stoner; 
Carol Stoner; 
Scott Johnson's mother, Virginia Johnson; 
those struggling with infertility;

Kathy Lund;
Susan Pare;
Sam Zangri;
Paul Geist III;
Mary Cannon;
Sam Patitucci;
Brent Vicknair;
Mark Sauer;
Teah Barthalomew;
Victor Jimenez;
Vivian Carter;
Ellen Brotzman-DeSart;
Rev. F. Leonard Peterson;
Eric Osborn

Ministries Supported by Holy Trinity: ELCA World Hunger Appeal; RefugeeOne; Lakeview Action Coalition; Lakeview Pantry; The Crib; Reconciling Works (formerly Lutherans Concerned); The Night Ministry; Christian Peacemaker Teams; Arise Chicago; Chicago Coalition of Welcoming Churches; The Lutheran Volunteer Corps; Anti-Racism Team of the Metropolitan Chicago Synod; Holy Family Lutheran Ministries; Lutheran Youth on the Northside (LYONS).  

Check It Out

Spiritually Literate New Year's Resolutions

Click here to read 


Check Out These Links for more interesting discussions, conversations, questions and ideas!

  • Living Lutheran: A Daily Blend of Stories, Culture and Community - <link>
  • Spirituality and Practice: Resources for Spiritual Journeys - <link>
  • Big Questions Online - <link>
  • Religion dispatches - <link>
  • Sightings (The Martin Marty Center) - <link>
HOLY TRINITY E-NEWS is the weekly electronic newsletter of Holy Trinity Lutheran Church, Chicago. To unsubscribe click on "safeUnsubscribe" below. E-newsletter submissions and prayer requests should be sent to office@htchicago.org by Tuesday at 4:00 p.m.

Website: www.holytrinitychicago.org
Josh Judd-Herzfeldt and Craig M. Mueller
Holy Trinity Lutheran Church