February 2015    /    Volume 3    /    Number 2


Powder Springs, 770-428-4636
Show your card and receive a free estimate on remodeling and new construction!

Connect to our Storm Center in a flash!
nload today!
Outage app - member map
Report an outage:
greystonepower.com or call
 Outage app - member report
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Are you prepared?
We made it through January without another snowpocalypse, but that doesn't mean we are out of the woods yet. Even if the snow doesn't fall, another type of storm could be right around the corner. Are you ready? 

With so many different types of storms to prepare for, be sure to take the time to discuss them with your family. Here are a few thoughts to help you get started:

Storm Preparedness
  • Be informed. Know what kind of storm you are preparing for.
  • Make an emergency kit for you and your family.
  • Discuss the exit plan and/or meeting location with family should you have to evacuate or get separated.
  • Make sure your cell phone is charged in the event power goes out and/or phone lines are down.
As a GreyStone Power member, we want to help you get started. Below you will find a link to request access to one of the top weather apps on the market, the Touchstone Energy Weather Connection app and a diagram demonstrating the power restoration process. Both will come in handy during your time of need. 

Should you need to report a storm or check on our progress, visit greystonepower.com. You can report an outage online or by calling 1-866-GREYSTONE (473-9786).

Power Up image
Click for a better look at the process.
What a lifesaver!
There's nothing worse than a feeling of helplessness when you need help the most. Whether you or a family member live independently, or with others, knowing that help is available with the press of a button, day-or-night, can provide a peace of mind that's immeasurable. 

With EMC Security's Medical Alert System, you can have just that! Their Medical Alert System allows a direct, voice-to-voice contact with an operator 24 hours a day and can be used both inside and around the home. It is even waterproof!  

As one member recently found out, the EMC Medical Alert System was a wise investment. "My husband fell out of the shower at our home and was unable to pick himself up off the floor. He activated his pendant and was immediately speaking to an operator, who dispatched assistance and stayed on the line with him until they arrived. They found blood clots in my husband's legs. Our medical device and EMC Security's quick dispatch may have saved his life," shares B. H. of Hoschton, GA.

To learn more about how EMC Security can help your family, call 770-963-0305 or visit emcsecurity.com

EMC Security Life Control
EMC Security Life Control

Look who updated their offer!

Georgia Renaissance Festival

Fairburn. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 770-964-8575

$4 off adult ticket (reg. $22); $3 off child ticket (reg. $10). Use www.garenfest.com/promo and enter promo code greystone. Not to be combined with other offers.


Just another member benefit brought to you by GreyStone Power.
*Request your Co-op Connections Card today by calling 770-370-2273.

Thanks for making us part of your day.  

Feel free to contact us with any questions regarding your account or member benefits. You can reach us at 770-942-6576 or visit greystonepower.com.




Amanda Busby
eConnect Editor, Public & Member Relations Coordinator
GreyStone Power

GreyStone Power is an equal opportunity provider and employer.
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