More than 1.1 million comments of concern have been sent by electric cooperative members throughout the country to the Environmental Protection Agency regarding their proposed Clean Power Plan. The EPA acknowledges that this plan will cause an increase in electric rates that will cause a burden to disproportionately fall on co-op members.
Will you join your comments with your fellow co-op members in order to help keep electricity affordable? The deadline for comments is Dec. 1, so please take time between now and then, and no later than Dec. 1, to make your voice heard by visiting action.coop and expressing your views.
"Because co-ops put our members first, we're concerned about this action by the EPA; we feel it's very important to get the word out to you about it, and we have been throughout the comment period. This proposal goes too far, too fast. It's well beyond the Clean Air act parameters and well beyond what's realistic," said Gary Miller, President/CEO of GreyStone Power Corporation.
GreyStone Power consistently ranks as one of the lower-cost electric providers in the state, and Miller said the proposed EPA plan could threaten that ranking. "The proposed rule jeopardizes affordability and threatens reliability while unfairly impacting Americans served by electric cooperatives. This is a complex scheme that threatens the affordability of electricity and jeopardizes the reliable electricity on which millions depend. Whether it's winter storms or extreme summer heat, our co-op members rely on every available power generating asset and cannot afford to shut down power plants.
"Thank you for taking the time to send out your message loud and clear: electricity, the driving force that so importantly powers our everyday, must remain affordable for co-op members," he said.
Please visit action.coop by Dec. 1 to send your message.