EPA wants you to pay more for electricity
Take ActionBy enacting an all-but-one approach, omitting coal, a key component of our energy supply, our country could face energy shortages.

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) wants to impose new regulations on power plants. But the rules depend on technology that isn't anywhere near ready. Many people may see higher power bills. And, it will be harder to create new jobs for hard-working Americans.  

The EPA wants to effectively ban new coal-based power plants. We need to use all of our American energy resources: natural gas, renewables, nuclear and coal. Not an all-but-one approach.

The EPA can balance energy needs and environmental concerns... but they'll only do it if we speak up today! Join the thousands of Americans who want common-sense affordable energy policies. We can't afford unaffordable electricity!

And don't forget we need everyone's help. Forward this to five friends or family members and ask them to sign up. At action.coop they can learn more about EPA's high-priced plans and tell the EPA we can't afford higher electric bills.

We urge you to join us in the fight to keep electricity affordable for all. Let the EPA know where you stand. Join us in the fight to save the all-of the-above energy strategy. Visit action.coop to share your thoughts.  

Keep electricity affordable!

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Thank you for making your voice heard. Keep electricity affordable! Together, let's shape the future.

GreyStone Power Corp.
P.O. Box 897
Douglasville, GA  30133

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