October 2013 Volume 1 / Number 8
Approximate reading time: 5.5 minutes
Biz of the Month
Award Systems, Inc. in Douglasville
Show your card and receive 10% off your purchase.
Call 770-949-0503 for more information.
Storm Center
Connect to our Storm Center in a flash! Download today!
Report an outage: 1-866-GREYSTONE 
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Opt-in for automated courtesy calls
 We will no longer be making automated outbound courtesy calls without prior authorization. To ensure that we can continue to provide you with automated courtesy calls regarding your electric service, please log in to your account via greystonepower.com and provide your authorization. You may also complete the attached form and mail it to us at: P.O. Box 897, Douglasville, GA 30133.
Congratulations! What a great turnout we had this year for our 76th Annual Meeting of Members! The weather was fabulous, the crowds had more room to navigate and one lucky member walked away as the proud new owner of a 2002 Chevy C1500 truck! Congratulations Samuel Davis!
We appreciate your taking the time to complete the survey that was given to you at registration. The kind words and comments expressed on the survey go a long way in helping us to make next year's event even better! We look forward to learning more about how you think the event went.
If you haven't already sent in your survey, you can mail it to: P.O. Box 897, Douglasville, GA 30133 or you can scan it and email it to ashley.kramer@greystonepower.com. |
A message from our CEO
"At GreyStone, we believe in affordable electricity. We can't afford unaffordable electricity," says Gary Miller, President/CEO of GreyStone Power, in answer to the Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) most recent proposal governing carbon emissions from new power plants."We need your help to stop these costly regulations."
The EPA is being directed by Executive Order to push for coal standards that are impossible to reach using current viable technology. If adopted, these regulations could stop the building of new coal plants in the U.S. In addition, coal-generated electricity could come to an end, shutting down existing coal plants all over America, and leading to vast increases in the cost of electricity.
"Coal has been a workhorse for the electric industry for all these years, and has enabled Americans to have low-cost electricity, with its accompanying benefits. Your co-op has spent millions of dollars to reduce emissions from coal plants, and as of today we have made great progress," he said.
The National Rural Electric Cooperative Association has made it easier than ever for members and friends of the co-op to send a message to the EPA. "We need your help to urge them to stick by an 'All-of-the-Above' energy strategy, using every resource available for generating electricity, instead of an 'All-But-One' strategy, rejecting coal plants as part of the energy mix," says Miller.
Simply go to www.action.coop and click on the "Take Action" button. It takes about a minute to complete the requested information and send a message. The default message may be edited in any way you desire. A high volume of messages to the EPA in support of a common sense approach to environmental regulations is the co-op's goal. "We urge all of our members to engage as many audiences as possible in this effort," he said.
"Affordable and reliable electricity has been our mission for our members since our co-op began 77 years ago. Achieving that mission has enabled us to improve the quality of our lives. If we are to keep the privilege of affordable electricity, we must be heard," said Miller.
To learn more about the issues affecting America's Electric Cooperatives and what you can do to help, please visit the Cooperative Action Network.
 | Powering the American Spirit |
A gift for you!
 Download your FREE premium life-saving weather app for use with your iPhone or Droid compliments of GreyStone just in time for storm season!
With the Touchstone Energy Weather Connection App, severe weather will never catch you off guard. Weather Connection alerts you to potentially dangerous and life threatening weather conditions, while keeping you connected to GreyStone.
In addition, you can receive audible alerts for up to five different custom locations to ensure the safety of family, friends and assets. The text and audio text-to-speech reading of the watches and warnings for drivers and the visually impaired add to its features.
The Weather Connection app is free on iTunes and Google Play, however, to unlock the premium Weather Connection package (valued at $9.99) which features the audible alerts, watches and warning map layers and social media streams, you will need to download the app and input your GreyStone "co-op code".
No smartphone? No problem! Visit www.greystonepower.com and check out the full-featured live radar system to track weather, detailed forecasts and lightning strikes, and watch storm chasers. You can even see the severe weather outlook in your area or anywhere in the U.S. For more information or to request your free code, please contact us at ccc@greystonepower.com or call 770-370-2273. |
All day, every day
One question I'm often asked is "What's the best part about being a member of GreyStone Power?" While narrowing it down is tough, I believe it's the peace of mind that comes from knowing that the co-op is working hard to provide safe, reliable electric service at the lowest possible cost. It's also about how we play a vital role in the community, return money to members annually, and help make everything from your electric bill to everyday purchases more affordable.
One specific way we help members save money is with the Co-op Connections Card (CCC). Offered for free, the card can help you save on everything from dry cleaning to oil changes to dining out. Your card also helps lower the cost of prescriptions, dental and vision care by up to 85%. One member told me recently that she used the card to save a couple of bucks at Energy Hair Studio & Spa in Hiram, and then again at dinner to get 10% off her bill. All she had to do was show her card!
In addition to local deals, CCC holders receive access to special partner discount sites, like Coupons.com for grocery shopping and Pet Assure for savings on veterinary services. The CCC can also be used when you shop online and at nearly 23,000 businesses nationwide. To search for discounts or to find out more about your card, visit www.greystonepower.com and click on the Co-op Connections Card link or call us at 770.370.2273.
With the CCC, together we can save even more! To learn more about the CCC or the 325+ local deals in your area, visit us online at connections.coop/greystonepower.
Villa Rica . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .770-783-9262
$10 off initial or re-certification with Qualification & Certification Combo for operators (cranes, Digger Derrick, etc.). OSHA recognized; NCCA accredited.
PC Wizard
Douglasville . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .770-906-0524
10% off all labor charges.
Dallas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .770-443-4445 Free registration at the time of enrollment ($25 value). Offer expires Nov. 30, 2013.
Classey Comfort Heating and Air, Inc. Woodstock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 678-445-3002 $10 off service call. Serving GreyStone service area including Douglas, Paulding and Cobb Counties.
Timeless Gifts and Antiques Dallas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 770-459-2323 10% discount on each item.
*Request your Co-op Connections Card today by calling 770-370-2273.
Thanks for making us part of your day.
Feel free to contact us with any questions regarding your account or member benefits. You can reach us at 770-942-6576 or visit greystonepower.com.
Amanda Busby eConnect Editor, Public Relations & Communications Specialist GreyStone Power