Three seats on the GreyStone Board of Directors are up for election this year. Winners will be announced on Oct. 12 at the Annual Meeting of Members.
Eligible members may become a candidate by being nominated by the Nominating Committee, or by nomination by petition of members. To be considered by the Nominating Committee, call 770-370-2066 for a nomination form, or print the online application at
Mail completed applications to Nancy Lewis, GreyStone Power, P.O. Box 897, Douglasville, GA 30133. All completed forms must be returned to GreyStone by Friday, April 12.
A member may also be placed on the ballot by submitting a petition signed by 50 or more GreyStone members of record (the name must appear on the electric bill). Call 770-370-2066 to request a petition or print the online petition at The deadline to submit the completed petition to GreyStone is Thursday, July 4, by 5 p.m.
All nominees are subject to a criminal background check, must live within the geographic boundary of the district they seek and meet all other conditions of eligibility.
Candidates desiring to have their name and biographical information included in the Annual Meeting ballot edition must submit information in the format and manner required by the Credentials and Elections Committee by Friday, July 5. If you are unable to determine the district in which you reside, or need additional information, call GreyStone's independent legal counsel, Steve Minor, at 770-214-5108.
Directors currently seeking reelection this year are Jennifer DeNyse, District 5, Carroll, Douglas; Ed Garrard, District 9, Cobb; and Charles Rutland, District 3, Douglas, Paulding counties.