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Volume 2, Number 11December 2012

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In This Issue
Stay Connected!
Business of the Month
Outage app available
Fun Fact
New Call Center Hours
Holiday Tips
Tip of the Month
Enter to win $100
Member benefits
New Co-op Connections Business
Co-op Card_trans
Co-op Connections Card Business
of the Month 
Prestige Jewelers

Show your Card and receive 10% off your purchase or repairs. No other discounts apply.

Call 770-439-1959.
For an up-to-the-minute look at outages in your area, click on the link below and bookmark the address on your phone.

Outage App B


For additional information, call 770-370-2436.

Outage app QR code

*App may not work on all smart phones/devices.

Fun Fact of the Day

Funny face box
Electric lights for trees were first used in 1895.

Co-op Square_Play Now

Co-op Card_trans
Georgia EMC
NRECA logo
EMC Security logo 
GEMC logo

Gas South 

green power logo
We hope you have found this information both useful and informative. Stay tuned each month as we introduce new information to you while having a little fun in the process. Let us know what you think. Send us your suggestions and we will see how we can include them in E-Link.

Be sure to adjust your spam settings which could prevent you from receiving future newsletters. Simply add us as a 'safe sender' and you will be ready to go!


Amanda Busby

E-Link Editor

Public Relations & Communications Specialist
GreyStone Power 






*Please note: Spacing issues are a result of the email program or browser used to view this email.

Use Self-Service and WIN Big
2013 call center hours

Effective Jan. 2, 2013 our Call Center hours will be changing. The new hours will be 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday. Automated phone service, website and outage reporting services will remain available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

As an added incentive for you to switch to self-service, we will reward four lucky members in the form of a bill credit ranging from $50 to a Grand Prize of a bill-free month (up to $400)!

To be eligible, simply use any combination of the specified self-service options for at least three consecutive months between Dec. 1, 2012, through April 30, 2013, and your account will be included in a random drawing which will be held in early May.

*For detailed contest eligibility requirements or to register for online services, visit

'Tis the Season
Holiday shopping Lights, decorations and shopping! Is that what fills your holiday season?

For many of us, the holidays consist of this and more. Every waking moment of our day is filled with something to do, somewhere to go or even someone to see. With all of the hustle and bustle, it's so easy for us to become forgetful.

So, to help you out this year, we have a top 10 list to help you through this holiday season!  


1. Be Safe and Save Money with LED Lights - Safety first! Be smart with your Christmas tree this year by using the right type of lights, decorations and placement. Homes and lives are lost every year due to fires sparked from Christmas decorations. Don't become a statistic! 

2. Celebrate on a budget - Don't overdo it just to try to impress others or to "keep up with the Joneses." 

3. Give the gift of service
- Even though things may be going great for you and/or your family, don't forget that there are others in need this holiday season. Find a way to put your talents to use and spread a little Christmas cheer. There are hundreds of opportunities in your community where you can make a difference. Make it a family event, or better yet, a family tradition!

READ MORE from the top 10 Holiday Tips list for more tips to help you through this holiday season!


Now, for some fun...

Here's a fun holiday video for your enjoyment! We hope that you and your family have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from all of us at GreyStone Power!

Straight No Chaser - The Christmas Can-Can
Straight No Chaser - The Christmas Can-Can


Together We Save - Tip of Month
unplug Did you know a computer can draw as much electricity as a new refrigerator? Turn it off when not in use, or switch on its energy-saving mode. Also, cell phone and mp3 player chargers, as well as plasma TVs and entertainment centers, pull power even when they're off. Unplug these and other appliances to save on your electric bill. Find more ways to save at

Source: Touchstone Energy Cooperatives
Enter to win $100
Together We Win logo
Enter to win!
Could you use an extra $100? Sure you could! Increase your odds of winning by registering once on five different sites! Visit each site and nominate a Chapel Hill News and Views advertising business. Tell us about your good experience and both you AND the business could walk away with $100 each! It's that simple. Register each week by visiting the following:
Save now for the holidays

To request a card, call 770-370-2383 or email 

Look who's new!
Co-op Card_trans We would like to welcome the following local businesses to the Co-op Connections Card program. They will be partnering with us to bring savings your way! Be sure to visit them, in addition to over 350 businesses on the list. Check out the new and improved to see who is offering you a deal!

Dallas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  . . . . . 678-978-0807
10% off all orders delivered by representative.
Lithia Springs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 770-899-7432 
15% off all services.
Powder Springs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 770-941-4696 
$20 off a regular priced diagnostic of $75. Free estimates on replacements. Best prices on furnace and heat pump replacement. Financing available with low monthly payments.
Grant Orthodontics
Douglasville . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 770-942-4100
15% discount of usual customary rate. 

Liberty National Life

Villa Rica . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  404-398-1876 
Choose any of the following at no-cost with consultation: $3,000 accidental death family policy, child safety kits, memorial guides or medifax kits. 
Copyright � 2012 GreyStone Power Corporation.
Business Telephone: 770-942-6576  /  Outage Telephone: 1-866-GREYSTONE; 770-949-7880; 770-942-6576
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