Ben Stone
 | Ben Stone
Director, EDB |
"I've known Mary Luttrell for over 20 years, and I believe there are three terms that describe Mary's approach in a succinct and useful way. These are discipline, integrity, and joy. I've watched Mary work with groups and I have been a part of groups she has facilitated. First, I've been impressed with her discipline, how productive the work sessions are, and how much people enjoy being part of them. Second, I've observed her integrity and her expectation that she has of her clients to be always be thinking of integrity in their actions. I've seen Mary maintain her integrity in some challenging situations, and continue to focus and enable the work session reach a positive and useful conclusion. Third, Mary beings joy to her life, her friends and her work! I've found her clients to be very enthusiastic about working with her. They've been impressed with her ability to help them understand their problems and then develop workable solutions. Mary's ability to maintain her business here in Sonoma County for 30 years is a testament to the professionalism, dedication, integrity and joy that Mary brings to every project she approaches."
Ben Stone
Sonoma County
Economic Development Board
"Tuesday Minute with Mary" translated into Spanish!
One of my weekly short essays on leadership was recently translated into Spanish for La Voz Bilingual Newspaper. Serving the Sonoma County community, La Voz is published by Ani Weaver. Making its debut in the August issue, Ani will run future "Minutes with Mary" as space permits. Fantastico!
"Optimism is a strategy for making a better future. Because unless you believe that the future can be better, you are unlikely to step up and take responsibility for making it so."
Welcome to the Autumn edition of my newsletter! This newsletter was developed in response to people asking about my work with clients and wanting to understand more about what I do. Hearing directly from my clients is one of the best ways to accomplish that.
One of my long-time business associates, Ben Stone has been the Director of the Sonoma County Economic Development Board for 27 years. During his tenure, the EDB has initiated numerous programs and services that support our local businesses and economy. In recognition of the value of these efforts, the Sonoma County Board of Supervisors has recently expanded the services of the department, necessitating a move to larger offices in the Stony Point Business Park. I am honored that Ben has engaged my services for many years for various organizations related to his work at the EDB. Given the breadth and longevity of our association, I invited Ben to comment on what themes he may have seen over the years. In the column to the left you will find some of his insights and observations.
I have always felt a strong affinity with Ben's visionary work at the EDB. In some regards, I consider myself a one person economic development program because my work is fundamentally about economic development. I started my business during a recession, and several more recessions have come and gone in the 30 + years since then. My mission is to serve as a resource for businesses and organizations here in Sonoma County. I provide services that strengthen my clients' leadership and management skills. This helps their companies to grow and prosper. In turn, jobs are created and preserved, which support families and the community itself.
For more information about the excellent programs and services of the Sonoma County Economic Development Board, please visit www.sonomaEDB.org.
May the rising tide lift all boats, Mary Luttrell Business Strategy Advisor
ISO-Certified Management Consultant Speaker / Writer / Coach
The Intelligent Optimist Magazine
Jim Corbett is the winning bidder!
In support of The Intelligent Optimist, called "the magazine of the future," I donated an item to their on-line fund-raising auction held in August, a package of my services called "High Octane Strategic Planning," with a value of $1000. I was delighted to learn that the highest bidder and winner of my planning services was a local organization, the Mr. Music Foundation, based in Sebastopol. What a wonderful win/win/win situation. I support a publication I believe in and I get to help Jim Corbett and his organization provide music classes to children in our schools. Thanks, Jim, for being the high bidder and for the great work your organization does for our community!
BUSINESS STRATEGY Strategic Planning Strategic Marketing Business Planning
ORGANIZATIONAL DEVELOPMENT Team Building Internal Communication Employee Engagement Internal Systems / Structures
LEADERSHIP / MANAGEMENT Executive Coaching / Mentoring Managing Change / Transition Stress Management / Life Balance Succession Planning Career Planning
MEETING FACILITATION Meetings / Retreats / Workshops Planning / Design / Facilitation
WRITING "Luttrell on Leadership" monthly column "Tuesday Minute with Mary" weekly blog on leadership