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EMerge is a newsletter of the Presbytery of the Twin Cities Area. Through most of the year it is published weekly and distributed to congregations, teaching elders, ruling elders, church members, committees and friends of the presbytery. Please send submissions and address corrections to
June 17, 2016
Presbytery news  
Administrative Commission
for Eden Prairie Presbyterian
begins appeal process
Presbytery Logo In a message distributed earlier this week to the Presbytery of the Twin Cities Area, the Administrative Commission for Eden Prairie Presbyterian Church stated it had begun the appeal process in its litigation with the church. The message stated, "After much prayerful consideration, and consultation with the presbytery's legal counsel, the Administrative Commission started the appeal process in the Eden Prairie Presbyterian Church litigation today. The AC made this decision because the trial court's ruling is fundamentally at odds with who we are as Presbyterians.  In ruling that EPPC does not hold property in trust for the PCUSA, the court treated this case as if it were simply a property dispute between two for-profit corporations in an arm's-length relationship." The complete message can be found at "Eden Prairie Presbyterian."
Jeff Japinga Jeff's Jottings
Loving the other ...
By Jeff Japinga
Transitional Executive Presbyter
I've found my attention and energy oft-diverted this week by current events; maybe you have too. The anguish of the Orlando nightclub shooting still feels fresh, in part by the number of stunningly-profound reflections statements I continue to read. I've also been immersed both in pre-General Assembly overload and post-General Synod (the annual meeting of the Reformed Church in America, the denomination from whence I came) pastoral care.
There's one particular thread through all of these events this week that keeps challenging me: the concept of "The Other." Especially, how people become for us "other," and what that means for how we know them, treat them, belittle them.
The complete Jottings can be found at "The Other."
Activities in presbytery   
Filmmaker highlights 2nd event
in 'Courageous Storytelling'
Andrew Riverside Presbyterian Church will be host to Dan Schneidkraut, an award-winng local filmmaker, when it offers the second event in its biweekly Film Storytelling summer series, "Living Deeply and Seeking Meaning." Schneidkraut, a film writer, editor and director currently residing in Minneapolis, will lead the session, "Storytelling through Film," Saturday June 25 at 6 p.m.  A recipient of The McKnight Fellowship For Filmmaking and Creative Capital Grant for Moving Image, Schneidkraut has been recognized for experimental narrative.The summer series, which takes place the second and fourth Saturday of each month through August, brings together "a diverse group of people with the desire to discuss living a meaningful life over a shared meal." A flyer is available at "Storytelling Through Film." Additional questions can be directed to
Service opportunities ...  


Westminster Presbyterian Church of Minneapolis is seeking an individual who will provide primary administrative support to its associate pastors for congregational life and congregational care. The individual will provide administrative support for programs and committees in those areas, including congregational care database maintenance and reporting, as well as mailings, materials creation and planning, correspondence, scheduling and planning meetings, and related duties. Applicants may submit a resume and cover letter to the Revs. Sarah Brouwer and David Shinn via email at or by mail to 1200 Marquette Ave, Minneapolis, MN 55403. The deadline is June 30. The complete position description is at "Administrative Support."


Claremont Presbyterian Church of Claremont, Minn., is searching for a stated supply pastor (approximately half time).  Primary responsibilities are preaching and leading worship on Sundays, pastoral care and occasional visitation with church members, and administrative leadership including moderating the session.  Candidate need not live in the immediate area; overnight accommodations in the manse may be able to be arranged.  More information is available from the Rev. Steve Robertson ( or 612.655.7594).


First Presbyterian Church of Hayfield, Minn., is seeking its next installed pastor. The congregation's Ministry Information Form and complete position description can be found at "Hayfield Pastor." The Pastor Nominating Committee may be contacted at


St. Luke Presbyterian Church of Minnetonka is looking for a part-time building manager. The 18-to-20 hour per week position combines janitorial, some maintenance and grounds upkeep. A complete job description and application information can be found at "Building Manager."


St. Luke Presbyterian Church of Minnetonka is seeking a part-time music director to fill a 15-hour per week position, directing the music program for worship. A complete job description and application information can be found at "Music Director."

First Presbyterian Church of Belle Plaine has an opening for a �-time pastor that it hopes to fill by July 1. Belle Plaine is a vibrant community of about 6,600 people located 45 minutes southwest of the metro area on Highway 169. Details are at "Belle Plaine Pastor."

For free ...  


First Presbyterian Church of Belle Plaine is offering for free 20 adult-size and 20 youth-size choir robes: green with gold stoles, and gold with green stoles. The robes are clean, but will need ironing. First Presbyterian will deliver. Interested parties are invited to contact Don Genereux at 763.258.7587.

Conferences, resources 


Regarding Ruling Elders: per capita

Gradye Parsons, stated clerk of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)'s General Assembly, writes the current installment in the monthly resource, Regarding Ruling Elders. Parsons notes, "Not counting the Trinity, of Ruling Elder Resource course, the most important thing that binds Presbyterians is per capita, that universal funding source drawn from the whole church in order to support the whole church. It is the glue that unites us, allowing Presbyterians to connect with one another and govern ourselves for the good of the body. And in this current season there is perhaps no better example of per capita at work than the 222nd General Assembly (2016) of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), taking place June 18-25 in Portland, Ore." Parsons' complete column can be found at "Per Capita."


'Practical Presbyterian Leadership Training' offered in August

A two-day leadership training seminar is planned this summer in Des Moines for presbytery leaders. Called "Practical Presbytery Leadership Training: Teamwork for Changing Times," the training event is designed to Office of General Assembly benefit teams of people working together in leadership. The session's brochure notes, "There is no limit to the number of people who can attend from one presbytery, but presbyteries are encouraged not to send only one person. This is training for a team, not an individual." The workshop runs Aug. 26-27, from 1 p.m. Friday through 4:30 p.m. Saturday, at Central Presbyterian Church in Des Moines. Sponsored by the Office of the General Assembly, the brochure can be found at "Practical Leadership." A Presbyterian News Service story about the training is at "Training Event."


Synod School is coming in about 5 weeks

We know you've heard about it and you've thought about going. Well, there's still time. Yes, a little time. Synod School is only a little more than five weeks away. The annual midsummer ministry of the Synod 2016 Synod School of Lakes and Prairies runs July 24-29 on the campus of Buena Vista University in Storm Lake, Iowa. The annual summer event that offers nearly 70 classes, also offers opportunities for worship, presents great speakers, and gives opportunities for fellowship and fun. Synod School routinely draws more than 550 participants. This summer John Bell, a minister of the Church of Scotland and renowned lecturer and preacher, will lead convocation. Burns Stanfield, a Presbyterian minister and musician (and longtime Synod School participant), will lead evening worship. Stephanie Anthony and Jody Branson will lead morning worship. Classes are filling up -- classes with waiting lists are noted on the synod's website -- but there is still time to register at "Synod School."

News of the wider church


Outlook offers section full
of GA content on its website
Presbyterian Outlook Logo The Presbyterian Outlook has got it covered. The "it" being General Assembly. For those who are looking for content relative to next week's 222nd General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), it can be found on web page after web page on the website of The Presbyterian Outlook. It's available at "General Assembly 222."
General Assembly news comes
in ... well, a lot of formats
There are a variety of formats for getting news from the 222nd General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.). With thanks to "Monday Morning in GA 222 Portland the Presbytery," the newsletter of the Presbytery of Missouri River Valley, for identifying the following resources, Keeping in Touch is able to invite its readers to the "Official GA222 website," the "PC BIZ site" with all the details of business, personal insights and the movement of the Holy Spirit on the dedicated "Spirit of the GA Facebook page," then there's "#GA222 hashtag" feed -- and use that hashtag for tweets, and finally you can follow the Assembly on Twitter at "PRESBYGA."
Writers Guild announces
book from writing contest
Writers Guild book The winners of the Presbyterian Writer's Guild's three-phase writing contest are now available in a freshly published book, "An Experiment in Modern Parables." The book contains the "hooks," "flash fiction," and short stories that were chosen as the winners of the Presbyterian Writers Guild 2016 contest. The contest built on Jesus' model of telling short stories to cause the listener to think deeply about how faith informs life's situations. The book contains stories about prejudice in the church, hunger, domestic violence, abortion, sexism in the ministry, and more. More book details are at "Modern Parables."