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EMerge is a newsletter of the Presbytery of the Twin Cities Area. Through most of the year it is published weekly and distributed to congregations, teaching elders, ruling elders, church members, committees and friends of the presbytery. Please send submissions and address corrections to
April 15, 2016
Presbytery news  
Families Moving Forward Center
opens at Shepherd of the Hill
Beacon Chaska Homeless The Chaska (Minn.) Herald recently featured Shepherd of the Hill Presbyterian Church of Chaska in an article noting the opening of Families Moving Forward-Southwest Program Center at the church in March. The article, by Mark W. Olson, noted, "The center is meant to help homeless families, with children under 18 years old, back on their feet. It offers a place to wash clothes, cook meals and store belongings for four families at a time. Families Moving Forward also helps find the families permanent housing." The complete Chaska Herald story can be found at "Moving Forward."
Westminster begins large
expansion, outreach project
In an effort to meet the needs of a growing urban population, Westminster Presbyterian Church in Westminster Project Minneapolis has embarked upon a $80 million expansion project to better engage the needs of the city. Several funding streams, including a $35 million commitment from the congregation, have brought the "Open Doors Open Futures" project to life. A community celebration and groundbreaking ceremony was held last Sunday. "The project started in a completely unexpected way," says the Rev. Dr. Timothy D. Hart-Andersen, Westminster's senior pastor and head of staff. "Four and a half years ago, a sizeable gift from Presbyterians committed to moving the church into the 21st century helped us buy the property next door." The complete Presbyterian News Service story is at "Expansion Project."
Jeff's Jottings
The stories we should be telling ...
Jeff Japinga  
By Jeff Japinga
Transitional Executive Presbyter
Today, April 15, often gets a bad reputation ... you know, Tax Day and all. (Though, thanks to Emancipation Day, it's not really Tax Day this year until Monday.)
So good stories in Jottings today - the ones I'm privileged to hear as I visit and talk to and read about our PTCA churches and the people in them. ...
And this is just what's hit my radar this week. Good stories. Faithful stories. ... We ought to have at least one good story every week, probably more. But to do that, we need your help. I'll volunteer to be the contact point. SEND ME YOUR STORIES! Fully written, a summary paragraph, one sentence with a contact name - however. Just do it. ...
How 'bout we start today? Bebe Baldwin is a retired teaching elder in our presbytery. She has a heart for justice and a heart for the ministry of Kwanzaa Community Church in North Minneapolis. She shared with me this week a reflection she wrote after worshiping at Kwanzaa on the Sunday after Easter, and I asked her if I could share it more widely.
Bebe's reflection is at "61 Seconds" and at the end of the complete Jottings column. That complete Jottings column is at "Stories We Should Tell."

Presbytery Board of Trustees
needs additional members
The Board of Trustees (BOT) of the Presbytery of the Twin Cities Area needs additional members. The BOT Presbytery Logo manages the financial and property affairs, and oversees the legal processes of the presbytery, and provides guidance to congregations in these areas. BOT needs lawyers with property law experience, and persons with fiscal/accounting backgrounds. Those interested are invited to contact BOT Chair Jack Reddan at 651.429.4081 or
Activities in presbytery   
Diana Butler Bass leads Didier
Seminar at House of Hope
Diana Butler Bass Diana Butler Bass, renowned speaker and author of "Christianity after Religion" and "Grounded," will lead the April 15-17 Didier Seminar on Religion and Contemporary Thought at House of Hope Presbyterian Church in St. Paul. The seminar is titled "What does it mean to say, 'I am spiritual but not religious'?" Details are at "Didier Seminar."
Social justice workshop
planned April 23 at Westminster
Andrew Kang Bartlett Andrew Kang Bartlett, associate for hunger concerns of the Presbyterian Hunger Program of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), will present a workshop Saturday, April 23, at Westminster Presbyterian Church in Minneapolis. The workshop, titled "Food Justice in an Age of #BlackLivesMatter & Climate Change: Open Mind, Warm Heart, Willing Hands," runs from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Details are at "Food Justice."
Moral injury is subject of 2-day
session at SpringHouse Ministry
Nakashima BrockThe Rev. Dr. Rita Nakashima Brock, co-founder and director of the Soul Repair Center at Brite Divinity School in Ft. Worth, Texas, will be the keynote speaker at two-day session on "Trauma and Its Aftermath: Moral Injury and Moral Meaning Making" at SpringHouse Ministry Center in Minneapolis on May 13-14. Four scholarships to attend the workshop are available through the Disabilities Concerns Ministry of the Presbytery of the Twin Cities Area. Brock, a leader in the field of moral injury, describes moral injury as "a complex wound of the soul," resulting from empathy and self-reflection on values in the wake of morally ambiguous, extreme conditions. Brock uses the term "soul repair" as a way to describe the process of recovery from moral injury. Complete details can be found at "Trauma and Aftermath."
Future of U.S.-Cuba relations
is discussion topic in Twin Cities event
Titled "The Future of U.S.-Cuba Relations: A conversation with Different Perspectives," Westminster Presbyterian Church of Minneapolis and the Minnesota Cuba Committee are sponsoring a conversation that will address a variety of topics revolving around the Minnesota Cuba renewed relationship of the two countries. The conversation is planned Wednesday, April 27, at 6:30 p.m. at Central Lutheran Church in Minneapolis. The Rev. Tim Hart-Andersen, pastor of Westminster Presbyterian, will moderate a discussion between Duane Khronke, a lawyer and ruling elder of Westminster Presbyterian, and August Nimtz, professor of political science and African American and African Studies, University of Minnesota and co-coordinator of the Minnesota Cuba Committee. Among numerous other topics are questions concerning the end of the U.S. embargo, Cuba's claim for damages caused by the embargo, and U.S. claims for expropriation of property. Details are at "Discussion."
Andrew Riverside to be host
to 'Who Has Eyes To See' performances
Andrew Riverside Presbyterian Church, located at 403 SE Eighth Ave., in Minneapolis, will be host to Who has eyes to see performances of the play, "Who Has Eyes To See," a play by Shannon T.L. Kearns, that addresses transgender identity. The play is presented by Uprising Theatre Company. The play premieres Friday, April 29, with subsequent performances slated Saturday, April 30, and Friday, May 6. Each performance is followed by a facilitated discussion about the themes presented in the show. Additional information is available at "Uprising Theatre."
Enneagram workshop slated May 20-21
Enneagram A follow-on workshop to last fall's introduction to Enneagram, an ancient system that combines psychology and spirituality for the purpose of personal transformation, is planned May 20-21 at Lake Nokomis Presbyterian Church in Minneapolis. Led by the Rev. Phil GebbenGreen, who was trained by the Riso-Hudson Enneagram Institute, will facilitate the workshop. GebbenGreen is pastor of Edgcumbe Presbyterian Church of St. Paul. Details are at "Enneagram."

Arlington Hills Reunion,
Potluck planned May 21
Alumni of Arlington Hills Presbyterian Church, which closed December 2013, will hold a reunion potluck for alumni and friends Saturday, May 21, at Trinity Presbyterian Church, 2125 Tower Drive, in Woodbury, Minn. The event is scheduled from 5:30 to 6 p.m. Guests are asked to bring salads, side dishes, casseroles and desserts. Sloppy Joe's and beverages will be provided. Details and more can be found in Arlington Hills "Announcements."
Service opportunities ...   
Plymouth Presbyterian Church in Plymouth, Minn., a dynamic 25-year-old, medium-sized congregation is seeking an energetic interim pastor. The person needs to excel in collaboration, strategy and vision, and be an excellent communicator. Details, including where to direct inquiries, can be found at "Plymouth Interim."

Community Presbyterian Church of Rochester, Minn., is seeking a part-time Christian education director who will work with its Christian education committee in planning, developing and supervising the Christian education program of the congregation. The complete position description is at "Christian Education."

Westminster Presbyterian Church in downtown Minneapolis is seeking applicants for its director of children's ministry position. Westminster is deeply committed to the nurture and well-being of families, youth and children. The complete position description is at "Children's Ministry."
Conferences, resources 


'Regarding Ruling Elders' resource

addresses 'partners in Christ's service'

Sallie Scheide, a ruling elder and clerk of session at First Presbyterian Church in Mt. Pleasant, Mich., Ruling Elder Resource writes this month's installment of Regarding Ruling Elders, a resource provided by the Office of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.). She opens, "When I became a ruling elder, I recall the constitutional questions for ordination and installation that really resonated with me were those that speak to being partners in Christ's service: 'Will you in your own life seek to follow the Lord Jesus Christ, love your neighbors, and work for the reconciliation of the world? ... Will you pray for and seek to serve the people with energy, intelligence, imagination, and love?' (Book of Order, W-4.4003f,h)."  The complete column can be found at "Partners in Service."

Resources made available

for Earth Day celebration

Earth Day 2016Earth Day is celebrated April 22 each year and Presbyterian churches are encouraged to celebrate Earth Day Sunday near this date or to celebrate worship at some point with a theme of creation. Creation Justice Ministries (formerly the National Council of Churches Eco-Justice Program) produces Earth Day Sunday resources each year. The resources include sermon starters, prayers, Christian education suggestions, action tips and more. All the information can be found at "EarthDay."


Summer Pastors School runs

in early June at Hastings College

Omaha Presbyterian SeminarySummer Pastors School, a program of the Omaha Presbyterian Seminary Foundation, runs June 5-11 at Hastings (Neb.) College. Speakers include Thomas G. Long, Bandy professor of preaching at the Candler School of Theology at Emory University in Atlanta; James Ayers, renewal pastor at Bethel Presbyterian Church in Wichita, Kan., and professor at Fuller Seminary in Houston; Nancy Ramsay, professor of pastoral theology and pastoral care at Brite Divinity School in Fort Worth, Texas; and Mark Sundby, executive director of North Central Ministry Development Center in New Brighton, Minn. Early bird registration runs through April 20. Details are at "Summer Pastors School."


Registration booklet available

for PW Gathering this summer

Presbyterian WomenThe registration booklet for the Gathering of Presbyterian Women in the Synod of Lakes and Prairies is posted on the synod's website. The booklet provides detailed information about the Gathering that takes place June 15-18 in Sioux Falls, S.D. The booklet is at "Program and Registration Form."


Carol Howard Merritt headlines

Washington Island Forum

Carol Howard Merritt, well known author and speaker, will address "The Church on the Edge" at this year's Washington Island Forum that runs June 20-24. The Forum is a 40-year tradition sponsored by the Carol Howard Merritt Wisconsin Council of Churches and The Christian Century magazine. The four and a half-day event includes worship, workshops, discussion and contemplation in an ecumenical retreat setting on Washington Island, located about seven miles northeast of the tip of Door Peninsula. Merritt, a Presbyterian minister and senior consultant for the Center for Progressive Religion, is author of "Tribal Church: Ministering to the Missing Generation" and "Reframing Hope: Vital Ministry in a New Generation." She is a frequent contributor to books, blogs, magazines and journals. Details are at "Washington Island Forum."


John Bell, noted lecturer, preacher,

leads convocation at Synod School

John BellJohn Bell, the world renowned lecturer, preacher and teacher, will be the convocation speaker at Synod School this summer. Bell is a member of the Wild Goose Resource Group, an autonomous project of the Iona Community in Scotland. Synod School, which runs July 24-29 at Buena Vista University in Storm Lake, Iowa, is a widely known education ministry of the Synod of Lakes and Prairies. Each year about 600 people participate in the courses, worship, fellowship, fun and relaxation. Details are at "Synod School."

Each year, on a Sunday during Lent, Presbyterians across the country take time to celebrate Self-Development of People, a ministry of One Great Hour of Sharing. Now in its 46th year, SDOP focuses on poor, oppressed and disadvantaged people by establishing partnerships with low-income community groups domestically and around the world. Since the ministry began in 1970, SDOP has provided support to more than 5,600 community projects in 67 countries. Working with its national committee, 25 presbytery and three synod committees, SDOP provides grants to communities struggling with social justice and economic issues.  March 13 has been designated as SDOP Sunday this year and church leaders are hoping congregations will take note. The complete Presbyterian News Service story is at "SDOP."


Synod School catalog published, distributed, placed on website

The Synod School 2016 catalog has been published, been placed in the mail, and been posted on the Synod of Lakes and Prairies website. The website also includes all the details and forms necessary to register. Registration opened this week. John Bell, the world renowned lecturer, preacher and teacher will be this summer's convocations peaker. Bell is a member of the Wild Goose Resource Group, an autonomous project of the Iona Community. The synod's annual week-long summer ministry runs July 24-29 at Buena Vista University in Storm Lake, Iowa. Each year about 600 people participate in the courses, worship, fellowship, fun and relaxation. Details are at "Synod School."


United Seminary's art exhibitions continue to April

How are faith communities establishing their convictions and response to the Black Lives Matter movement? And what about the women who are caught up in violent policing tactics? The Center for Arts, Faith & Culture at United Theological Seminary of the Twin Cities is partnering with Intermedia Arts and Obsidian Arts to present two complementary, juried exhibitions - "Faith [In]Action" and "Hands Up Don't Shoot -- HER." Art forms include paintings, photography, digital and paper collage, video, poetry, music, digital printing on fabric, embellished art-wear, sculpture and more. The exhibits run Jan. 28 through April 16. Details are at "Art Exhibits."


Summer Pastors School runs in early June at Hastings College

Summer Pastors School, a program of the Omaha Presbyterian Seminary Foundation, runs June 5-11 at Hastings (Neb.) College. Speakers include Thomas G. Long, Bandy professor of preaching at the Candler School of Theology at Emory University in Atlanta; James Ayers, renewal pastor at Bethel Presbyterian Church in Wichita, Kan., and professor at Fuller Seminary in Houston; Nancy Ramsay, professor of pastoral theology and pastoral care at Brite Divinity School in Fort Worth, Texas; and Mark Sundby, executive director of North Central Ministry Development Center in New Brighton, Minn. Early bird registration runs through April 20. Details are at "Summer Pastors School."'-School.html


PC(USA) offers resources for designing church website

In this day and age it is extremely important to have a presence online. However, just having a website isn't always enough. The website's layout and content play a huge role in its effectiveness. Among the vital statistics: 85 percent of users leave websites due to poor design, 40 percent never return because the content was hard to find, 83 percent of users leave because there were too many clicks to find what they wanted, and 75 percent of visitors admit to making judgments about a company's credibility based on their website's design. More details are available at "Website Design."


Youth ministry is topic of current Presbyterians Today issue

"It was a hot August night, and Atlanta's Buckhead Theatre had been reserved for a special gala to honor 15 remarkable teenagers. With the help of GivingPoint, a leading youth philanthropy organization, these youth had launched nonprofit organizations that were addressing significant social problems such as homelessness, teen pregnancy, poverty, and inadequate education." That's the way the lead story by Chanon Ross opens in the current edition of Presbyterians Today. The magazine's March/April theme is youth ministry. The complete story, along with other stories from the current issue, can be found at "Youth Ministry Guide."


Workshops announced for 2016 Advocacy Training Weekend

The PC(USA) Office of Public Witness has released workshop titles and descriptions for Compassion, Peace and Justice Training Day, held annually in Washington, D.C. The 2016 training date is Friday, April 15. Attending Presbyterians can then join the larger ecumenical community for the next two days in plenaries, worship and discussion as part of Ecumenical Advocacy Days, which brings together more than a 1,000 people within the Christian community for its annual national gathering. The event culminates Monday, April 18, when attendees can lobby their local congressmen on important social justice issues. The complete story can be found at "Advocacy Training."


Conference plannedon bi-vocational ministry

Titled "Bi-Vocational Ministry in the 21st Century," a conference slated April 15-16 at Saint Simons Island in Georgia will offer information important to those serving or seeking to serve in a bi-vocational ministry context as well as others who work with ministers who serve in such contexts. The Rev. Dr. Robert Grove-Markwood, right, director of the BTS Center, mission successor to Bangor Theological Seminary, will be the keynote speaker. A complete brochure can be found at "Serving in the 21st Century."
News of the wider church


Report to GA, letter regarding
amendments are available from BOP

board of pensions The Benefits Plan of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) requires the Board of Pensions to notify members of certain amendments to the plan. The Report of Benefits Plan Amendments, which will be submitted to the General Assembly this summer, and a letter regarding the amendments are available online at "Amendments" and "AmendmentLetter."


Churches can provide help

to youth searching for identity

Presbyterians Today magazine
For most high school
students, senior year is an exciting time of preparing for the future while enjoying being on top of the social ladder. But American University freshman Cerys Beckwith remembers her senior year as one filled with trauma. While working as an editor of her high school's literary magazine, Cerys stayed after school one day to meet with a classmate who claimed to be having trouble in a class. The plan was for them to meet outside the school. (The complete article, originally printed in the March/April edition of Presbyterians Today magazine is an adaptation of an article previously published by Presbyterian Publishing.) An adaptation of the article can be found at "Searching for Identity."

PDA commemorates 20 years of service

More than 100 members of the Presbyterian Disaster Assistance National Response Team came from across the country and gathered in a St. Louis hotel presbyterian disaster assistance conference room in a sea of blue; kicking off their annual meeting with a celebration and cake. Twenty years ago, a handful of dedicated Presbyterian leaders began what was then known as the Presbyterian Disaster Assistance Team or PDAT. The Rev. Alonza Washington was among the members of the original team. He says it's rewarding to see how PDA has grown into a ministry of presence. The complete Presbyterian News Service can be found at "PDA at Twenty."

Presbyterian pastor explores moral decision making in new book

Decisions Haberer Discerning God's will and following it is complicated. In his new book, "It's Complicated: A Guide to Faithful Decision Making," Jack Haberer helps Christians weave their way through the complexities of decision making as shown in the equally complex words of the Bible. Distressed by the extreme polarization of our church and society, Haberer shows how the Bible itself gives different answers for different contexts. The complete announcement by Westminster John Knox Press can be found at "Decisions."