Clay Church E-News
July 28, 2015 Edition
Worship Together Sunday at 9:15 and 10:45 a.m.!  

To them God has chosen to make  known among the Gentiles the glorious riches of this mystery, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory.
Colossians 1:27 (NIV)
In This Issue
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Social Media
Celebrating Clean Water in Burkina Faso
FaithWorks! News!
Firehouse Youth Ministry
This Sunday At Clay Church
On this Worship Together Sunday at Clay North, Pastor Brian Durand begins the Let's Go for a Walk message series with Napkin Theology, and we will celebrate Holy Communion. 

This Sunday is a Worship Together Sunday.  Firehouse students and their families will worship together at Clay North.


This Sunday is Worship Together Sunday for August! All FaithWorks! 1st-5th graders will join their families for worship.  Preschoolers and Kindergarteners will have FaithWorks! as usual. 
Growing In Faith

Women's Bible Studies for Fall
It's not too soon to start thinking about Women's Bible Studies for this fall! Please consider the following opportunities:

Tuesday Evening Fall Women's LIFE Bible Study will be doing Beth Moore's study, Stepping Up: A Journey Through the Psalms of Ascent.  Traveling pilgrims sang psalms on the way to the great festivals of the Lord. Modern-day believers in Jesus Christ can learn much from these treasured Psalms in their journey toward greater intimacy with God. Classes will begin on Tuesday, September 8th at 6:00 p.m. in the Library at Clay North. Please contact Debbie DeLaurelle to sign up and order a member book. 

Friday Morning Women's LIFE Bible Studies will begin at 9:00 a.m. on September 18 at Firehouse/Clay South.  Register by clicking here. Two studies will be offered:

Children of the Day by Beth Moore will walk the shores of Thessalonica in this study of 1 and 2 Thessalonians. You will learn how to let go of past mistakes and discover your circumstances are not coincidental; God's timing is impeccable! Purchase the Study Guide/Member book at or before the first class.  

In The Gospels - Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, participants will read a chapter from the Gospel each day and keep a personal journal of observations. In class we will discuss our observations as we rely on the leading of the Holy Spirit to learn and apply the Gospels to our lives. There is no study guide to purchase, you will use your Bible for this study.

Childcare Helpers Needed!
Childcare helpers are needed for the Friday Morning Women's Life Bible studies starting in September.  If you are interested in this paid position, please contact Kelly Noto.

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Sharing With Our Community
It's Back to School Shopping Time!
Which also means that it's time to pick up a few extra items for students at our South Bend partner school, Harrison Primary Center. Find the shopping list here to take with you when you shop, return items to the Blue Barrels in the Lobby of Clay North any Sunday until August 16th!  Thank you for helping these students get off to a good start this school year. 
Building Connections In Home and Church
Congratulations, Edie Petrie!
In April, Center for Hospice Care held their annual celebration honoring volunteers for the time and talents that volunteers share to make sure that people in our community who are at the end of life's journey find comfort, support and peace.  The celebration included awarding the John E. Krueger, MD, Hospice Caring Award, given annually to a volunteer who exemplifies Dr. Krueger's commitment and devotion to volunteer service. The 2015 recipient is Clay Church member Edie Petrie, a 17-year volunteer with Center for Hospice Care.  When you see Edie, congratulate her and let her know that we celebrate with her!

Experiencing a Crisis and in Need of Prayer or a Pastor
Don't Forget the Careline!
If you are experiencing a crisis and in urgent need of prayer or the support of a pastor, someone is as close as the Clay Church Careline. You can also use this number to let us know that a loved one is in the hospital or is need of pastoral care. Call 574-272-8083 ext. 444 and leave a message on this line, which is monitored 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Your message will immediately be forwarded to the on-call Careline Team Member for a quick response. Prayer requests that are not of a urgent matter can be emailed to Thank you for keeping us informed.