Clay Church E-News
June 23, 2015 Edition
Worship this Sunday at 9:15 and 10:45 a.m.!  
Generous persons will prosper;
those who refresh others will themselves be refreshed.
 Proverbs 11:25 (CEB)
In This Issue
Quick Links
Social Media
Ministry Focus
FaithWorks! News!
Firehouse Youth Ministry
This Sunday At Clay Church
This Sunday at Clay North, Pastor Brian Durand concludes the We're Talking About Money (Awkward Pause) series with the message, "Becoming Rich."   

This Sunday at Firehouse, Lucas Miner is speaking about how and why we worship.


This Sunday at FaithWorks! our elementary kids will focus on the Bible verse: "Don't ever get tired of doing the right thing." 2 Thessalonians 3:13. Our littler ones will hear a Gideon story and learn that God's way is perfect ... even if it doesn't make sense!
Mark Your Calendar for Family Movie Nights!
Family Movie Nights are Coming On Fridays in July at 6:30 p.m.!
During the month of July, we will dive into a family worship series called The Gospel in Animation! That means that all children ages 3 - 5th grade will worship with their families on Sunday mornings on these Sundays! To add some family fun to this month, each Friday night in July you and your family can come watch the movie that we'll talk about on Sunday morning! We'll meet in the FaithWorks! Center at our Clay Church, North Campus. Bring your own lawn chairs or blankets!  Keep watching for more details on the movie of the week!

Growing In Faith

Clay Church Holy Land Pilgrimage 
You are invited to join our Clay Church Holy Land Pilgrimage with Pastor Brian and Cheryl Durand, October 20-30, 2015 (with an optional add-on to Petra and holy sites in Jordan). On the trip we'll explore the geographical and cultural settings of the Bible, worship together at several of the most holy sites of our faith tradition, and reflect on the contemporary dynamics of church and religion in the region. Relatives and friends are welcome.  The lowest price registration deadline is July 23. E-mail Pastor Brian to learn more.

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Sharing With Our Community
Hope Ministries Needs YOU!
Hope Ministries in South Bend has an IMMEDIATE need for TUTORS - there are 7 students on the waiting list! Also, their top 5 currently needed items are:
- Baby wipes
- Large size diapers (size 4,5,6)
- Shaving cream
- Shampoo & conditioner
- #10 cans of pudding, fruit, chili beans 
Place these items in the Blue Barrel in the lobby of Clay North, or e-mail Doug Fecher with questions or to volunteer as a tutor!

Building Connections In Home and Church
Don't Forget to Pray for Campers & Counselors this Week!
Our kids in grades K-2 are going to Camp Lakewood June 21-23! Please pray for leaders, counselors and campers as they learn about God's love!

Senior Citizens Fellowship!
All seniors are welcome to meet at Einstein Bagel on SR 23 (near Martin's) on Monday, June 29 from 9:30 - 10:30 a.m.!  A great time to meet with your friends from Clay, have a beverage, a yummy treat -- and warm conversation!  Hope to see YOU there!

Cafe Coordinator Needed!
Are you an organized person?  Would you like to use those skills to support a vital ministry at Clay Church?  Then we could use your help as the Coordinator for the Sunday Morning Cafe at Clay North!  Responsibilities would include coordinating our volunteer schedule, keeping inventory of food and beverage items, and serving as the point person for needs/concerns about the cafe.  Interested?  Please respond today!  

Stephen Ministry Training
Stephen Ministry at Clay Church is part of a multi- denominational Network with other local Stephen Ministry congregations.  As a Network, we will begin training new Stephen Ministers on Tuesday evenings in August.  The 50 hours of training will run through December 1.  After prayerful consideration, if you would like to apply for training, please e-mail, and write STEPHEN TRAINING on the subject line.  A Stephen Leader will contact you to begin the application process.