House of Light

sephirot circle

Temple Beth Or   כנסת בית אור 
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Make a Donation
WEDNESDAY | NOVEMBER 4, 2015 | 7:30 PM

Please join us for an elegant dessert reception graciously hosted by Atlantis Casino Resort and Spa, followed by an exclusive presentation from Hadassah's acclaimed medical researcher, Dr. David Zangen. He will share groundbreaking developments in stem cell therapies to treat diabetes and other debilitating diseases. David Pasternack will then update us on how Hadassah Medical Organization, the premier healthcare institution in Jerusalem, is changing the face of medicine and benefiting the world.
Atlantis Casino Resort and Spa
3800 S. Virginia St, Reno, NV 89502 
Shabbat this Friday
5:55pm Services, then Dairy Potluck
Temple Beth Or
1150 Selmi Drive   
Chanukah Party
Wednesday, 6-7:30PM
December 9th

Celebrate the 4th night of Chanukah with Beth Or
Bring your chanukiah, candles and favorite latkes 

RSVP to JewishReno@gmail.com 
Medical Ethics
taught by Rabbi Beth 
Previous Chair of Nevada Center for  
Ethics & Health Policy at UNR
2 sessions on Saturday afternoons
Nov. 7 and 21st
(same class as taught at Beth Or in October)
@ North Tahoe Hebrew Congregation   
Please RSVP to Rabbi Beth
Global Day of Jewish Learning
at the Joe Crowley Student Union

with Rabbi Beth Beyer, Beth Or 
Rabbi Mark Fasman, Emanu-El 
Liza Abrams, President of Hillel  
Sunday, November 15 

Please RSVP to Rabbi Beth
(so we know how many handouts and
bagels and cream cheese to bring)
Wednesday Classes

Youngest Students:  4:00-4:30pm  
(kindergarten, 1st grade)   
Bnei Mitzvah Students: 4:30-5:30      
Please bring your books,  
  Torah study sheets, Chumash, etc.
Adult Torah Class:  5:30-6:30
           Please bring a Bible.  If you don't yet
have one, let the rabbi make a
recommendation for you
to order one.  
Sukkot @ the Beyer's backyard sukkah
October 2nd

Thanks to Barbara Ries for playing guitar and to all who brought such delicious food for our dairy potluck oneg

The Reno Gazette Journal hosts Faith Forum on Sundays.  A question is answered by clergy from many faiths.  Rabbi Beyer provides the Jewish response. 
RGJ asked:  Which is more important Jewish law or people?   
Compassion Matters
Circumstances, perspectives and individuals make a difference in halacha (Jewish law).  It's sometimes important to consider the individual's circumstance to make a correct rabbinic decision. Torah says, "Judge righteously." Lev. 19:15. Here's an example. One commandment is to keep kosher. This means that animals must not be blemished prior to slaughter.
As one classic Chasidic story tells, a wealthy woman asks her local rabbi if the slightly imperfect chicken is kosher. The rabbi examines it and tells her that under halacha, the chicken is blemished and unacceptable for her family's dinner. Later, a poor widow approaches the rabbi with the very same chicken and asks if it's kosher. The rabbi examines the chicken, and looking into the woman's eyes, says, "It's kosher." Did the law change? No. She could not afford another chicken and the rabbinic decision was based upon compassion for her situation.  

Faith Forum appears each Sunday in the Local Life Section of the Reno Gazette Journal. Faith Forum clergy answer a question posed each week and responses in the paper are limited to 150 words. Rabbi Beyer is featured as the "Jewish" response. In February 2016 it will be 5 YEARS for Faith Forum column to run in the RGJ.  This interfaith group is now working towards a book which would be an edited collection of these columns. See www.nevadafaithforum.org
Thank you so much for your Donations
Sandy & Annette Friedlander
Vipin & Susannah Gupta
Kathleen Berry
Don & Marilyn Kurzman
Marty & Betty Fineman
John & Neva Louie
Shawn & Olga Soleman
Barbara Meyer
Nancy Hamilton
Michael Scott

November Birthdays:
Baruch Zohar 11/4
Doris Haynes 11/17
Marty Fineman 11/18
Evan Grill 11/6
Royce Feuer 11/30
Hannah Hannington 11/16

November Anniversaries:
Baruch & Pam Zohar - 11/14
John & Neva Louie - 11/7


Albert Feiertag, father of Matt Feiertag 11/7
Joe Bass, father of Peggy Levine 11/30
Robert Miller, stepfather of Peggy Levine 11/2
Jacob Sanders, father of Leah Sanders 11/12
Arthur Steinberger, father of Betty Fineman 11/5
Frank Fingerhut, father of Linda Lubin 11/6
Bernard Supian, father of Alex Evans 11/24
Bertram Steinberger, brother of Betty Fineman 11/21
Norman Weiss, father of Susan Leibman 11/22
Frank Gray, stepfather of Phil Shallit 11/12

Blessings to you and your family.


Refuah Shlemah 
(Towards Wholeness and Healing)
for those in need of healing body, mind or spirit

Jay Shaw
Barbara Ansel
Len Schwartz
Nurit Stites 
Marsha Cohen
Ari Klein
Judy Tempkin
Ed Posin  

 Our apologies if your name did   
not get properly listed this month.
Please let us know so we can fix it next month.
Find us on Facebook 
 Connect with us. 
Friend Us on Facebook @ Temple Beth Or Reno 
We now have 240+ Facebook friends
Do You Shop At Smith's?  
TBOR is a member of 
Smith's Community Rewards Program 
Our Organization Number is 70822
Attach this number to your Smith's Shopping Card 
and Smith's will give TBOR a portion of
what you spend there.
The New Hebrew Month  of Kislev
begins November 12


Rabbi ElizaBeth Beyer

Listen to Kol Nidre with Rabbi Beyer and Cantorial Soloist Alan Kass  

 Click HERE 



 Rosh Hodesh: It's a Girl Thing!

 a program of Moving Traditions Innovative Program for Adolescent Jewish Girls 

rosh hodesh girls

Temple Emanu-El's "Rosh Hodesh: It's a Girl Thing!" group is running.  The group remains open to any and all Jewish middle school girls in Northern Nevada.  - Contact group facilitator Susannah Skyer Gupta if your daughter, grand-daughter, niece, or neighbor is not yet on the list.  http:www.roshhodesh.org   www.movingtraditions.org   

RSVP 775-327-4743, suzskyer@gmail.com, or look for Susannah Skyer Gupta on Facebook

Click HERE to see a previous class
and our YouTube Channel

Come & learn!  

Learn More  

About Judaism

 For info call the Rabbi  775-322-5542 

Torah portion done by G-d Cast  Link 


Temple Beth Or is an evolving group dedicated to Jewish values and learning. We support chevruta study (partner or small group study) and "experiencing" G-d.  Friday night Shabbat services are musical, filled with ruach (enthusiasm) and the food is sweet.  Beth Or is affiliated with the Jewish Community of Elko County. Rabbi Beyer also works with North Tahoe Hebrew Congregation, Tahoe Vista, Lake Tahoe. 

For information on Jewish Renewal   https://www.aleph.org/