Littman Krooks LLP
February 2015
Parents of children with special needs often have unique financial concerns, and one way to ease those concerns is to reduce their tax burden. There are many tax deductions and credits available that parents may not be aware of. Parents of children with special needs should familiarize themselves with the deductions and credits and take care to document all expenses related to their children's medical expenses, development and therapy.

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Recent Articles
  • Our attorneys and staff members will be participating in a number of informative seminars, presentations, webinars and workshops this season. To learn more about each event, click here to visit our community calendar.
In addition to special needs planning and special education advocacy, Littman Krooks offers legal services in elder law and estate planning. We can advise you concerning veterans' benefits or Medicaid. We can help you plan for home care or long-term care. We can draft a will. We can help you plan now for the emotional, legal, and financial impact your passing will have on your family.

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300 Westage Business Center Drive · Fishkill, NY · 845-896-1106