January 2014


Children with disabilities who are approaching adulthood are nearing a threshold that may provoke anxiety for parents, but resources are available to help.

Children with disabilities are entitled to receive services until they reach the age of 21, due to provisions of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act. However, upon reaching adulthood, many such services are no longer available. Parents are faced with two important decisions: where the young person will live, and what he or she will do. Seniors with disabilities often face similar issues.

If an adult with special needs plans to live independently, then it is important to begin researching the options well ahead of time. There are often long waiting lists for group homes for developmentally disabled adults, and many families have ended up moving their own home to be closer to better independent living opportunities for their loved one...Read more.


Join Bernard A. Krooks, Littman Krooks LLP, Ryan Platt, A Special Needs Plan, Inc and Keith Caldwell, of Failuretoplan.com as they present a live webinar to help educate families on legal and financial planning for their child's future.

This online seminar is open to all. Topics covered include: wills, special needs trusts, guardianships, government benefits, proactive tax strategies, communication techniques and the combination of all of these pieces fit into a cohesive comprehensive plan for your future.

To read other articles of interest, click the links below:
Visit www.specialneedsnewyork.com to learn more about Littman Krooks and their work for the empowerment of individuals with special needs.
In addition to special needs planning and special education advocacy, Littman Krooks offers legal services in elder law and estate planning. We can advise you concerning veterans' benefits or Medicaid. We can help you plan for home care or long-term care. We can draft a will. We can help you plan now for the emotional, legal, and financial impact your passing will have on your family.


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