December 2013
Dear Clients, Friends and Colleagues, 

As the holidays approach, we would like to take the time to thank you for your continued relationship with Littman Krooks LLP. May your holiday season be filled with much joy, happiness and success. Warm thoughts and best wishes for a very Happy New Year.
By Marion Walsh, Esq., Littman Krooks LLP

As the holiday season approaches, our firm thanks those who have trusted us with their children and their education.

For most of our families, the need to learn and to do well in school is as essential as the need to eat and breathe. When a child is struggling in school and unable to learn or attend, as parents, our worlds fall apart. All parents, no matter what their background, want simply for their children to have a better life than they have. The greatest gift any parent can ask for is a healthy, engaged child who is able to attend school and make progress.  While this sounds simple, in some cases, it can be extremely complex. In some cases, years of litigation and heartache can result from the wrong placement for a child who just cannot access the public school environment. These situations often seem hopeless, but with patience and tireless advocacy, we have helped parents and students find their way. Remember though, as Dr. Temple Grandin noted, often, in helping children with their struggles, "there is no single magic bullet."

But fortunately, in some cases, there is a magic bullet. For some of our students, a new school placement has made all the difference. We have represented, among others, children who were bullied and threatened suicide in school but who are now engaged; children for whom school made them physically ill but who are now healthy in a new placement, and children who were having violent meltdowns frequently but who are now receiving support in residential settings.  For each of these cases, we worked on a solution and in the best situations, worked with the school districts so that all understood the student's needs a bit better. Read more...
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In addition to special needs planning and special education advocacy, Littman Krooks offers legal services in elder law and estate planning. We can advise you concerning veterans' benefits or Medicaid. We can help you plan for home care or long-term care. We can draft a will. We can help you plan now for the emotional, legal, and financial impact your passing will have on your family.


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