Event Registration
Boundaries Workshop February 28, 2013 St. James Lutheran Church Johnston, IA Click here for more information and to register ----------------------------------- Called Together in Mission (CTIM) "Improve the Generosity in your Church!"
Saturday, March 9, 2013 Cedar Rapids, IA
----------------------------------- Lutheran Day on the Hill Monday, March 11, 2013 Des Moines, IA Click here for more information and to register ----------------------------------- Love Like Jesus -High School Youth Event June 20-23, 2013 Des Moines, IA
Synod Calendar
February 16, 2013 Synod Council 9:30am - 2pm Southeastern Iowa Synod Center for Ministry Iowa City, IA
February 28, 2013 Boundaries Workshop 9am - 4pm St. James Lutheran Church Johnston, IA
March 9, 2013 CTIM 8:30am - 3pm First Lutheran Church Cedar Rapids, IA
March 11, 2013 LSI Lutheran Day on the Hill 9:30am - 2pm Des Moines, IA
March 25, 2013 Holy Week Worship for Rostered Leaders 11:00am Bethany Lutheran Church West Branch, IA
Save the Date
Synod Assembly Resolutions
must be in to the Synod Center for Ministry by
April 16, 2013
Called Together in Mission (CTIM) Books in Your Mailbox
Arriving in your congregation's mailbox this week is the 2013 CTIM Book. The book is information-packed with classes that will help you grow stewardship in your congregation. Share the CTIM Book with your church council, stewardship team, and the rest of your fellow church members. Visit the CTIM event page by clicking here to view class offerings, learn about the guest speaker Chick Lane, and register online.

National Workshop on Christian Unity April 8 - 11 in Columbus, OH
Celebrate the spirit of ecumenism and gain insights that will enrich your work with local ecumenical and interfaith partners by participating in the National Workshop on Christian Unity, April 8-11, in Columbus, OH. In addition to offering presentations on a wide range of topics, this year's Workshop will focus on the far-reaching ecumenical legacy of Vatican II. For more information and to register, go to nwcu.org or contact Pr. Chris Olkiewicz -- (515) 277-6277 or revchris@whlc.org.

Postal Changes Lead Congregations to New Communications Janelle Bidne, Coordinator of Communications
Free Lecture by Eboo Patel Kicks off Two-Day Interfaith Conference at LSTC On Sunday, March 10 at the Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago, Eboo Patel will give a free lecture based on his recent book, Sacred Ground: Pluralism, Prejudice and the Promise of America. The event begins at 7:30 p.m. with a free concert by The Salaam Shalom Music Project, made up of members of Maxwell Street Klezmer Band and distinguished artists from the Chicago Arabic music community. At 9 a.m. on Monday, March 11, Dr. Mark Swanson will present the keynote lecture, "Entertaining Angels: The Whys and Wherefores of Interfaith Hospitality," at the conference Faithful Living in an Interfaith World. Afternoon workshops will provide skills and practices in interfaith interaction. Cost of the conference is $75. To register, email leadershipconference@lstc.edu. Read more here: www.lstc.edu |
Remember in Prayer - Installation Pastor Mark Youngquist will be installed as pastor at Swedesburg Lutheran Church, Swedesburg, Iowa, on Sunday, February 24, 2013. |