Opportunity to Display Your Support of the DEG 

SCRS Corporate and Company Members,
I hope this email finds you all well. We are very excited to take notice that the Database Enhancement Gateway (DEG) is close to processing it's 10,000th inquiry. This is a pretty remarkable milestone for the initiative that has had a tremendous amount of positive impact on the industry. We are very proud of what we have accomplished with this resource, launched in 2008, and even more excited about what it can deliver in the future.

During a recent meeting, one of our member companies expressed interest in wanting to publicly congratulate the DEG for hitting this milestone. Specifically, they offered to contribute $1,000 to place a rotating banner that features their logo and "[name of company] congratulates the DEG on 10,000 inquiries and the impact it has made on the industry!" Two other companies shared an interest in doing the same, and as such, we've decided to open the offer to all our Corporate and Company Members.
We would love the support, if you would like to offer it! All we need is:
  1. Your current logo file
  2. Proper listing of your company name
  3. Your congratulatory sentiment (it should be limited to one or two sentences.)
Let us know if you are interested, and we will work to get these added to the site once we hit 10,000 inquires.
Thanks in advance for the consideration!

SCRS Admin Office


877.851.0660 Fax

[email protected]



Aaron Schulenburg

Executive Director | Society of Collision Repair Specialists (SCRS)



877.435.6028 Fax

[email protected]