Update from the FWCP's Coastal Region  
March 2015
Project Nets Rare Bats
Researchers funded by the FWCP caught six at-risk Spotted bats in one night near Lillooet. Given that less than 20 have ever been caught in Canada, researchers were thrilled. In total, seven of the small bats with distinctive white spots were caught in the last year. The researchers were able to learn a great deal about the small nocturnal creatures and they are hopeful these new insights will help them prepare for the arrival of White Nose Syndrome in BC. This fungal disease is devastating bat populations in other parts of the country and is expected to be in BC in the next five to 10 years. Learn more (Photo: Jared Hobbs)
Join Us: Board Member Wanted
Apply by April 30, 2015 and you could be selected as a new public representative on the FWCP's Coastal Region Board. Learn more at fwcp.ca.
Thanks to outgoing public representative Helen Davis for the years of support and commitment to the FWCP!
New Projects for 2015      
The FWCP-Coastal Region Board has finalized it funding decisions, and all 2015 fish and wildlife projects will be publicly announced in April. Thanks to everyone who applied! 
Project Reports are Online
Final reports from FWCP supported projects are available online. They are also posted in the provincial databases so now you can find information from across the region and across the province.
Spawning habitat created, with FWCP support, near Cheakamus River in 2014 (Photo: Squamish River Watershed Soc.)

New FWCP-Coastal Manager       
Trevor Oussoren has taken over the reins as the Manager of the FWCP-Coastal Region. He also takes on the role of the overall Manager for the FWCP.
If you would like information about the FWCP's work please contact Trevor at 250-365-4551 or trevor.oussoren@bchydro.com.
Coastal Board Guides Our Work   
In the FWCP's Coastal Region, a nine-member board  makes funding decisions and guides the FWCP's work. First Nations, public representatives and agencies, including the Province, DFO and BC Hydro, make up the Board.
Contact us if you have a question for a Board member.
The FWCP is a partnership between BC Hydro, the Province of B.C., Fisheries and Oceans Canada, First Nations, and Public Stakeholders, to conserve and enhance fish and wildlife impacted by BC Hydro dams. Visit fwcp.ca