School Grants: 2015 Ibn Dhaher Primary School Grant Award
Get to know students and teachers at Ibn Dhaher and how they put the Al Qasimi Foundation's School Grant to use in helping their students to build practical English skills.
Fact Sheet: Urban Planning in the United Arab Emirates and Ras Al Khaimah
As its population increases, Ras Al Khaimah remains committed to approaching community development thoughtfully. This document provides an overview of recent urban development projects in the UAE and particularly in Ras Al Khaimah, addressing industrial development, demographics, environmental issues, sustainability, and infrastructure considerations. Full Publication
Scholar Profile: Meet Matt McLean
The Foundation welcomes PhD candidate Matt MacLean to Ras Al Khaimah. His dissertation examines the spatial transformation of the Trucial States and UAE in the second half of the twentieth century. Full Profile
Intern Profiles: Meet Aliz and Tessa
The Foundation is pleased to share the stories of Ms. Aliz Toth and Ms. Tessa Ayson, two 2015 research interns. Aliz has lent her abilities to the Hands on Learning Program while Tessa has focused on gathering information about whole school renewal initiatives.
Members of the press who are interested in covering or learning more about the Al Qasimi Foundation's research, events, or other initiatives may contact Ms. Caitrin Mullan, Program Manager for Outreach.
To aid in the social, cultural, and economic development of Ras Al Khaimah and the United Arab Emirates through high-quality policy research, strategic capacity development, and purposeful community engagement.
Welcome to the September edition of the Al Qasimi Foundation's quarterly newsletter. This summer has been a time of great sadness and mourning in Ras Al Khaimah and the United Arab Emirates. We at the Al Qasimi Foundation would like to extend our sincere condolences to those who have lost loved ones.
During the summer, we were excited to send seven Emirati students abroad to participate in English language and academic programs. Moving forward, a core group of our professional development courses are now underway, as is a collaboration among the Foundation, the Middle East Institute, and New York's Teachers College, Columbia University. We've partnered with these institutions to promote Middle East studies and education research in Ras Al Khaimah. Also have a look at our most recent publication, which examines urban development in the UAE and in our emirate in particular. Finally, I invite all artists and filmmakers to submit their work to the 4th Annual Ras Al Khaimah Fine Arts Festival and to consider applying for our inaugural Documentary Film Grant.
Warm regards,
Dr. Natasha Ridge
Executive Director

Internships are a rite of passage for today's university students. When it comes to equipping interns with professional experience, the Foundation offers opportunities that build both resumes and relationships. This year, interns from six countries joined the Foundation's team and were busy working, eating, and socializing with Ras Al Khaimah residents. Full Story
 Ras Al Khaimah's Sheikh Saqr Student Enrichment Program promotes books and reading, as well as international experiences. This summer, the program sent seven grade 11 Emirati students to the United States and United Kingdom to improve their English language skills and prepare for university studies. Full Story

The National (August 3, 2014)
Fewer young Emiratis are having to take expensive and time-consuming foundation courses to bridge the knowledge gap between school and university, which is good news for the higher education community in the UAE. The Foundation's Ms. Caitrin Mullan offers a positive perspective based on experience with the hundreds of Emirati students who improve their English skills through the Foundation's Sheikh Saqr Student Enrichment Program. Full Story

Khaleej Times (August 8, 2015)
With sustainability programs contributing a fair share to the success of any organization, companies across the UAE and the GCC are eager to explore their options in the sphere. The Al Qasimi Foundation and Emirates Foundation share their perspective on and commitment to sustainability as members of the UAE community. Full Story

DubaiEye (August 17, 2015)
DubaiEye wants to talk about education today and in the future and asked Dr. Natasha Ridge to explore some of the educational trends she observes as a researcher and Executive Director of the Al Qasimi Foundation. According to Dr. Ridge, relevant developments in education include the decrease in male participation in higher education; the growing necessity of soft skills; the role of technology in education; and the importance of incorporating art and design into curricula. Full Story

The National (August 19, 2015)
A filmmaker is hoping to raise more than Dh50,000 through crowdfunding so she can start a postgraduate course in New York. Nagham Osman, 34, received a grant from the Abu Dhabi Film Festival's Sanad Award in 2013 to make a documentary and needs about Dh110,000 to pay for the first year of a three-year master's degree in fine arts from New York University. The Al Qasimi Foundation's Ms. Soha Shami weighs in on how more people are using crowdfunding to raise money for their educations. Full Story

Al Fanar Media (September 13, 2015)
According to a 2015 HSBC survey, UAE-based parents have strong higher-education aspirations for their children. Ninety-two percent of U.A.E. parents surveyed said an undergraduate degree is necessary for their children to get ahead in life, compared to an international average of 79 percent. The Al Qasimi Foundation's Dr. Natasha Ridge offers perspective on how to interpret these numbers in light of school resources and socio-economic factors. Full Story
Upcoming Events & Deadlines

Career Opportunity October 15: Application Deadline for Winter 2015/Spring 2016 Internships
Internships at the Al Qasimi Foundation are open to undergraduate and graduate students looking to pursue research or professional goals related to the Foundation's core operations. Goals of the internship include building a scholarly community and promoting productive cross-cultural exchange. More Information
Arts & Culture October 22: Submissions Deadline for 2016 Ras Al Khaimah Fine Arts Festival
The goal of the annual Ras Al Khaimah Fine Arts Festival is to bring the community together to celebrate art, create opportunities for cultural exchange, and support the creative and artistic sectors of Ras Al Khaimah.
Join us as we showcase local and international artists, musicians, and filmmakers! Submit your piece of artistry today! More Information
Arts & Cutlure November 15: Application Deadline for Documentary Film Grant
The Ras Al Khaimah Fine Arts Festival (RAKFAF) Film Grant provides modest start-up funding (25,000 AED) to create short documentaries on topics relevant to the United Arab Emirates and broader Gulf region. One grant is awarded annually each year through a competitive application process. Films produced through the RAKFAF Film Grant are screened at the festival the following year. More Information
Capacity Development December 31: Application Deadline for Spring 2016 Teacher Scholarships
The Teacher Scholarship Awards are open to teachers from all nationalities who are teaching in a Ras Al Khaimah government school or working in the Ras Al Khaimah Ministry of Education. Applications for this scholarship begin by
Capacity Development December 31: Application Deadline for Spring 2016 School Grants
The Foundation's School Grants provide modest funding for individual schools to undertake special projects or pilot initiatives that seek to improve the school environment, enhance student learning, and foster a positive student experience. Applications may be submitted online by individuals working in Ras Al Khaimah government schools or the Ministry of Education. More Information