Expatriate population growth across the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and Qatar has created a demand for private education. However, a combination of factors has resulted in serious issues surrounding access and quality. This paper presents the nature and implications of private school provision for access and equity in K-12 education in the UAE and Qatar. Full Publication
Who Teaches English in Ras Al Khaimah? Implications for the Recruitment and Development of Male English Teachers
This paper describes key characteristics of the male English teachers working in government schools in Ras Al Khaimah, United Arab Emirates. The findings have policy implications for the development of current teachers and the recruitment of new teachers. Full Publication
This study examined Emirati job satisfaction in order to understand Emirati under-employment in the private sector. The saturated public sector is so vastly preferred by Emiratis that many of them avoid working in the private sector despite abundant opportunities there, even when prolonged unemployment is a consequence. Full Publication
Profile Corner: Meet Sahar and Tine
The Foundation is pleased to share the stories of Ms. Tine Niepelt and Ms. Sahar ElAsad, two 2015 interns. Tine joins the Foundation from Germany to focus on GCC education research, while Sahar is focusing on public health issues.
Members of the press who are interested in covering or learning more about the Al Qasimi Foundation's research, events, or other initiatives may contact Ms. Caitrin Mullan, Program Manager for Community Engagement and Outreach.
To aid in the social, cultural, and economic development of Ras Al Khaimah and the United Arab Emirates through high-quality policy research, strategic capacity development, and purposeful community engagement.
Welcome to the June edition of the Al Qasimi Foundation's quarterly newsletter! It is my pleasure to share with you what our team has been involved with in recent months. The Capacity Development team has completed another successful semester of teacher professional development courses and is entering a season of evaluation, planning new ways to engage the community in its work in the coming academic year. Hands on Learning has just completed its first successful year working to engage youth in Ras Al Khaimah schools. Likewise, the Sheikh Saqr Student Enrichment Program has also just celebrated the achievements of its grade 10 and 11 students and is preparing to send several students overseas to develop their English skills this summer. Our researchers have also published a new paper based on a study of private education in the UAE and Qatar. Finally, as we enter the holy month of Ramadan, we invite our local community to take part in our Community Gathering Iftar celebration this July 1. We wish you a month of peace and blessings.
Warm regards,
Dr. Natasha Ridge
Executive Director

Capacity Development
Teacher Exchange Program Brings International Perspective to Ras Al Khaimah
During the school holidays this April, 13 educators from Ras Al Khaimah government schools visited Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. The Ras Al Khaimah Teacher Exchange Program partnered with the Malaysian Ministry of Education for this research trip. Before the group traveled to Southeast Asia, Foundation staff equipped local teachers and administrators to collect field data in Malaysia on a variety of educational topics. Full Story
 In Ras Al Khaimah, the Al Qasimi Foundation has been leading research efforts in the areas of education, public health, and urban planning for more than five years. As the Foundation has expanded, so has its need for additional high-quality research staff and internal evaluation. With that in mind, the Foundation has expanded and diversified its in-house research capacity with the addition of Dr. Soohyun Jeon. Full Story

The Al Qasimi Foundation has recently extended its capacity development support to local nurseries, at the initiative of Ms. Gemma Mullins, owner and founder of Little Treasure's Private Nursery School. "Local private nursery schools are becoming more common in Ras Al Khaimah, but training and qualifications for their professional caregivers are lacking. For nursery staff, standardizing training needs to be a priority," says Ms. Mullins, "and that's where the Al Qasimi Foundation comes in." Full Story

The National (April 09, 2015)
Demand from students for more university courses to be taught in their native Arabic has sparked debate among academics. Abu Dhabi University, the emirate's largest private university, will offer subjects in Arabic for the first time in the coming academic year. Al Qasimi Foundation Research Associate Ms. Soha Shami offers her perspective on the issue, both as an education researcher and bilingual university graduate. Full Story
The National (April 13, 2015)
Emirati Starts Corniche Book Swap to Encourage Reading
Faisal Mohammed is a man on a mission to get people to put down smartphones and to pick up books instead. The Emirati has helped to set up two swap boxes on Ras Al Khaimah's Corniche at which readers can drop off old books and pick up new ones free of charge. Executive Director of the Al Qasimi Foundation, Dr. Natasha Ridge, voices her support for such initiatives "by Emiratis for Emiratis." Full Story

As part of the Ras Al Khaimah Teacher Exchange Program, which is organized by the Al Qasimi Foundation, educators and administrators from the emirate recently visited a vocational school in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia and gained many insights into the benefits and potential of vocational education. The exchange program provided a platform to share views and experiences on vocational education, which has been receiving more and more attention globally. Full Story

Gulf News (April 15, 2015)
The Art-Tech Conundrum Technology is often touted as the answer to improving education, but its creative potential must be unlocked for it to be truly effective, argues Dr. Natasha Ridge, Executive Director of the Al Qasimi Foundation. Gulf states have invested millions into technology for education with the hope that it will improve educational outcomes, stimulate innovation, and lead to increased economic diversification. However, there has been little discussion of how this investment will address the problems facing the education sector in the Gulf today. Full Story
Upcoming Events & Deadlines
Capacity DevelopmentJune 30: Application Deadline for Teacher Scholarships
Applications are due for Teacher Scholarships (including master's degree, short-term courses, and action research programs). For more information on the Teacher Scholarships program, including eligibility and application process, please visit the Teacher Scholarships section of the Al Qasimi Foundation website.

Capacity Development June 30: Application Deadline for School Grants
Applications are due for School Grant projects beginning in Fall 2015.
For more information on the School Grants program, including eligibility and application process, please visit the School Grants section of the Al Qasimi Foundation website.
Capacity DevelopmentAugust 15: Application Deadline for Sheikh Saqr Overseas Scholarship Program
The Sheikh Saqr Overseas Scholarship Program provides funding for academically talented Emirati youth and promising young Emirati professionals to pursue studies overseas at the bachelor's, master's, and doctoral levels. In addition, secondary school students who wish to pursue a bachelor's degree overseas are expected to participate in the Sheikh Saqr Student Enrichment Program.