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Quarterly Newsletter                                                   Enabling  collaboration, sharing and support for educators                                                  March 2014

In This Issue
Discussion Highlights
A great way to share and receive ideas, links and resources with your colleagues on RAK Teachers' Network is to start a discussion. Here are a few discussions you might like to get involved in. Feel free to leave a comment or post a link. 

The seven necessities which summarize the educational plan for special needs: Maha Saad Abdulaziz has posted a link about the educational plan for special needs. Check the article and share your opinion. 

What's behind students failure in IELTS: Ghadah Al Agol posted a discussion about the reasons behind failure in IELTS. Check out the discussion and then leave your comments for Ghadah.

Tips toprepare your students for the future:Ghadah Al Agol posted some tips to prepare your students for the future. Check out the discussion and share new and good tips to help the students. 

Great Resources
Screencast: To improve student reading and writing, use screencasts.


Agenda Web: For thousands of exercises for English at all levels. (all free):


Spelling City:  For spelling practice.



Screen-casting is simply one of the best teaching tools available today.


So what is it exactly?


A screencast is a recording of a computer screen with voice. The term screencast is related to the term screenshot; whereas a screenshot is a single picture of a computer screen, a screencast is a movie.In other words, you can create lessons on video by using your computer screen and your voice. For example, you could correct some student writing while you explain the mistakes. You can explain a maths problem your students find difficult or describe a chemistry experiment with pictures or video and your voice. These screencasts can then be stored on the Teachers' Network and Youtube and used by teachers and students. Teachers can use them in the classroom and students can use them at home.


The program Screencast-o-matic is free and super-easy to use. Mr Luke Zimmermann will be running a workshop on the use of this program in May and hopes to get a lot of teachers of all subjects interested. The more teachers we have involved, the more lessons we can create and everyone benefits. The idea is that the lessons are very short - between 1 and 5 minutes - and focus on only one issue. 


If you have a really great colleague you'd like to nominate for the Teacher Feature, just let us know. Send a message to Marwah


Dear Member,


Welcome to the eighth edition of the RAKTN newsletter. This semester is only half-way through but most of our professional development courses are coming to an end soon. We were excited to be able to offer three new courses: Including Special Needs while Enhancing Education for All, Professionalism in Teaching in the Light of Brain Research, and Fundamentals of Leadership for Teachers. We would like to take this opportunity to thank all instructors and assistants for their commitment to provide high quality courses again this spring. Your hard work and enthusiasm is greatly appreciated.


Although new courses won't start until after the summer holidays, the Foundation would like to offer a number of one-off workshops to bridge the gap. Mr. Isam Abdul Rahman is going to run a 7-hour workshop on the use of iPads over 2 days, starting on the 10th of May. Other topics are Extensive Reading by Ms Vicky Allen, and Screen-casting by Mr Luke Zimmermann and we will open the registration mid-April straight after the holidays. 

Schools News

Ever wonder what's going on at other Ras Al Khaimah schools while you're hard at work teaching your students? Here's what two schools have been up to over the last month. If you'd like your school's news to be featured send a message to Marwah.


Zeinab Cycle 3 School for Girls
Two students were honored. Fatima Mohammed Ismail won first place in Ras Al Khimah in the mini project contest in English language. The project was about smoking, the disadvantage of smoking and how to quit this harmful habit. Fatima Majid Al Zaabi won third place in the same competition for her project about care for the elderly. 
Al Hudaibah Cycle 3 School for Girls
Under the supervision of a teacher of Information Technology, Amna Al Shehhi activated prayer in school for a week, including several events:


A play entitled what is the need of regret right now which was done bythe students. Also, they ran a completion for the teachers entitled word for prayer. Moreover, that week included a electronic completion for students entitled my prayer is the key to success. Brochures and rosaries were distributed to all teachers and students and they viewed a video for the students in the theater about the three knots.

Teacher Feature

In this issue of the newsletter we'd like to introduce you to the new Program Manager, Mr Luke Zimmermann.


To start with, everybody will be interested to know where you are from?

I am originally from Holland but migrated to Australia in 1983 and became an Australian two years later. My father's mother was Swiss, so I am a quarter Swiss and I always think this is why I have chocolate cravings in the afternoon.

We noticed your family name is German, so is your family originally from Germany?

The name actually came from a Swiss soldier who fought with Napoleon and when they lost the battle of Waterloo, he went to Holland on his horse and married a Dutch woman.


Please tell us a bit about your background.

I completed a bachelor's and then a master's degree in Linguistics. In those days in Holland a master's was 4 years full time. In the middle of my master's, I moved to Australia and had to start working. As a result, my university studies took almost 10 years to complete. I wanted to do research into Aboriginal Languages in Australia but couldn't find any work and ended up teaching English. To my surprise I really enjoyed it. I did a TESOL certificate course and a course in Teacher Training and Course Leadership.


Where have you taught and what kinds of students?

I started in Osaka, Japan for a year but found it quite stressful so returned to Australia and worked there in different colleges for the next 15 years. I also taught immigrants and refugees English and Literacy and managed these programs for a few years.

The kind of students.....I have taught students from 11 to 75 years old from all over the world but the majority were from Asia.


How long have you been in the UAE and where did you work? 

Since January 2001 and I worked for the higher Colleges of Technology all that time - first at Ras Al Khaimah Women's college, then Fujairah Men's and the last year and a half at the Women's college in Fujairah.


And did you teach English all that time?

Yes, starting with pre-foundation beginners to academic reading and writing and a lot of IELTS preparation. But I also taught some other subjects including Professional Communications and a course in Nutrition.


Why did you decide to apply for the position of Program Manager for Teaching and Learning at the Al Qasimi Foundation?

When I read the job description, I felt that this was perfect for me. It brings together all my qualifications and experience including things like teacher training, public speaking and writing. I was also very impressed by the foundation's goals to help improve the education in the emirate. I am really very passionate about education because education changes people's lives. It gives them choices they would never have without it. 


So what are you bringing to the Foundation?

About three decades of experience in education. I have seen a lot of changes in the methodology and of course the introduction of technology and think being a teacher is now more challenging than it has ever been in history. Students are so used to colourful and exciting input on their mobiles, TV, video games and internet, that it is more challenging for teachers to keep them interested in the classroom. In that challenge of course is the excitement of change and we have to be FAT - which stands for Flexible, Adaptable and Tolerant.


Do you have a vision for what you want to achieve?

First of all, I want to continue the great work the Foundation has been doing in providing the Professional Development courses that the teachers request, and help with the many other programs and events they organise. However, I hope to push for my vision to come true and that is that every classroom in the Ras Al Khaimah area is an exciting place to be, where students want to come to learn. A place where the teachers are interesting, enthusiastic and full of surprises. As a result, students will be engaged in the learning process and become more and more independent.

Is that achievable?

Well, a lot of this is happening already. I have talked to a lot of teachers who shared their experiences with me. They use technology and new student-centered methodology and see how their students become more involved.


Any plans for the future?

Of course. I would like to develop a bank of video clips on the Teachers' Network that will help teachers and students in all subjects and all grades especially with tough topics. Students will be able to access these clips at home and revise lessons. We will start with cycle 3 first. I imagine having a large depository of short videos accessible to every teacher and student in Ras Al Khaimah. The clips would be made by the teachers. I am going to run a workshop to explain how to make these videos. It is the simplest technology, basically like a recorder on a computer. 

Our Mission
To enable educators within Ras al Khaimah to collaborate, share knowledge and support one another.

All teachers within Ras al Khaimah are welcome to join, to share their experiences, to ask questions and to help one another make Ras al Khaimah an inspiring and transformative teaching and learning environment.

Ras Al Khaimah Teachers' Network
sponsored by Sheikh Saud Bin Saqr Al Qasimi Foundation for Policy Research
www.rakteachersnetwork.ning.com |  www.alqasimifoundation.com |  (P) +971 7 233 8060 | (F) +971 233 8070

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