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Quarterly Newsletter                                       Enabling  collaboration, sharing and support for educators                                       December 2013


Dear Member,

Greetings from the Ras Al Khaimah Teacher's Network! Yet another academic semester is coming to an end. In this edition we bring you a story from Al Rams School for Boys and Al Reyah School for Girls. We also introduce the best lesson plan winner, Alya Obaid Al Ayan from Obay Bin Kaab School. In the Teacher Feature, Ms. Alya Obaid tells us about her experiences teaching and using the Ras Al Khaimah Teacher's Network. Finally, we would like to welcome Mr. Luke Zimmermann (pictured above left), who will be joining us in February as the new Program Manager for Teaching and Learning Department.

In This Issue
Teacher Feature
Alia Obaid Al Ayyan  


Job title:

IT Teacher

School name:
Obay Bin Kaab School / Cycle 2
Number of years  in education?
6 years


What have been some of your favorite experiences teaching in RAK?

One of my favorite things to do in the classroom is to incorporate technology, sometimes through sharing useful websites, because it is a great way to encourage students to play and learn at the same time.  In RAK, I also like to organize courses and workshops for teachers and parents, particularly about using IT. My IT courses often cover the basics about how to use programs such as Photoshop and PowerPoint.

How has teaching in RAK allowed you to expand your career?

Training opportunities in RAK have allowed me to grow professionally.  Some of these training opportunities have included courses offered by Al Qasimi Foundation and the Cambridge Diploma Program for Teachers and Trainers. I have also benefited from learning from the experiences of other teachers and educators by visiting their schools.

In a few bullet points describe your dream school:

1-Smart teaching present
2-Electronic curriculum available
3-Distance learning integrated
4-Special programs for the gifted and talented offered


How is the RAK Teacher's Network useful?

The RAK Teacher's Network is useful because it provides an opportunity to exchange experiences and communicate with other members of the online community. Additionally, it provides a unique mix of resources, websites, and blogs that enrich the educational field. Finally, the RAK Teacher's Network website is a great way to learn about the latest courses and training programs offered by the Al Qasimi Foundation.

Spring 2014 Professional Development Programs
The Al Qasimi Foundation is proud to thank all instructors, assistants, and participants for their great work this semester. We would like to take the opportunity to inform you that we will open registration for next semester on January 7th and courses will start again at the end of January 2014. 
RAK Teacher Network Competition

A Lesson Plan Competition took place in November for teachers and other educators from Ras Al Khaimah schools. This Al Qasimi Foundation competition offered educators the chance to share their lesson plans with teachers throughout Ras Al Khaimah. Lesson plans were submitted as teaching instructions and guidelines, which allowed other educators to easily implement the lessons in their classrooms.

Schools News

Ever wonder what's going on at other Ras Al Khaimah schools while you're hard at work teaching your students? Here's what two schools have been up to over the last month. If you'd like your school's news to be featured send a message to Marwah

Al Rams Cycle 2 School for Boys


On the 14th of November, Al Rams School had a visit from the local police force! All was well, however, as the visit was of an educational nature. The Department of Community Police held a workshop for Al-Rams students about the benefits of 'time management' - a skill valid not only for the police force but also for students who need to balance important study commitments with other aspects of their lives.

Al Reyadah Cycle 2 School for Girls


On the 3rd of November, Al Reyadah School celebrated Flag Day. The school's festivities included many flags that symbolized loyalty, identity, independence, belonging, and pride. Students proudly raised flags and sang songs about their love for the United Arab Emirates.

The bright picture above shows students from Al Reyadah School with UAE flags.

Discussion Highlights
A great way to share ideas, links, and resources with your colleagues on RAK Teachers' Network is to start a discussion. Here are a few discussions you might like to get involved with. Feel free to leave a comment or post a link.

What does the student want from the 21st century teacher:Mohammad Al Matar Bani Malek started a discussion about the information technology revolution. Check out the discussion and leave your comments for Mohammad.

Under the auspices of Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid, "Varkey James" international award launched to search for the best teacher in the world: Muhammad Ata has posted a link about this international competition. Don't miss out on the opportunity to participate.

Electronic examinations instead of papers within a decade: Ibrahim Jibrin has posted a link about what examinations will be like in 10 years! Check out the discussion and share your opinion.

Research Roundup

A new project funded by the Open Society Institute and the Al Qasimi Foundation is studying private school systems in the United Arab Emirates and Qatar. The aim is to better understand the scale and scope of private education in the region. As part of the project, the Al Qasimi Foundation research team is interviewing principals, parents, and other key stakeholders. Over 300 parents will also be surveyed in the upcoming months.


If you would like to read more about challenges facing parents in the education sector consider reading this article.


If you are a parent with children in the private school system and would like to participate, please complete the survey in English or Arabic at this link.

Great Recourses

If you have a really great colleague you'd like to nominate for the Teacher Feature, just let us know. Send a message to Marwah

Our Mission
To enable educators within Ras al Khaimah to collaborate, share knowledge and support one another.

All teachers within Ras al Khaimah are welcome to join, to share their experiences, to ask questions and to help one another make Ras al Khaimah an inspiring and transformative teaching and learning environment.

Ras Al Khaimah Teachers' Network
sponsored by Sheikh Saud Bin Saqr Al Qasimi Foundation for Policy Research
www.rakteachersnetwork.ning.com |  www.alqasimifoundation.com |  (P) +971 7 233 8060 | (F) +971 233 8070

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