Minnesota Alliance for Patient Safety
December 2014
In This Issue



MAPS wishes you a joyful holiday season and a happy New Year!

MAPS 2014 Patient Safety Conference - 

A Huge Success!

Thanks to MAPS members and the generous conference sponsors, the 2014 conference held in October was a record setting success! 

 2014 Conference Sponsors



Fairview Health Services

Minnesota Hospital Association



Minnesota Department of Health

Minnesota Medical Association



CentraCare Health



Stratis Health




Aging Services of MN

Care Providers of MN



Many evaluations commented on the caliber of the speakers, the variety of topics and the services provided by the venue.


MAPS 2014 Patient Panel - Lisa Juliar (MAPS Board Member and Moderator), Susan Johnson, Vonda Vaden Bates, and Steve Meisel, MAPS Conference Committee Co-Chair


A particular favorite was the focus on patient presentations.  A panel composed of patients told compelling personal stories. 











General session speaker and former patient Allison Massari shared her experiences in an unforgettable way. Watch for slides of keynote and general session speakers to be posted on the MAPS website in January.


Another highlight of the conference was the Patient Safety Award. This year's winners are from Fairview Health System and won for their Zero Birth Injury Program. Their presentation from the conference can be found here on MAPS website.

2014 MAPS Awards winners Becky Gams, Advanced Practice Nurse Leader and Diane Nalezny, Quality and Patient Safety


Discussions are already underway regarding planning for future conferences.  In early 2015 an advisory group will convene to propose recommendations for format, topics, timing and speakers. Meanwhile, we thank you once again for your attendance and support of the 2014 conference!


Board sets MAPS' New Strategic Priorities for 2015-2016

In September, the MAPS Board of directors spent 1/2 day in a facilitated strategic planning retreat. As a result of this planning, the board has adopted new strategic areas of focus for MAPS for the next 12 to 18 months. These priorities build on the previous areas of focus, but are more targeted to those areas that MAPS is uniquely positioned to support. MAPS vision for "Safe Care Everywhere" remains unchanged.


The new strategic priorities build on MAPS strengths:

  • A broad base of support from the entire health care continuum and the ability to convene the community around patient safety priorities,
  • Active engagement of consumers, patients, families and the public agencies & regulators who oversee the system, and
  • Recent successes with a major grant focusing on safety at transitions of care.


A summary of the new areas of focus can be found here.


MAPS staff are actively implementing a work plan to support these priorities and welcome your input and feedback as we move forward with this exciting work. Please feel free to contact MAPS Executive Director, Marie Dotseth, with any questions or comments. [email protected]


Improving Safety at Transitions of Care: LEAPT Grant Shows a Positive Impact for Patients


We are pleased to communicate that feedback from pilot organizations and surveys from participants showed a positive impact due to interventions of the grant!


As a reminder, the grant's focus was on the promotion of patient safety during transitions of care. Major tasks undertaken under the grant included:

  • Consumer market research conducted via online focus groups. One hundred Minnesotans provided targeted feedback for an hour a day over the course of one week.

  • Development of materials for patients to use during care transitions based on the findings of the research. Contents include an information sheet, a magnet, a pen, and a pad of paper.

  • Distribution of more than 1000 toolkits at 12 pilot sites

  • Detailed survey provided to all toolkit recipients to evaluate the contents and provide feedback.

  • Development of a website for people to learn about the campaign.

  • Development of an electronic version of the toolkit, including smartphone and tablet apps.

  • A public awareness campaign with radio and print ads.


After receiving and reviewing the MAPS research developed toolkit, participants indicated in a survey that they would be more likely to:

  • Keep an up to date list of all medications

  • Ask for written/printed copies of major medical tests

  • Bring written/printed copies of all major medical tests to clinic visits


Although the grant officially ended earlier this month, organizations continue to distribute packets and refer patients/residents to the campaign website www.ownbestmedicine.mn. Organizations can download a click button on their own website which directs patients to www.ownbestmedicine.mn. On the campaign website visitors can view an instructive video, print a "To-Do" list, download a tablet and smart phone app with picture and voice capabilities and access reference information.


A summary report will be available soon and will be made available to MAPS members. In early 2015, the advisory group will meet to discuss next steps and future activities for grant follow up. For more information on how your organization can implement tools to ensure safety at transitions of care , contact Lynette Wheelock at [email protected] 

Reminder - 2015 Member Invoices 

MAPS sent out its 2015 membership invoices in late November. Thank you to those members who have already sent in their dues. Please note that we hope to have all dues collected by the end of January 2015. Thank you!

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions! Our email and phone number are below.

Happy Holidays!

Marie, Lynette and Betsy

Minnesota Alliance for Patient Safety | 612-362-3756 |
1300 Godward St NE, Suite 2500
Minneapolis, MN 55413

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